Phase 2 research

From Cognitive Accessibility Task Force

At phase two we could focus on two areas

  1. Increasing our understanding of phase one user groups. This includes:
    1. Identifying any new research for phase one user groups
    2. Looking at additional types. For example we looked at down syndrome as an example of an intellectual disability , however we could look at additional disabilities and identify any new
  2. Looking at new conditions - mainly emotional/mental disabilities

Template for new conditions

Proposed template for each condition. Note this is different from what we were using at phase 1 - See

  1. Overview of the condition
Bulleted list item
  Add to this section a short overview of the condition. Include any effects that might relate to use of Internet technologies. 
  1. Challenges
 How does the disorder result in challenges when using the internet. (Mainly literary review). Quantify the extent when known.  the perspective of using technology and the web
  1. Risks
    How/when can the internet exasperate the symptoms or harm this use groups (Mainly literary review)  Quantify what is the harm and the extent when known. Tag subjective data as such. 
  1. Advantages of internet use
    How/when can the internet help this use group (Mainly literary review)
  1. Scenarios and User Stories
  2. Summary of any additional Existing Research and Guidelines (if it exists)
  3. Potential solutions
     Ideas and solutions for the challenges.

New Topics

  • Anxiety disorders and Neurotic. Generalized anxiety disorder, Social anxiety phobieas , ptsd and stress
  • Mood disorders – depression, mania (bipolar disorder ) ;
  • Conduct disorders and behavioral - young; (ADHD is an example )
  • Personality disorders and behavior (paranoid, fanatic, Schizoid and anti social, sociopathic, emotional instability and lack of impulse control, and the borderline type, Dependent (with feelings of helplessness and incompetence). (relate to obsessive-compulsive). disease or disability become exaggerated or faked. eating disorders;
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) - doubt, perfectionism;.
  • Psychotic disorders. schizotypal and delusional disorders
  • Substance-related disorders , and repetitive habits such as gambling or addition to news, sex, sleep
  • Pathological -gambling, other habits, stealing. Sexual disorder ,
  • Delirium
  • Motor function (clumsiness) tics and nonfunctional (and often rhythmic) movements.
  • Stuttering Cluttering
  • Internet Addiction Disorder , Internet Gaming Disorder


Quick review of ICD-10

F0: Organic, including symptomatic, mental disorders (convered in phase one and other categories. Exceptions includes Delirium)
F1: Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of psychoactive substances
F2: Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders (distortions of thinking and perception, delusions , Paranoia, hallucinations)
F3: Mood [affective] disorders (depression, mania bipolar disorder)
F4: Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders (phobias, - including social, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, obsessional thoughts, Reaction to severe stress, and adjustment disorders, PTSD, Dissociative disorders, mixed with physical symptoms
F5: Behavioural syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors (eating, sleeping , sexual, abuse of non-dependence-producing substances)
F6: Disorders of personality and behaviour in adult persons (paranoid, fanatic, Schizoid and anti social, sociopathic, emotional instability and lack of impulse control, and the borderline type, Dependent (with feelings of helplessness and incompetence). (relate to obsessive-compulsive - doubt, perfectionism. Pathological -gambling, other habits, stealing. Sexual disorder , , disease or disability become exaggerated or faked
F7: Mental retardation (covered in phase 1 as intellectual disabilities)
F8: Disorders of psychological development (covered in phase one exception of Specific developmental disorder of motor function -clumsiness which may effect touch)
F9: Behavioral and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence Such as emotional disorders such as attachment disorders and conduct disorders,  tics and nonfunctional (and often rhythmic) movements. Stuttering Cluttering
In addition, a group of "unspecified mental disorders".

DSM Group

  Disorders usually first diagnosed in infancy, childhood or adolescence. *Disorders such as ADHD and epilepsy have also been referred to as developmental disorders and developmental disabilities.
   Covered in phase one e.g. ADHD
  Delirium, dementia, and amnesia and other cognitive disorders
   Alzheimer's disease Covered in phase one other then delirium and amnesia partially 
  Mental disorders due to a general medical condition
   AIDS-related psychosis
  Substance-related disorders
   Alcohol abuse
  Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
   Delusional disorder
  Mood disorders
   Major depressive disorder, Bipolar disorder
  Anxiety disorders
   Generalized anxiety disorder, Social anxiety disorder
  Somatoform disorders
   Covered by physical disabilities
Somatization disorder
  Factitious disorders
   Münchausen syndrome
  Dissociative disorders
   Dissociative identity disorder
  Sexual and gender identity disorders
   Dyspareunia, Gender identity disorder
  Eating disorders
   Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia nervosa
  Sleep disorders
  Impulse control disorders not elsewhere classified
  Adjustment disorders
   Adjustment disorder
  Personality disorders
   Narcissistic personality disorder
  Other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention
 (Taken from Wikipedia)

Resources and work done so far=

[Bernard Paper 1] This is a summary of prior art Links to the prior art include: