Tracker summary for Lisa Seeman-Horwitz

Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force Tracker

Open Actions

There are 17 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-76 (edit) pending review Ea steve choi to look at issue paper to changing content for user needs eg - the user symbols or the user famier playes or help scafolding Lisa Seeman-Horwitz 2015-02-09
ACTION-216 (edit) open Make poll for new time Lisa Seeman-Horwitz 2017-06-12
ACTION-232 (edit) open Make template in google docs for converationanal interfaces Lisa Seeman-Horwitz 2017-09-14
ACTION-295 (edit) open Scedule face to face Lisa Seeman-Horwitz 2018-10-18
ACTION-296 (edit) open Add links to undfinshed workl to summary of our docs in wiki Lisa Seeman-Horwitz 2018-10-18
ACTION-297 (edit) open Seeman to make ftf to list Lisa Seeman-Horwitz 2018-12-06
ACTION-302 (edit) open Add to one table section the use case etcwriting up my definition of the disability vs general needs for gap analisis Lisa Seeman-Horwitz 2018-12-27
ACTION-307 (edit) open Page on our user needs per wcag 4 items…jamie with alister lisa / rachael?? Lisa Seeman-Horwitz 2019-02-05
ACTION-313 (edit) open Tract rachel is on the right branch of the pattens Lisa Seeman-Horwitz 2019-06-13
ACTION-314 (edit) open Ask steve next thing involves steve , we need someone to check the pattern's name, i think steve is the right person to do that Lisa Seeman-Horwitz 2019-07-04
ACTION-318 (edit) open And rachael add the user needs from abis analisis Lisa Seeman-Horwitz 2019-11-07
ACTION-319 (edit) open Update content and send to list. will try to close on list Lisa Seeman-Horwitz 2019-11-14
ACTION-320 (edit) open Make scribe list Lisa Seeman-Horwitz 2020-01-16
ACTION-322 (edit) open And rachael to write email for john to forward to mental health professional Lisa Seeman-Horwitz 2020-02-13
ACTION-329 (edit) open Make new scibe list Lisa Seeman-Horwitz 2020-08-13
ACTION-330 (edit) open Read over the google doc version of the content useable Lisa Seeman-Horwitz 2020-10-22
ACTION-331 (edit) open Review john and steves pater Lisa Seeman-Horwitz 2020-10-22

Open Issues

There are 0 open issues listed in the system.

Tracker: documentation, , originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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