Conformance Options Deliverables
As of December 2021
Third party content (Q3 2021-Q4 2021)
- Issues: 450
- Description and subtopics: How to get to writing process is done. Set of instructions for how to change WCAG 2 content to WCAG 3. Templates, style guides, Decision on Jake's proposal, Details for analysis. will change
over +time, need better change management
Representative sampling (Q4 2021-Q1 2022)
- Issues: 461, 549, 552, 553
- Description and subtopics: none
Reporting (Q2 2022)
- Issues: none
Accessibility Supported (Q3 2022)
- Issues: none
- Description and subtopics: potential overlap with defining conformance
Alternate Versions (Q4 2022)
- Issues: none
- Description and subtopics: none
Additional potential deliverables (to be slotted into the schedule somewhere)
All software/webstes have bugs
- Issues: none
- Description and subtopics: none