← 6.2 TimersTable of contents7.9 Drag and drop →
  1. 7 User interaction
    1. 7.1 The hidden attribute
    2. 7.2 Activation
    3. 7.3 Scrolling elements into view
    4. 7.4 Focus
      1. 7.4.1 Sequential focus navigation
      2. 7.4.2 Document-level focus APIs
      3. 7.4.3 Element-level focus APIs
    5. 7.5 The accesskey attribute
    6. 7.6 The text selection APIs
      1. 7.6.1 APIs for the browsing context selection
      2. 7.6.2 APIs for the text field selections
    7. 7.7 The contenteditable attribute
      1. 7.7.1 Making entire documents editable
    8. 7.8 Spelling and grammar checking

7 User interaction

7.1 The hidden attribute

Status: Last call for comments. ISSUE-95 (hidden) blocks progress to Last Call

All HTML elements may have the hidden content attribute set. The hidden attribute is a boolean attribute. When specified on an element, it indicates that the element is not yet, or is no longer, relevant.

In the following skeletal example, the attribute is used to hide the Web game's main screen until the user logs in:

  <h1>The Example Game</h1>
  <section id="login">
    <!-- calls login() once the user's credentials have been checked -->
    function login() {
      // switch screens
      document.getElementById('login').hidden = true;
      document.getElementById('game').hidden = false;
  <section id="game" hidden>

The hidden attribute must not be used to hide content that could legitimately be shown in another presentation. For example, it is incorrect to use hidden to hide panels in a tabbed dialog, because the tabbed interface is merely a kind of overflow presentation — one could equally well just show all the form controls in one big page with a scrollbar. It is similarly incorrect to use this attribute to hide content just from one presentation — if something is marked hidden, it is hidden from all presentations, including, for instance, screen readers.

Elements that are not hidden should not link to or refer to elements that are hidden.

For example, it would be incorrect to use the href attribute to link to a section marked with the hidden attribute. If the content is not applicable or relevant, then there is no reason to link to it.

It would similarly be incorrect to use the ARIA aria-describedby attribute to refer to descriptions that are themselves hidden. Hiding a section means that it is not applicable or relevant to anyone at the current time, so clearly it cannot be a valid description of content the user can interact with.

Elements in a section hidden by the hidden attribute are still active, e.g. scripts and form controls in such sections still execute and submit respectively. Only their presentation to the user changes.

7.2 Activation

Status: Last call for comments

element . click()

Acts as if the element was clicked.

7.3 Scrolling elements into view

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element . scrollIntoView( [ top ] )

Scrolls the element into view. If the top argument is true, then the element will be scrolled to the top of the viewport, otherwise it'll be scrolled to the bottom. The default is the top.

7.4 Focus

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7.4.1 Sequential focus navigation

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The tabindex content attribute specifies whether the element is focusable, whether it can be reached using sequential focus navigation, and the relative order of the element for the purposes of sequential focus navigation. The name "tab index" comes from the common use of the "tab" key to navigate through the focusable elements. The term "tabbing" refers to moving forward through the focusable elements that can be reached using sequential focus navigation.

The tabindex attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid integer.

7.4.2 Document-level focus APIs

Status: Last call for comments

document . activeElement

Returns the currently focused element.

document . hasFocus()

Returns true if the document has focus; otherwise, returns false.

window . focus()

Focuses the window. Use of this method is discouraged. Allow the user to control window focus instead.

window . blur()

Unfocuses the window. Use of this method is discouraged. Allow the user to control window focus instead.

7.4.3 Element-level focus APIs

Status: Last call for comments

element . focus()

Focuses the element.

element . blur()

Unfocuses the element. Use of this method is discouraged. Focus another element instead.

Do not use this method to hide the focus ring if you find the focus ring unsightly. Instead, use a CSS rule to override the 'outline' property.

