Extension Notes
Mobile Accessibility Extension - http://kwahlbin.github.io/Mobile-A11y-Extension/
Comments from Jonathan Avila
- I think M6 and M8 have a lot of overlap with M23, M24, and M25. We might want to see if we really need m6 and m8 or perhaps we want them as a more generic form of M23. I had thought M23 was better mapped to 3.2 rather than 1.3.1 because SC 3.2 is the issue we are trying to solve – we are just solving it programmatically which is why it might have been listed as 1.3.1
- On a related note – it might be helpful to have at technique for devices that have vibration to not rely on the vibration. For example, a person who has a their phone mounted on a wheelchair may not be aware of the vibration only cue. I think this is similar but different from the device related buttons technique. This couldn’t be an SC but it could be a technique perhaps under 1.1.1
- Another one that might be useful is to minimize input in general. Since input is difficult and prone to error on mobile devices in particular for people with disabilities any provided options for the user rather than requiring input could be helpful. This might be under 3.3