EOWG: consider adding to this page and the other policy pages something
WAI provides three very different resources that address accessbility
policy-related topics:
where? how?
see also http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/Drafts/bcase/pol.html "Related
resources" at the end for shorter version
Editor To Do
- Arrange and coordinate with people to monitor each country.
Done - EO-Editors list changes
Done - Updated format (as of date indicated), checked links
- done: quick fixes on all (might be a few little
format things that slipped through skim), 18 June 2003
- done: Portugal,
3 June 2003
- done: New
Zealand, 3 June 2003
- done: Italy,
3 June 2003
- done: Ireland,
3 June 2003
- done: Hong
Kong, 3 June 2003
- done: India,
3 June 2003
- done: Germany,
3 June 2003
- done: France,
3 June 2003
- done: Denmark,
3 June 2003
- done: Spain,
2 June 2003
- done: Finland,
2 June 2003
Changes made 18 June 2003
- Reviewed materials (faxed) from Judy on EU and Japan and added few
links. (will request review by speakers of language of documents)
- Reviewed Web
Accessibility, Member States Activities Links, noted many broken
links. (will request review by speakers of language of documents)
- Cleaned up over a dozen new broken links.
- Fixed formatting
From 6 June 2003
- [done] EOWG discuss indicate formats such as PDF with [format] -
following the text, included in the link e.g.,
[Spanish] LEY 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de servicios
de la sociedad de la información y de comercio electrónico
(LSSICE) [PDF], 2002 (LAW 34/2002, of 11 of July,
services of the information society and electronic
- [done] EOWG discuss linking to ITTATC-developed states policies
page http://www.ittatc.org/laws/stateLawAtGlance.cfm -
instead of our current one at http://www.w3.org/WAI/Policy/USA-States.html
- [done] EOWG discuss inclusion of things like http://www.worldenable.net/cee2001/challengepoland.htm
- [done] EOWG discuss if any more discussion needed on final reformat
- Consider adding to the introduction what is the criteria for
inclusion. generally government-related documents. generally not
documents from one specific disability organization. generally not
summaries from for-profit organizations. however, where there is
little other good infomration, we might be more lax.
- [low priority] consider having a page that links to other related
documents that don't qualify for this page. perhaps
- consider linking to ITTATC states page, first do access review,
think about how to frame
- consider putting each country on a separate page
- add to introduction something bout WAi not responsible for format
of linked documents, and perhaps a link to conversion tools
Changes made 3 June 2003
Changes made 2 June 2003
Changes made 19 May 2003
Changes made 1 May 2003
- Fixed translation of, "Atto Camera 3486: Norme per il diritto di
accesso ai servizi e alle risorse telematiche pubbliche e di pubblica
utilita' da parte dei cittadini diversamente abili"
Changes made 30 April 2003
Content changes
Format changes
- fixed structure mark-up throughout (took
Legislation, Responsible Ministry, Relevant Documents out
of lists, which also minimized multiple nested lists)
- added new header info (W3C Index... About WAI)
- eliminated space before lists in CSS
- Combined "Discussion" and "Additional information or comments:"
into "Additional information:"
Changes made 24 April 2003
Changes made 25 February 2003
- Re-organized Danish & English links in Danish section of
- Added Shawn to "edited by" names
Change requests from 14 February 2003 discussion
- Review of Introduction
- key, prime, critical, ubiquitous -- replace for pivotal
- take out "other" move up to top somehow
- remove "status"
- [DONE, slh] change "abstract" to "disclaimer"
- remove country codes & move up country names
- [DONE, slh] fix list markup -- again....
- EU section
- Add more recent Council resolutions
- link to news section
- add link to regulatory framework
- add links to member states
Change requests from 24 January 2003 discussion WITH edits from 31
January also
- Review of Web Accessibility Policy Reference Links
- [DONE, slh] link doc from name of document in own language
- [DONE, slh] separate year from language, put year at end, use
bibliographical form: title, subtitle too, year
- [DONE, slh] preserve dead links in text but unlinked
- [DONE, slh checked with each] states & provincial:
Australia: Ministry; Canada: Jurisdiction; US:
- [DONE, slh] do not include any interpretive information
- [DONE, slh] do not list quotes or documents that aren't
supported by links, unless a dead link note (can't currently
- [DONE] AU: Andrew sending cleaned up data (will send updated
- [DONE] CA: Chuck sent complete cleaned info to eds. list
- [DONE] DE: Alan Chuter will re-send to editors list
- [DONE] DK: Helle sent to eds.
- [DONE] FI: Fix doubled link, and
Marja's notes
- FR: Sylvie
- IE: Shawn
- IT: JB contact RS
- JP: JB
- NZ: AA still chasing
- [DONE, slh] PT: all set
- US: Kathleen
- HK: JB
- [DONE] UK: Allistair
- [DONE] IN: Harvey, Sailesh?
- (needs followup) RU: Natasha
- HK, CH: JB
- TH: JB
Change requests from 10 January 2003 discussion
- Review of Web Accessibility Policy Reference Links
- [DONE] add a paragraph to the intro clarifying different use of
terms in different countries
- [DONE] clarify that the absence of info doesn't mean no info,
tho it may
- re-examine list structure under the countries and try adding
flexible doc designator
- [DONE] fix top link, nav bars, footer, etc
- [TRIED] really cut down the intro when revising it
- [DONE] unscramble nav bar
- [DONE] AC ping AA on AU links
- [DONE] CL sending CA links to wai-eo-editors
- HBj sending DK and pinging HJ for Norway
- AC checking EU links
- KA send the new states page to replace, using govpub and nascio
state members where reports aren't sufficient
- KA will get the Brown study for State links
- JB will check w/ KP or MM and w/ RL for industry study
- say something about instability of links
- AC setting up a confidential list of policy contacts one for
each country listed
- say on the page that if someone submits info, please submit
changes in future where possible
- add/clarify disclaimer about origin and maintenance of the
document, but keep it brief
- [DONE] demote the states on the nav bar
- [DONE, slh] add sub-page for canada provinces
- [DONE, slh] add sub-page for australia states
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