Flash Techniques

From Mobile Accessibility Task Force

Main_Page > Draft WCAG Techniques > Flash Techniques

These WCAG Techniques are currently under review by the Mobile Accessibility Task Force. Any changes marked are a draft and are NOT approved by the Mobile Accessibility Task Force and the WCAG Working Group

Instructions to the Task Force

  1. Select a technique to evaluate.
  2. Read the full technique in the WCAG Techniques and the Understanding Documentation
  3. Determine if the technique is applicable to Mobile Accessibility.
    • If the technique is not applicable to mobile accessibility:
      • Edit the list below by pasting this string after the technique name:
        <span style="color:#808080;"> (not applicable)  </span>
      • Add your name and date at the end of the same line.
      • Save this page.
    • If the technique is applicable but does not require any changes:
      • Edit the list below and paste this string after the technique name:
        <span style="color:green;"> (applicable as is)  </span>
      • Add your name and date at the end of the same line.
      • Save this page.
    • If the technique requires changes:
      • Edit the list below by adding double brackets [[ ]] around the number of the technique to make a new wiki page. (Don't include the colon inside the brackets.)
      • Paste this string after the technique name:
        <span style="color:#D90000;"> (requires changes)</span>
      • Add your name and date at the end of the same line.
      • Save this page.
      • Open the new page by clicking on the red link.
      • Copy the technique link from the WCAG Techniques page. The link should have the date 20120103 in it.
      • Copy and paste the list below at the top of the page, and enter your comments.
      • Save the new page.
'''Notes on the WCAG Technique Sections'''
* Applicability: PLACEHOLDER
* Description: PLACEHOLDER 
* Examples: PLACEHOLDER 


The official statement on Flash from Adobe is that it is best suited for video and gaming, and if you need to provide user interface controls or textual information that Adobe recommends using native controls. Flash Player is not currently supported on the majority of mobile platforms including iOS and Android. When Flash Player was supported on the Android platform there was no mapping to the accessibility API. Microsoft Surface RT and Pro tablets with Windows 8.x do support Flash and the Flash player does expose accessibility information through the accessibility API (UIA and MSAA). However, given the statement on Flash from Adobe and the general dearth of support for this technology on mobile the task force has decided that Flash techniques do not apply to mobile.

Flash Techniques

  • FLASH1: Setting the name property for a non-text object
  • FLASH2: Setting the description property for a non-text object in Flash
  • FLASH3: Marking objects in Flash so that they can be ignored by AT
  • FLASH4: Providing submit buttons in Flash
  • FLASH5: Combining adjacent image and text buttons for the same resource
  • FLASH6: Creating accessible hotspots using invisible buttons
  • FLASH7: Using scripting to change control labels
  • FLASH8: Adding a group name to the accessible name of a form control
  • FLASH9: Applying captions to prerecorded synchronized media
  • FLASH10: Indicating required form controls in Flash
  • FLASH11: Providing a longer text description of an object
  • FLASH12: Providing client-side validation and adding error text via the accessible description
  • FLASH13: Using HTML language attributes to specify language in Flash content
  • FLASH14: Using redundant keyboard and mouse event handlers in Flash
  • FLASH15: Using the tabIndex property to specify a logical reading order and a logical tab order in Flash
  • FLASH16: Making actions keyboard accessible by using the click event on standard components
  • FLASH17: Providing keyboard access to a Flash object and avoiding a keyboard trap
  • FLASH18: Providing a control to turn off sounds that play automatically in Flash
  • FLASH19: Providing a script that warns the user a time limit is about to expire and provides a way to extend it
  • FLASH20: Reskinning Flash components to provide highly visible focus indication
  • FLASH21: Using the DataGrid component to associate column headers with cells
  • FLASH22: Adding keyboard-accessible actions to static elements
  • FLASH23: Adding summary information to a DataGrid
  • FLASH24: Allowing the user to extend the default time limit
  • FLASH25: Labeling a form control by setting its accessible name
  • FLASH26: Applying audio descriptions to Flash video
  • FLASH27: Providing button labels that describe the purpose of a button
  • FLASH28: Providing text alternatives for ASCII art, emoticons, and leetspeak in Flash
  • FLASH29: Setting the label property for form components
  • FLASH30: Specifying accessible names for image buttons
  • FLASH31: Specifying caption text for a DataGrid
  • FLASH32: Using auto labeling to associate text labels with form controls
  • FLASH33: Using relative values for Flash object dimensions
  • FLASH34: Turning off sounds that play automatically when an assistive technology is detected
  • FLASH35: Using script to scroll Flash content, and providing a mechanism to pause it
  • FLASH36: Using scripts to control blinking and stop it in five seconds or less