Scribing for the Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (AUWG)
Scribe Rotation
Name | Order | Recent | Next |
Tim Boland | 1 | N/A | |
Ann McMeekin | 2 | Jul 21 | |
Greg Pisocky | 4 | 10-07-2008 | |
Jan Richards | 5 | 03-07-2008 | |
Andrew Ronksley | 6 | ||
Reed Shaffner | 7 | ||
Jeanne Spellman | 8 | 26-06-2008 | |
Michael Squillace | 9 |
How the Rotation Works
- The person at the top of the list is the scribe for the next meeting. After a person scribes, their name goes to the bottom of the list, based on their original position in the list.
- If you are near the top of the list, please join the teleconference a couple minutes early, set up Zakim and RRSAgent for logging, and be prepared to scribe.
- If you are near the top of the list and will not be able to attend, please make sure that you send regrets to the UA mailing list so that the next person on the list can be prepared to scribe.
- You can "pass" if you do not want to scribe for any reason. If you are at the top of the list and do not want to scribe, please send a message to the list before the meeting so that the next person on the list can be prepared to scribe.
- If you would like to scribe an upcoming meeting and your name is not at the top (for example, if that week is a good time for you to scribe but the upcoming month would not be), send a message to the list volunteering to scribe for that week.
- Following the meeting, please clean-up the minutes and send them to the
UA list, per the instructions. It is often easiest
to clean up the minutes right after the meeting. Please complete them
within a couple of days when possible.
- Note that draft meeting minutes are available online immediately. If there is anything that should not be in the public record (such as personal information that was entered in IRC), please help ensure that Jeanne or other WAI staff removes it before the minutes are publicly available.
How to Scribe a AUWG Meeting
(from "IRC Sessions to Real Readable Notes" with thanks to Gregory Rosmaita)
Before the Meeting Commences:
- invite Zakim and RRSAgent by entering in IRC
- /invite rrsagent #au
- /invite Zakim #au
- set Meeting Info
- rrsagent, set logs public
- meeting: WAI-AU
- chair: [name]
- agenda: [URI]
- scribe: [name]
- ScribeNick: [screen-name]
- present: [names]
- regrets: [names]
- rrsagent, pointer? [gives location of IRC log]
- zakim, save agenda (after agenda entered)
- zakim, Wrong_Name is Correct_Name
During the Meeting:
Commonly used commands:
- Topic:[text] (inserts the text as a heading in the minutes)
- ACTION: ZakimName ActionText - DueDate
- RESOLVED: [info]
- RESOLUTION: [info]
- zakim, Incorrect_Name is Correct_Name
- zakim, mute me
- zakim, unmute me
- s/error/correction (makes corrections to IRC log)
- q+ (puts you in the speaker queue)
- q- (remove yourself from the speaker queue)
- q+ to ask ... OR q+ to say ...
- present+ [name] (to add late arrivals)
- present- [PhoneCode] (to remove coded IDs)
- regrets+ [name] for last minute regrets
- rrsagent, pointer? (gives location of IRC log)
- zakim, choose a victim (randomly assigns a task to a participant)
If you use an IRC agenda
- agenda+ [text} adds an item on agenda
- agenda? (gives a listing of the agenda)
- next agendum (moves to the next item)
- take up agendum # (skips to the agenda item)
Managing Action items
- ACTION: [text] adds new action
- ACTION <number> = <newtext> (used to edit text)
- ACTION- <number> removes the action
- rrsagent, what are the action items? (displays a list)
After the Meeting Adjourns:
- Creating Minutes:
- rrsagent, create minutes (the following 5 commands are synonyms)
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- rrsagent, format minutes
- rrsagent, generate minutes
- rrsagent, make minutes
- rrsagent, publish minutes
- zakim, please part (this will result in the output of attendees) NOTE: non-staff members who are acting as scribe MUST effect any changes or corrections BEFORE dismissing RRSAgent; staff can edit slash manipulate minutes by appending a comma and the word tools to the URI for the minutes - for example:,tools NOTE: the naming syntax for the automatically generated documents is:
- after dismissing zakim, issue an "RRSAgent, draft minutes" command to ensure that the attendees list is correctly populated -- use the + and minus syntax to add or delete attendees, regrets, etc. -- remember that you MUST issue an "RRSAgent, draft minutes" in order for the minutes to execute your instructions -- every time you do so, be sure to REFRESH the document in the browser instance in which you are reviewing the draft minutes
- rrsagent, please part (VERY LAST STEP- logs actions and resolutions)
- put text dump in email along with HTML and IRC log pointers