Working draft copy 26 June 2002, Chuck Letourneau
JB: Using Opera, having problem with section numbering on this draft.
HB: [ed. Added section numbers from MSIE 6.0.]
CC: [Netscape on MAC has trouble with stylesheet]
JB: NS 4.x, 5.x style sheet bug
HB: illegal space in style sheet
CC: Question mention of usability (only in 3.3.4. "Is the text clear and
simple?" ... appropriate question to ask people participating in usability
testing (link to next section))" Not specific enough to what we're testing
JB: 3.4. Usability testing of accessibility features: narrows it down.
JB: Issue: Accessibility testing of usability. Testing how well do the accessibility
features function?
DS: Usability clarifies what is to be tested.
All: Agreed to use.
DS: Departs 4:20
JB: Dynamic page generation. What is a "distinct" template?
CC: If more than one template is used to generate the site, test all related
JB: Evaluate all templates would suffice.
JB: As Charles McCathieNeville suggested, clarify If selecting authoring
tools, refer to the Authoring Tools Accessibility Guidelines. Currently,
the reference is to "Selecting Authoring Tools for Web Accessibility" but
is that sufficiently precise?
CC: Server Side Includes (SSI) are another kind of dynamic content. We shouldn't
be saying "database driven" since not always from a database.
[HB ed:]
These files would be pieces of content, dynamically pulled into a document,
not HTML, but transformable into it. SSI needs a special kind of server to
provide security, as executable shell commands or CGI scripts can be included.
Security of server can handle for a restricted group of users.
CC: Suggest Title: "Evaluation of dynamically generated web content". That
way it is more generalized than "database driven"
JB: Good.
JB: (4:30 pm EST) Let's adjourn, continue meeting on Friday (8:30 AM EST).
Last revised June 28, 2002 by Judy Brewer