Instructions for writing new techniques in Github

From Mobile Accessibility Task Force

Write a technique

Documents are in Mobile-A11y-TF Github repository: in the Techniques folder

  1. Use the file that's already numbered with your technique number
  2. Replace the text that appears in all caps

More explicit instructions for one method of Github access

If you don’t have a Github account navigate to, and follow the instructions to sign up for an account and choose a password.

  1. Navigate to the Mobile-A11y-TF Github repository:
  2. Click on the techniques folder
  3. Click on the file numbered with your technique number
  4. Click on the pencil icon (near top right) to edit
  5. Replace the text that appears in all caps

When you’re finished

  1. Click the green “Proposed File Change” button below the file
  2. Click the green “Create Pull Request” button above the file
  3. Click the second green “Create Pull Request” button that appears after you click the first one

Your changes will appear in the file after Jeanne approves the pull request.

When you’re ready for people to comment on your technique send the link to the list. People can click on the link and leave comments in the Github file.

Answering a Issue in Github

Write “#78” (where 78 is the issue number) in your commit to attach a commit to an issue. If you write “Fixes #78” it also closes the issue. [Thanks, EricE (yatil) for the tip!]