For example, to hide the outline from links, you could use:

:link:focus, :visited:focus { outline: none; }

7.5 The accesskey attribute

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All HTML elements may have the accesskey content attribute set. The accesskey attribute's value is used by the user agent as a guide for creating a keyboard shortcut that activates or focuses the element.

If specified, the value must be an ordered set of unique space-separated tokens, each of which must be exactly one Unicode code point in length.

In the following example, a variety of links are given with access keys so that keyboard users familiar with the site can more quickly navigate to the relevant pages:

  <a title="Consortium Activities" accesskey="A" href="/Consortium/activities">Activities</a> |
  <a title="Technical Reports and Recommendations" accesskey="T" href="/TR/">Technical Reports</a> |
  <a title="Alphabetical Site Index" accesskey="S" href="/Consortium/siteindex">Site Index</a> |
  <a title="About This Site" accesskey="B" href="/Consortium/">About Consortium</a> |
  <a title="Contact Consortium" accesskey="C" href="/Consortium/contact">Contact</a>

In the following example, the search field is given two possible access keys, "s" and "0" (in that order). A user agent on a device with a full keyboard might pick Ctrl+Alt+S as the shortcut key, while a user agent on a small device with just a numeric keypad might pick just the plain unadorned key 0:

<form action="/search">
 <label>Search: <input type="search" name="q" accesskey="s 0"></label>
 <input type="submit">

In the following example, a button has possible access keys described. A script then tries to update the button's label to advertise the key combination the user agent selected.

<input type=submit accesskey="N @ 1" value="Compose">
 function labelButton(button) {
   if (button.accessKeyLabel)
     button.value += ' (' + button.accessKeyLabel + ')';
 var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
 for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i += 1) {
   if (inputs[i].type == "submit")

On one user agent, the button's label might become "Compose (⌘N)". On another, it might become "Compose (Alt+⇧+1)". If the user agent doesn't assign a key, it will be just "Compose". The exact string depends on what the assigned access key is, and on how the user agent represents that key combination.

7.6 The text selection APIs

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Every browsing context has a selection. The selection can be empty, and the selection can have more than one range (a disjointed selection). The user agent should allow the user to change the selection. User agents are not required to let the user select more than one range, and may collapse multiple ranges in the selection to a single range when the user interacts with the selection. (But, of course, the user agent may let the user create selections with multiple ranges.)

This one selection must be shared by all the content of the browsing context (though not by nested browsing contexts), including any editing hosts in the document. (Editing hosts that are not inside a document cannot have a selection.)

Mostly for historical reasons, in addition to the browsing context's selection, each textarea and input element has an independent selection. These are the text field selections.

The select element also has a selection, indicating which items have been picked by the user. This is not discussed in this section.

This specification does not specify how selections are presented to the user.

7.6.1 APIs for the browsing context selection

Status: Last call for comments

window . getSelection()
document . getSelection()

Returns the Selection object for the window, which stringifies to the text of the current selection.

interface Selection {
  readonly attribute Node anchorNode;
  readonly attribute long anchorOffset;
  readonly attribute Node focusNode;
  readonly attribute long focusOffset;
  readonly attribute boolean isCollapsed;
  void collapse(in Node parentNode, in long offset);
  void collapseToStart();
  void collapseToEnd();
  void selectAllChildren(in Node parentNode);
  void deleteFromDocument();
  readonly attribute long rangeCount;
  Range getRangeAt(in long index);
  void addRange(in Range range);
  void removeRange(in Range range);
  void removeAllRanges();
  stringifier DOMString ();

The Selection interface represents a list of Range objects. The first item in the list has index 0, and the last item has index count-1, where count is the number of ranges in the list. [DOMRANGE]

All of the members of the Selection interface are defined in terms of operations on the Range objects represented by this object. These operations can raise exceptions, as defined for the Range interface; this can therefore result in the members of the Selection interface raising exceptions as well, in addition to any explicitly called out below.

selection . anchorNode

Returns the element that contains the start of the selection.

