1. Summary (Easy to Understand Language)

This section is an easy to understand summary of the key points of this document. Also see How to Use this Document, for more orientation. To help web content providers meet the needs of people with cognitive and learning disabilities we have identified the following key topics:

Help users understand what things are and how to use them.

Use icons, symbols, terms, and design patterns that are already familiar to users so that they do not have to learn new ones. People with cognitive and learning disabilities often need common behavior and design patterns. For example, use the standard convention for hyperlinks (underlined and blue for unvisited; purple for visited).

Help users find what they need.

Make navigating the system easy. Use a clear and easy-to-follow layout with visual cues, such as icons. Clear headings, boundaries, and regions also helps people understand the page design.

Use clear content (text, images and media).

This includes easy words, short sentences and blocks of text, clear images, and easy to understand video.

Help users avoid mistakes.

A good design makes errors less likely. Ask the user only for what you need! When errors occur, make it easy for the user to correct them.

Help users focus.

Avoid distracting the user from their tasks. If the user does get distracted, headings and breadcrumbs can help orientate the user and help the user restore the context when it is lost. Providing linked breadcrumbs can help the user undo mistakes.

Ensure processes do not rely on memory.

Memory barriers stop people with cognitive disabilities from using content. This includes long passwords to log in and voice menus that involve remembering a specific number or term. Make sure there is an easier option for people who need it.

Provide help and support.

This includes: making it easy to get human help. If users have difficulty sending feedback, then you will never know if they are able to use the content or when they are experiencing problems. In addition, support different ways to understand content. Graphics, summaries of long documents, adding icons to headings and links, and alternatives for numbers are all examples of extra help and support.

Support adaptation and personalization.

People with cognitive and learning disabilities often use add-ons or extensions as assistive technology. Sometimes, extra support requires minimal effort from the user via personalization that allows the user to select preferred options from a set of alternatives. Support personalization when you can. Do not disable add-ons and extensions! Sometimes users can receive extra support through personalization.

Test with real users!

Involve people with cognitive and learning disabilities in the research, design, and development process. They’re the experts in what works for them. This includes involving people with cognitive and learning disabilities in:

  • focus groups.
  • usability tests, and
  • the design and research team.