List for final edit
This page is a list of all actions required to make the next final edit in Sept 2020. It also forms a **Definition of Done**.
Process all Feedback (in git hub issues)
update: we reviewed and agreed decision processes
As we process review feedback provided as issues in GitHub more items will be added here.
- all reviewed and a decision made on how to procede
- all to be processed are added as work items to this page
- all responded to originator
See this agreed process.
As a W3C note
update: reviews done, in the relesse proces
- reviewed by AG, others (EO) and possibly horizontal
- release process followed - Roy and Michael
As a WAI resource
update: we did a genral edit (see bellow) and added links to EO and responded to EOs review
- meets relevant style guides - see #General_editorial
- request links from suitable places in WAI web site (including TF page)
- consider requesting suitable links from other WCAG supporting materials
- announcments drafted ready for release
- reviewed for any gaps or mismatches with other resources (EO review)
General editorial
update: we have tried to do these, but note this is not all required.
update: we have tried to use plane language. some lappesd areas was for consensus language with AG or EO and some is need for constancy issues. Process: Following are reviewed for action, actioned and reviewed by TF
- Plain language, including
- uses common words
- has short sentences
- active voice
- short chunks
update: done
- remove specific words and phrases - "Sufficient techniques"
update: done
- is spell checked
update: part of last publication process - by roy
- all links work
The following are from the WAI style Guide and need addressing
- Oxford comma - (regEx /,\s\w+\sand/) update: we think done rachael checl
- punctuation outside quoted terms (regEx /"(.*?)[.;:,]"/) ?? update: we think done rachael checl
- Comma (or colon) after "for example," or e.g., (regEx /(for example|e\.g\.)[^,]/) update: we think done rachael checl
- Titles, headings, labels, menu items do not have terminal punctuation unless a question mark is required. (regEx /[.;:]</h\d\>/ needs html source) update: done update: done
- All headings use headline-style capitalization perhaps sentence-style capitalization (if are long phases (like techniques) update: done
- "web" except perhaps World Wide Web update: done
- "Working Group(s)", “Task Force(s)” update: this does not look readable but we do not prurlise
- URI not URL update: done
- Lists: No punctuation after items that are not complete sentences (when end in “.”) Especially no semi-colons (sorry Rachael) update: we constantly add a coma but get rid of semi colons.
- Lists: usually lowercase 1st letter, unless bullet is a sentence update: we just tried for internal constantly by volunteer editor.
- Personal pronouns - hot topic!!! update: we added to tal and checked on with w3c people.
- People first language but note Jamie's comments - can of worms! update: see our section on language.
These are more Priority 2 but we could promote to P1 as important
- Simple language, active voice, Front-load conditional sentences, Use strong action statements, Simplify sentence construction, Remove superfluous words update: done.
- Avoid subjective adjectives (weasle words) update: done.
Not used yet
- "success criteria" case
update: done
- consistent use of terms in text
- important terms identified
- all required terms included in glossary
- to add:
- easy read
update: see responce to 13g. the summay is key topics
- objectives only, image layout, testing Issue #138
update: easy to understand summary, and easier text throu out
- Reading level reviewed - is Easy Read
User Stories
Design Guide
See the updated Pattern Template for more details -
- Objectives are consistent in style and not empty update: done
- Patterns all sections are are reviewed to be concise as possible and target Designers/Developers. No info that should be in another pattern or not strictly part of pattern (eg testing). Links to further info if audience could find useful update: done, to the consesis of the group. we did want repition were it aids understanding
- Pattern "User need" and "How it helps" makes it clear what user issue / problem **this** pattern addresses update: done
- Pattern "Descripton" renamed "What to do" uses active language. update: done 3 sections: update: done as muuch as group consensus. did not agree with all of this as non optional
- Short action paragraph summarising.
- Bullets provide practical details of what to do - move from More Details Section unless exceptions
- To get started - first steps and low hanging fruit. Possibly for minimal "A" level
- Pattern "More details" - Mostly moved to What To Do unless there is somehting else to go here. Needs new name update: group did not agree, this was not to lose audiences with annoying details
- Pattern "Getting Started" Optional. Mostly move to "What to do" as they are not extra's and to aovid repetition? update: done
- Pattern "examples" 2 of each and clearly show good and bad user experiences - see WAI tips for ideas - maybe 2nd added update: done as a use and aviod, at least one of each
- For Web version link to any related patterns and SCs documentation, e.g. Understanding & Techniques for related WCAG SCs - update: not relvant yet
Usability Testing, Focus Groups and Feedback
update: done
- diversity of gender and internationalisation, eg personal pronouns
- one non-binary