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Techniques for Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 1.0

Working Draft 1 August 2001

Section 4: implementation techniques for guideline 4

This version:
Latest version:

editors of this chapter:

Charles McCathieNevile

Jan Richards

(AERT originally editor Chris Ridpath)

Brief table of contents

Guideline 4. Provide ways of checking and correcting inaccessible content.

ATAG 4.1 Check for and inform the author of accessibility problems. [Relative Priority] (Checkpoint 4.1)
Note: Accessibility problems should be detected automatically where possible. Where this is not possible, the tool may need to prompt the author to make decisions or to manually check for certain types of problems. In the section below, the evaluation (ATAG 4.1) and repair (ATAG 4.2) techniques for each WCAG checkpoint have been grouped together (but stil need to be added here @@).

Markup tools technique Multimedia tools technique Content tools technique Programming tools technique See AERT document for evaluation and repair algorithms.(Suggested)
Markup tools technique Multimedia tools technique Content tools technique Programming tools technique Highlight problems detected when documents are opened, when an editing or insertion action is completed, or while an author is editing. Using CSS classes to indicate accessibility problems will enable the author to easily configure the presentation of errors.(Suggested)
Markup tools technique Multimedia tools technique Content tools technique Programming tools technique Alert authors to accessibility problems when saving.(Suggested)
Markup tools technique Multimedia tools technique Content tools technique Programming tools technique Accessibility problems can be highlighted using strategies similar to spell checking within a word processor. Accessibility alerts within the document can be linked to context sensitive help. Refer also to checkpoint 4.2.(Suggested)
Markup tools technique Multimedia tools technique Content tools technique Programming tools technique Where the tools cannot test for accessibility errors, provide the author with the necessary information, wizards, etc. to check for themselves.(Suggested)
Markup tools technique Multimedia tools technique Content tools technique Programming tools technique Include alerts for WCAG 1.0 [WCAG10] Priority 1 checkpoints in the default configuration.(Suggested)
Markup tools technique Multimedia tools technique Programming tools technique Provide an editing view that shows equivalent alternatives in the main content view to make it clear that they are necessary. This will make it obvious when they are missing.(Suggested)
Markup tools technique Multimedia tools technique Content tools technique Programming tools technique Allow authors to choose different alert levels based on the priority of authoring accessibility recommendations.(Suggested)
Markup tools technique Multimedia tools technique Content tools technique Programming tools technique If intrusive warnings are used, provide a means for the author to quickly set the warning to non-obtrusive to avoid frustration.(Suggested)

  • There are online tools whose output can be integrated with the user interface. Other tools are available for incorporation in existing software, either as licensed products or in some cases as "open source" solutions. The WAI Evaluation and Repair group maintains information about available tools [WAI-ER].
  • The Web Accessibility Initiative's Protocols and Formats group have a draft set of notes about creating accessible markup languages [XMLGL].
ATAG 4.2 Assist authors in correcting accessibility problems. [Relative Priority] (Checkpoint 4.2)
Markup tools technique Multimedia tools technique At a minimum, provide context-sensitive help with the accessibility checking required by checkpoint 4.1.(Suggested)
Markup tools technique Multimedia tools technique Content tools technique Programming tools technique Where there are site-wide errors, to make correction more efficient, allow the author to make site-wide changes or corrections. For example, this may be appropriate for a common error in markup, but may not be appropriate in providing a text equivalent that is appropriate for one use of an image but completely inappropriate for the other uses of the image on the same site (or even the same page).(Suggested)
Markup tools technique Multimedia tools technique Content tools technique Programming tools technique Assist authors in ways that are consistent with the look and feel of the authoring tool (See ATAG 5.1).(Suggested)
Markup tools technique Multimedia tools technique Content tools technique Programming tools technique Allow authors to control both the nature and timing of the correction process.(Suggested)
Markup tools technique Multimedia tools technique Content tools technique Programming tools technique Provide a mechanism for authors to navigate sequentially among uncorrected accessibility errors (See ATAG 7.4).(Suggested)
ATAG 4.3 Allow the author to preserve markup not recognized by the tool. [Priority 2] (Checkpoint 4.3)
Note: The author may have included or imported markup that enhances accessibility but is not recognized by the tool.

Markup tools technique Multimedia tools technique Content tools technique Programming tools technique If possible, preserve all unrecognized markup, since it might be related to accessibility (See ATAG 1.2).[Required] @@
Markup tools technique Multimedia tools technique Content tools technique Programming tools technique If changes to markup that is not recognized by the tool are necessary for the tool to further process the document (for example, a tool that requires valid markup when a document is opened), inform the author.[Required] @@
Markup tools technique Multimedia tools technique Content tools technique Programming tools technique Provide options for the author to confirm or override removal of markup on a change-by-change basis or as a batch process.(Suggested)
Markup tools technique Multimedia tools technique Content tools technique Programming tools technique Provide a summary of all automated structural changes that may affect accessibility.(Suggested)
Markup tools technique Multimedia tools technique Content tools technique Programming tools technique Do not change the DTD without notifying the author.(Suggested)

ATAG 4.4 Provide the author with a summary of the document's accessibility status. [Priority 3] (Checkpoint 4.4)
Markup tools technique Content tools technique Provide a list of all accessibility errors found in a Web page.[Required] @@
Markup tools technique Content tools technique Provide a summary of accessibility problems remaining by type and/or by number.(Suggested)
ATAG 4.5 Allow the author to transform presentation markup that is misused to convey structure into structural markup, and to transform presentation markup used for style into style sheets. [Priority 3] (Checkpoint 4.5)
Markup tools technique Content tools technique Allow the author to define transformations for imported documents that have presentation, rather than structural, markup.[Required] @@
Markup tools technique Content tools technique Remember that accessibility information, including attributes or properties of the elements being transformed, must be preserved - see checkpoint 1.2.[Required] @@
Markup tools technique Content tools technique Some examples of transformations include (Suggested):
  • Implementing XSLT in the tool.
  • HTML table-based layout into CSS.
  • HTML BR to the P element.
  • HTML (deprecated) FONT into heuristically or author-determined structure.
  • Word processor styles to Web styles.
  • HTML deprecated presentational markup into CSS.
  • XHTML span into ruby.
  • MathML presentational markup to semantic markup.

Markup tools technique Content tools technique Implement XSLT [XSLT] together with a user-interface for expressing transformations (see ATAG 2.1).(Suggested)
Markup tools technique Content tools technique Programming tools technique Allow the author to create style rules based on the formatting properties of an element, and then apply the rule to other elements in the document, to assist conversion of documents to the use of style sheets(Suggested)
Markup tools technique Content tools technique Include pre-written transformations to rationalize multiple tables, and to transform (deprecated) presentation HTML into style sheets.(Suggested)

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