
From Mobile Accessibility Task Force

WCAG G142 Technique

G142: Using a technology that has commonly-available user agents that support zoom

Notes on the WCAG Technique Sections

  • Applicability: no change
  • Description: Add a note related to supressing zoom (but this needs research whether the problem noted still persists - it is supposedly no longer an issue since iOS 6 but it needs to be tested if other devices still suppress pinch zoom when the code below is used). There are recommendations related to pinch zoom in BBC Mobile Accessibiliy Guidelines.

Note: To ensure that web content can be scaled via pinch zoom on mobile browsers, it is important that content does not suppress platform zoom functions.

  • Examples:
  • Related: Include link to Heny Swann's article Don't supress pinch zoom ?
  • Tests: Being quite generic the test probably needs no change - but check after changing Description and Examples

The User Agent support notes linked to by this technique need to be updated as well to include mobile.

- Detlev Fischer, 18 September 2014