Change Log: WAI Flyer
This page records changes made to the WAI resource: WAI Flyer Information, WAI Flyer Front. Please
send additions or corrections to
Last updated on $Date: 2008/05/22 22:12:45 $ by Judy Brewer
on this page:
About (Requirements) |
- a handout for conferences, etc.
- communicate: this is what WAI does, this is the type of resources WAI
offers, and here's where to find them online
- give visibility to sponsors
- primarily people who are new to WAI and maybe new to Web
- Might be first impression of WAI for some people
- 22 May 2008:
- Changed from "" to
- Changed from "Copyright © 1999 - 2006" to "Copyright © 1999 -
- Added "@@" to end of old sponsors list
- Moved <h1> to top of content
- Changed from " World Wide Web Consortium is..." to "World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C) is..."
- Changed to new CSS and marked up <div id="footer">
- Removed extra period from "resources to make the Web accessible
to people with disabilities.."
- [DONE -- one version at
and one at
] [Introductory paragraph, after "Web Accessibility Initiative,"
currently reads:
"The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) promotes a high degree of usability
for people with disabilities. W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
pursues Web accessibility solutions for people with visual, auditory,
physical, cognitive and neurological disabilities"
Change this either to:
"The World Wide Web Consortium is the international standards body for
the Web. The W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) works to improve
access to the Web for people with visual, auditory, physical, cognitive
and neurological disabilities."
or to:
"The World Wide Web Consortium is the international standards body for
the Web. The W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) develops
strategies, guidelines, resources to make the Web accessible to people
with disabilities."
Check how it flows w/in the entire flyer, including whether the info
*not* used here can be reflected elsewhere e.g. at the bottom of the
flyer, so that it is not lost. (Additional thought after meeting -- any
way to combine both concepts in the intro, but not in one long run-on
- [DONE] At the top of the "resources" bulleted list, add "Supporting
your Web accessibility efforts with:" Try instead at the top of the
activities list.
- [DONE -- reverted to approach from original flyer] Revert to
"Activities" and "Resources"H2's and leave the URI's standing alone at
bottom of each section.
- {NOT DONE BUT FLIPPED CONSENSUS_BASED] See if possible to avoid use of
"solutions" as it sounds jargony. One possibility would be to use the
strategies, guidelines and resources bit here instead of solutions, thus
reducing the conceptual load that we're trying to cram into the
- [DONE] Remove reference to "promotes... usability" -- confusing. should
be accessibility.
- [DONE for second bulleted list; for first one, need "standards" in
there somewhere] See if "Guidelines for Web sites and Web software" fits
in place of "Accessibility Guidelines/Standards" [from Sylvie's
- [DONE] Change "multiple languages" back to "translated resources"
Change requests from 19 October
2006; see version flyerfront4.en.html
- from notes from Shawn (starred items for discussion)
- **"promotes a high degree of usability for people with
disabilities" -- see if better wording?
- **"pursues" -- see if better wording?
- **[TRIED] try removing "wai activities" and "wai resources" and
flipping URI up to that position (but check how it affects
- **try changing "accessibility guidelines/standards" to
"accessibility guidelines that are international standards" (doesn't
- **[TRIED] try adding "supporting your efforts on Web accessibility"
before resources list
- **[TRIED] try adding "for Web sites and Web software" following
"accessibility guidelines" and remove "/standards"
- **[TRIED] consider changing "translated resources" to "multiple
- **check on "consensus-based accessibility solutions"
- "pursues accessibility solutions on the Web" change to "pursues Web
accessibility solutions"
- [DONE] remove "W3C document use rules apply"
- [DONE] flipped changelog order
- install WAI site wrapper
- [DONE] remove old absolute font size from quote
- [DONE] add h1 markup
- [TRIED, doesn't look right] add comma after cognitive
- [DONE] remove colon after "activities" and "resources"
- [DONE] make "participation" parallel w/ two blocks above
- [DONE] replace semi-colons in sponsors list w/ commas
- [DONE] delete http:// before URI's
- [DONE] remove "to learn more, visit" in participation section
Change Requests from 13 October
2006 EOWG teleconference, for new
draft updated version
- Under "Activities" change Developing Accessibility Guidelines to
- Under "Resources":
- [DONE] Changed "Improving tools to evaluate accessibility" to
"Developing techniques to evaluate accessibility"
- [DONE] Changed "Web Accessibility Business Case" to "Developing a
Business Case" (short for "Developing a Business Case for Your
- [DONE] Moved up "How People with Disabilities Use the Web"
- [DONE] Moved up "Quick Tips..."
- [DONE] Removed "Implementation Planning for Web Accessibility"
- [DONE] Collapsed "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines," "Authoring
Tool Accessibility Guidelines" and "User Agent Accessibility Guidelines"
to "Accessibility Guidelines/Standards"
- [DONE] Changed "Evaluation Resource Suite" to "Evaluating
- [DONE] Added back "Translations" [concerned that "these resources are
available in multiple languages" gives the impression of
consistent/comprehensive translations availability]
- [DONE] Updated sponsors
Change Requests from 11 March
- [tried, w/ some tweaks, but outdated] consider translations priorities
"core set" from last week's face to face:
- WAI QuickTips (short),,
translations of WAI Quick Tips
- Implementation Plan
- Introduction to Web Accessibility
- Essential Components of Web Accessibility
- Why Standards Harmonization is Essential to Web Accessibility
- Overview of the Web Accessibility Initiative,, [note: updated quarterly... @@
Overview of the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Slides ]
- How People with Disabilities Use the Web (medium-length)
- [Business Case Overview Slide Set]
- [Evaluation page(s) after revised]
- [did not use; phrases too long, will not fit] consider "What WAI Does"
wording from redesigned home page:
- WAI develops...
- guidelines widely regarded as the international standards for
Web accessibility
- support materials to help understand and implement Web
- resources, through international collaboration
- WAI welcomes...
- participation from around the world
- volunteers to review, implement, and promote guidelines
- dedicated participants in interest groups or working groups
- Under "WAI Activities":
- [DONE] "Developing tools" is not accurate; should be "Developing
- Under "WAI Resources":
- [DONE] try moving up "How People With Disabilities Use the Web"
- [DONE] flip "Web Accessibility Business Case"
"Translations"] if space allows, add "These resources are available
in multiple languages"
- Other:
- make available in A4 as well as letter-sized paper
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