Requirements and changelog for WAI-AGE Literature Review document
Page Contents
This is a DRAFT requirements analysis for the report that will comprise the results and analysis of the WAI-AGE Literature Review for the EC-supported WAI-AGE Project.
Purpose, Goals, Objectives
The purpose of the document is to:
- Compile and review existing guidelines and articles to develop a preliminary analysis of the needs of people who have accessibility needs related to ageing with regard to accessing the Web
The goals of this document are is to answer common questions such as:
- What is already known about the differences and similarities between the Web accessibility needs of the elderly with functional limitations and those of people with disabilities?
- What additional information is required in existing WAI guidelines and/or documents to better address the needs of the elderly with functional limitations?
- What new WAI publications might be needed in order to ensure the Web accessibility needs of the elderly with functional limitations are addressed and promoted?
The objectives of the "literature review" document are to:
- increase the understanding and knowledge of accessibility issues of the elderly as they relate to the Web, and as they relate to established requirements of people with disabilities
- inform the development of profiles and/or extensions on WAI guidelines and/or supplemental educational materials which can better promote and meet the needs of people who have Web accessibility needs related to ageing
- provide a clear and useful resource on this topic for the public
- WAI working groups
- Organisations working with the elderly
- Professional organisations working in the areas of ageing
- Scholarly researchers in the fields of 'ageing and accessibility' and 'ageing and usability'
- Standards bodies working in the area of ageing, accessibility, usability, ergonomics, etc
- Policy makers
- Search the Web and bibliographic databases for literature dealing with issues of the elderly online:
- Follow-up cited literature from key researchers and publishers in this field
- Collect contextual information (where possible) about:
- The ageing population in Europe and elsewhere
- Functional limitations experienced by many of the elderly
- What the elderly do online / why they might be online / why they might not be online
- How many elderly are online
- Analyse the literature for:
- Common themes / issues faced by the elderly
- Guidelines already published for “elder-friendly” Web sites
- Overlaps and differences between elderly-related findings and WAI guideline
- Analyse the overlaps and differences betweeen the WAI guidelines and other guidelines for "senior friendly" Web sites
Report outline:
- Introduction
- some backround about ageing population, ubiquitous Web, intentions of the review
- Discussion
- Context
- Older adults and age-related functional limitations
- Approaches of the studies examined
- most literature will be discussed here
- Questions for further research
- Conclusions & recommendations
- References cited
- Appendix with references discovered
Related documents:
- CSUN 2008 presentation slides
- Will probably be published as a "Working Group Note"
- Requirements discussed EOWG 28 March 2007 and amended
28 March 2008
- amend primary audience:
- include Orgs working with ageing and usability - DONE
- include Researchers - DONE
- remove Developers (will be an audience for WAI working group outputs) - DONE
- add a 4th research appoach bullet -"Analyse the overlaps and differences betweeen the WAI guidelines and other guidelines" - DONE