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The objective of this technique is to provide a version of the page that does not have full justification (justified both left and right).
There may be circumstances when for layout purposes an author may want to have the text fully justified. In these cases, it is sufficient to provide a feature that removes the justification of text. The control should be easy to find and access and near the beginning of the page.
Note: This technique can be used in combination with a style switching technique to present a page that is a conforming alternate version for non-conforming content. Refer to C29: Using a style switcher to provide a conforming alternate version (CSS) and Understanding Conforming Alternate Versions for more information.
A classic novel online is on a site that attempts to duplicate the look of the originally published work, which includes full justification. A button is provided near the top of the page saying "remove full justification" and a style switching technique is used to swap out the style sheet. The new style sheet aligns the text only on the left.
Open a page with full justification.
Check that there is a feature to remove the full justification.
Check that the feature removes the full justification.
Checks #2 and #3 are true.
If this is a sufficient technique for a success criterion, failing this test procedure does not necessarily mean that the success criterion has not been satisfied in some other way, only that this technique has not been successfully implemented and can not be used to claim conformance.
Techniques are informative—that means they are not required. The basis for determining conformance to WCAG 2.0 is the success criteria from the