Github for members
Github is a public forum. We use it to comment on W3C document
We have the Ag github primer. This is a wonderful power point with lots of information for how our parent groups use github.
To help you get started, here are some basics.
Get your account
Use a username and profile image that helps you feel safe If you do not know what github username you have associated with Go to
- Click on your name
- Click on Edit Profile
- Click on Connected Accounts
When you are logged in you should see your profile picture near the top right of your page. If you are not logged in you will not be able to comment or add issues.
If you can not see a button that is normally there (such as a comment button) check that you are logged in!
Issues. Issues normally are attached to a working group or taskforce repository . You can open an issue to discuss something in the document, or you can comment on an issue that has been opened by someone else. Each issue should focus on a suggestion or concern.
- COGA issues are at:
- AG / wcag 3 issues are at:
- Practice Issue:
When you make a new issue you can give it a label. Labels are used to help people filter issues and find the ones they are interested in.
Repository. Repositories are like a project's folder. A repository contains all of a project files (including documentation), and stores each file's revision history. Coga has its repository at
Pull requests Pull requests are a set of proposed changes to a repository. Note they can be accepted or rejected by the team or group. Like issues, you can comment and discuss each pull request.
Comment You can comment on any issue or pull request.
- Scroll to the bottom of the conversation
- Add your comments under the Write Tab
- To submit, click the comment button under the text field.
Like You can add a like to any comment you agree with.
- Find the gray smiley face in the left hand corner of the comment. (the “Add or Remove Reactions” icon.)
- Hit enter or click on it to open selections
- Select the icon that indicates your opinion. Use:
- Thumbs up - I generally agree. I may have comments but I am good with it moving forward
- Thumbs down - I don’t generally agree, please comment with explanation and issue
- Considering (eyes) - Have concerns, please comment with explanation. Denotes that you are cautiously agreeing but would like some changes