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This document list examples of the tools defined values, this is an extension of Personalization Explainer 1.0.
This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at
This is a First Public Working Draft of Personalization Tools by the Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group. It was developed by the Personalization Task Force to provide a vocabulary of terms that can be used to enhance web tools.
Personalization Tools is a part of Personalization Semantics, which is introduced in the Personalization Semantics Explainer 1.0.
To comment, file an issue in the W3C personalization semantics GitHub repository. If this is not feasible, send email to (archives). Comments are requested by 20 November 2018. In-progress updates to the document may be viewed in the publicly visible editors' draft.
Publication as a First Public Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.
This document was produced by a group operating under the W3C Patent Policy. W3C maintains a public list of any patent disclosures made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains Essential Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance with section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.
This document is governed by the 1 February 2018 W3C Process Document.
This section is non-normative.
This document list examples of the tools defined values. This is an extension of Personalization Explainer 1.0.
Personalization semantics defines a set of properties and values to annotate content. The specific mechanism to apply these properties to content has not been decided. Several approaches are under consideration and future drafts will show progress. To help with understanding of the properties, this document provides many examples of personalization semantics applied to content, which show attributes beginning with the prefix "aui-". This has not been decided as the chosen approach, but the simplicity supports understanding of the examples.
Requirement: Users may have differences in both working and short-term memory. For some users the duration of working memory may be shorter than the average which is between 10-15 seconds. For some users the duration of short-term memory may be shorter than the average which is between 15-30 seconds.
Many processes consist of a sequence of separate steps or actions which must be performed by a user to complete a process or workflow. Users must be able to track completed tasks in order to identify their location in a process. In addition, a user must be able to navigate to completed tasks to make modifications or corrections.
The suggested defined values allow an author to transform information associated with steps within a process or represent the entire user path including steps out of the context of a defined process and steps between defined processes into breadcrumbs or linked steps that identify completed tasks, allow the user to make edits to steps that have been completed and identify a user' current location in a user path.
Example User Experience: A hyperlinked, sequential breadcrumb list displays in the header, allowing the user agent to build a sequential indicator that displays a link to each page in the order it was visited by the user.
Note: I believe an important feature is that this mechanism can cross defined tasks and give a more holistic version of the user flow. Typically in a defined sequence of tasks an author will have provided the nessessary afforardance, location in the path, navigation through the path, etc., in the UI by design.
Relevant properties: stepindicator, step, steplocation, stepstatus stepnumber
Requirement: A mechanism for managing both system level and application level reminders and messages is a useful tool for people with a variety of cognitive disabilities including, memory impairment and users who are sensitive to distractions. We require a group of defined values that give users control over the amount of reminders and messages that are presented along with a mechanism for managing, prioritizing, managing and grouping reminders and messages.
For example, users can disable push notifications and messages on applications such as Skype and Facebook across different devices, however, they may forget to re-enable these notifications and messages. The following defined values allow an alternative solution for users to manage reminders and messages by forming a cross-application and cross-device matrix that manages all reminders and messages. These values are based on a matrix for reminders and messages at the operating system, browser or cloud level. A user's contacts can be organized by importance or by groups. For example, the CEO of the company a user works for and a user's child care giver could both be set to critical. A user's contacts may also be grouped. Family members es.
For example, users can disable push notifications and messages on applications such as Skype and Facebook across different devices, however, they may forget to re-enable these notifications and messages. The following defined values allow an alternative solution for users to manage reminders and messages by forming a cross-application and cross-device matrix that manages all reminders and messages. These values are based on a matrix for reminders and messages at the operating system, browser or cloud level. A user's contacts can be organized by importance or by groups. For example, the CEO of the company a user works for and a user's child care giver could both be set to critical. A user's contacts may also be grouped. Family members may be in one group, important colleagues may be in a second group, and friends in a third group.
Privacy Implications:This feature could in theory be implemented pre-authentication. Depending on the implementation, this would expose a users contats to the client in clear text.
Existing Technologies: Would Web push notification with customization by the user satisfy the requirement here as opposed to introducing new semantics?
Example User Experience: Question for the group. How would data be shared, if at all, between applications containing, for example, contacts and the proposed mechanism
Relevant properties: message messageimportance, messagefrom, messagegroup, messagetime
The stepindicator
defined values should be used whenever there is a sequence of
tasks that the user is required to complete, so that users who have memory issues can keep
track of the steps previously completed.
