This page contains material from a presentation at the WAI Best Practices Exchange
Training in Madrid, Spain in February 2004. It is not intended to
stand-alone; rather, it is primarily provided as reference material for
participants in the training.
Web Accessibility Policies in France
Sylvie Duchateau, Braillenet
Last updated: 12 October 2004
Sylvie Duchateau (France)
In the past:
Several decisions concerning accessible Web sites in the public sector:
- october 1999: resolution from the French Prime Minister;
- October 2000: decision from the interministerial Committee on State
Reform, CIRE;
- June 2001: Bill project on the information society.
- July 2003: Decision from Interministerial commitee for the Information
Society (cisi):
- to reform law on people with disabilities including Web
In the present:
- Situation evolving
- Creation of a governmental agency for the public administration: ADAE:
- Develops requirements and documents for services in the public sector
(for governmental and local Web sites).
- December 2003: ADAE has published a working draft on Web accessibility
to be followed by developers of public Web sites.
In the coming year
- Publication of the final document by ADAE.
- issued for one year
- to be used for creating any public web site.
- New law on the rights of people with disabilities
- should be discussed in February by parliament;
- to be voted in April 2004?
- to be discussed: including a part on electronic information;
- Should require public Web sites to follow ADAE recommendations
Situation of public Web sites in France
- Most of the public Web sites do not follow WCAG.
- Awareness raising and information has been made;
- Training of developers of public Web sites in 2003, will be continued
in 2004
- Ministry of oversea departments has become accessible:
- portal on taxes also making improvements for accessibility.