LVTF Scribe Tips
Before the Meeting
Scribes, please do this several minutes before the start of the meeting. I think you can do this up to 1 hour before the scheduled meeting time.
Enter the following commands in the #lvtf IRC channel:
- trackbot, start meeting
- Scribe: Your Name
- ScribeNick: your irc nickname
- Chair: Name
- Regrets: Name, Name (get regrets from the attendance questionnaire)
During the Meeting
Enter the following commands in the #lvtf IRC channel.
- At start of a new topic (from the Agenda, or sub-topics):
Topic: What the new topic is - To record what someone says, put their name or initials and a colon:
Jane: strongly support the revised heading - To record a resolution:
RESOLUTION: What the resolution is - What to record:
- You don't need to record everything that it said, just the "jist" of the relevant comments
- Make sure to record final decisions carefully
- Feel free to ask for clarifications of who is speaking, for important things to be repeated, for someone to scribe their own thoughts (if they are in IRC), or for the meeting to pause momentarily so you can catch up with scribing
- ...
For more info, see: IRC Trackbot commands and Zakim IRC bot.
At the end of the meeting
1. Before signing off, enter the following commands in the #lvtf IRC channel:
rrsagent, make logs world rrsagent, create minutes v1
Make sure it works and you get the reply in IRC: "<RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate"
zakim, end meeting rrsagent, bye
2. Agenda — Either do this yourself, or make sure one of the Chairs will do it.
Copy the agenda from:
and paste it under the meeting date in the LVTF Meeting wiki page:
To edit the minutes
You can make most edits via IRC with the "s"=substitute command:
s/wrong wording/corrected wording
This works for deleting text, with null between slashes:
s/my dog ate my survey replies//
Then you can re-create the minutes to check the changes (might take several seconds for the updated version to show up)
rrsagent, create minutes v1