Note that there is no default value.
Note, the specific mechanism to apply these defined values has not been decided:
<div aui-stepindicator="book trip">
<div aui-status="complete" aria-label="select flight" aui-step="1" aui-steplocation="uri" />
<div aui-status="current" aria-label="book hotel" aui-step="2" aui-steplocation="uri" />
<div aui-status="" aria-label="book car" aui-step="3" aui-steplocation="uri" />
<div aui-status="" aria-label="purchase trip" aui-step="4" steplocation="uri" />
or the step number can be implied by the DOM
<div aui-stepindicator="book trip">
<div aui-status="complete" aria-labelledby="select flight">
<a href="uri">Select flight</a>
<div aui-status="current" aria-labelledby="book hotel">
<a href="uri">Book Hotel</a>
<div aui-status="" aria-labelledby="book car">
<a href="uri">Book car</a>
<div aui-status="" aria-labelledby="purchase trip">
<a href="uri">Purchase trip</a>
The messageimportance
attribute is used to indicate the priority level of a message . This can be helpful for a person who gets overwhelmed with messages and filter out low messages and concentrate on critical priority messages.
Supported values: low
, medium
(Default), critical
The specific mechanism to apply these defined values has not been decided
<div role="alert" aui-messageimportance="medium">
It is your daughter's birthday tomorrow
Characteristic | Value |
Related Concepts: | SVG [SVG2] and DOM [DOM4] active |
Used in Roles: | All elements of the base markup |
Inherits into Roles: | Placeholder |
Value: | token |
Value | Description |
critical | To be critical a message needs to be both urgent and content that the user is very likely to consider important. For example, a system may send a message that it is going to reboot in one minute to install updates. |
medium (default) | Important messages that needs the user's attention at their convenience. For example, a relatively important chat message. |
low | A message that does not need time sensitive attention. For example, a typical chat message. |
The messagefrom
attribute can be used to help identify who a message a user receives is from.
Supported values: a string value that identifies the sender of the message. If multiple names are used they can be separated by a comma.
Note that there is no default value.
The specific mechanism to apply these defined values has not been decided
<div role="alert" aui-messageimportance="low"
aui-messagefrom="lisa seeman, lseeman">
I posted a new version on GitHub for you to review
The specific mechanism to apply these defined values has not been decided
Characteristic | Value |
Related Concepts: | SVG [SVG2] and DOM [DOM4] active |
Used in Roles: | All elements of the base markup |
Inherits into Roles: | Placeholder |
Value: | string text |
The messagecontext
attribute can help clarify where a message is coming from. Knowing who the message is from as well as in which context the message was written are both importent in understanding the meaning of the message received.
Supported values: a string value that identifies the location that makes this message relevant. Typical values are "home" and "work". If multiple locations are relevant they can be separated by a coma.
Note that there is no default value.
The specific mechanism to apply these defined values has not been decided
<div role="alert"
aui-messagefrom="lisa seeman, lseeman"
I posted a new version on GitHub for you to review
Characteristic | Value |
Related Concepts: | SVG [SVG2] and DOM [DOM4] active |
Used in Roles: | All elements of the base markup |
Inherits into Roles: | Placeholder |
Value: | string text |
The messagetime
attribute helps clarify when the message was sent.
Supported values: 24 hour date time format. DD.MM.YEAR.HOUR.MM - DD.MM.YEAR.HOUR.MM where the second date is an optional exclusive expiry date.
Note that there is no default value.
The specific mechanism to apply these defined values has not been decided
@@1-line description
<div role="alert"
aui-messagefrom="my calender"
Renew your driving license this week
<div role="alert"
aui-messagefrom="my calender"
Renew your driving license ASAP
The specific mechanism to apply these defined values has not been decided
Characteristic | Value |
Related Concepts: | SVG [SVG2] and DOM [DOM4] active |
Used in Roles: | All elements of the base markup |
Inherits into Roles: | Placeholder |
Value: | string text/td> |
The vocabulary implementations of this document is available at Personalization Explainer 1.0 Vocabulary Implementations section.
This section is non-normative.
The following people contributed to the development of this document.
This publication has been funded in part with U.S. Federal funds from the Health and Human Services, National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) under contract number HHSP23301500054C. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.