
From Mobile Accessibility Task Force


Notes on the WCAG Technique Sections

   Applicability: no change needed
   Description: no change needed
   Examples: Needs mobile example. Suggest Handling view rotation example, see http://useyourloaf.com/blog/2012/04/23/voiceover-accessibility.html
   Related: no change needed
   Tests: no change needed

- Kim Patch, Jeanne Spellman 2 February 2014


  • A Web page uses java to create an applet. A group of authors wants to create an entirely new type of interface component so they cannot use existing Java objects. They use Java swing classes to create their component because the Java swing classes already have provisions for connecting to different accessibility APIs. Using the Java swing classes they are able to create an interface component that exposes its name and role, is able to be set by AT and alerts AT to any updates.
  • A Web page uses an original ActiveX control that is written in the C++ programming language. The control is written to explicitly support the Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) API to expose information about accept commands. The control then interacts directly with assistive technology running the user agent on systems that support MSAA.

Suggested Changes

Insert as bullet #3 under Examples heading:

  • A mobile web page or app needs to detect the change in screen orientation so that the view coordinate system can be recalculated and passed to the speech synthesizer. In iOS, the control is written to force recalculation of the accessibleElements array once the change to didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation method is detected.
- (void)didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation:
  self.taskCounterView.accessibleElements = nil;

code example from Handling View Rotation

(21 August 2014) RESOLUTION: Reject this proposed example and delay this Technique until we gain more experience. There are complex technical issues. Suggested example: There are toolboxes where you can create things quickly, they might not work properly with the mobile APIs in question – that would be a good thing to check. An App that is written in accordance with the Apple Accessibility Guidelines. Perhaps this technique cannot be supported on mobile at this time.

- Jeanne Spellman 19 August, 2014