Returns null if there's no selection.

selection . anchorOffset

Returns the offset of the start of the selection relative to the element that contains the start of the selection.

Returns 0 if there's no selection.

selection . focusNode

Returns the element that contains the end of the selection.

Returns null if there's no selection.

selection . focusOffset

Returns the offset of the end of the selection relative to the element that contains the end of the selection.

Returns 0 if there's no selection.

collapsed = selection . isCollapsed()

Returns true if there's no selection or if the selection is empty. Otherwise, returns false.

selection . collapse(parentNode, offset)

Replaces the selection with an empty one at the given position.

Throws a WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR exception if the given node is in a different document.

selection . collapseToStart()

Replaces the selection with an empty one at the position of the start of the current selection.

Throws an INVALID_STATE_ERR exception if there is no selection.

selection . collapseToEnd()

Replaces the selection with an empty one at the position of the end of the current selection.

Throws an INVALID_STATE_ERR exception if there is no selection.

selection . selectAllChildren(parentNode)

Replaces the selection with one that contains all the contents of the given element.

Throws a WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR exception if the given node is in a different document.

selection . deleteFromDocument()

Deletes the selection.

selection . rangeCount

Returns the number of ranges in the selection.

selection . getRangeAt(index)

Returns the given range.

Throws an INDEX_SIZE_ERR exception if the value is out of range.

selection . addRange(range)

Adds the given range to the selection.

selection . removeRange(range)

Removes the given range from the selection, if the range was one of the ones in the selection.

selection . removeAllRanges()

Removes all the ranges in the selection.

In the following document fragment, the emphasized parts indicate the selection.

<p>The cute girl likes the <cite>Oxford English Dictionary</cite>.</p>

If a script invoked window.getSelection().toString(), the return value would be "the Oxford English".

7.6.2 APIs for the text field selections

Status: Last call for comments

The input and textarea elements define the following members in their DOM interfaces for handling their text selection:

  void select();
           attribute unsigned long selectionStart;
           attribute unsigned long selectionEnd;
  void setSelectionRange(in unsigned long start, in unsigned long end);

These methods and attributes expose and control the selection of input and textarea text fields.

element . select()

Selects everything in the text field.

element . selectionStart [ = value ]

Returns the offset to the start of the selection.

Can be set, to change the start of the selection.

element . selectionEnd [ = value ]

Returns the offset to the end of the selection.

Can be set, to change the end of the selection.

element . setSelectionRange(start, end)

Changes the selection to cover the given substring.

To obtain the currently selected text, the following JavaScript suffices:

var selectionText = control.value.substring(control.selectionStart, control.selectionEnd);

...where control is the input or textarea element.

Characters with no visible rendering, such as U+200D ZERO WIDTH JOINER, still count as characters. Thus, for instance, the selection can include just an invisible character, and the text insertion cursor can be placed to one side or another of such a character.

7.7 The contenteditable attribute

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The contenteditable attribute is an enumerated attribute whose keywords are the empty string, true, and false. The empty string and the true keyword map to the true state. The false keyword maps to the false state. In addition, there is a third state, the inherit state, which is the missing value default (and the invalid value default).

The true state indicates that the element is editable. The inherit state indicates that the element is editable if its parent is. The false state indicates that the element is not editable.

element . contentEditable [ = value ]

Returns "true", "false", or "inherit", based on the state of the contenteditable attribute.

Can be set, to change that state.

Throws a SYNTAX_ERR exception if the new value isn't one of those strings.

element . isContentEditable

Returns true if the element is editable; otherwise, returns false.

7.7.1 Making entire documents editable

Status: Last call for comments

document . designMode [ = value ]

Returns "on" if the document is editable, and "off" if it isn't.

Can be set, to change the document's current state.

7.8 Spelling and grammar checking

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The spellcheck attribute is an enumerated attribute whose keywords are the empty string, true and false. The empty string and the true keyword map to the true state. The false keyword maps to the false state. In addition, there is a third state, the default state, which is the missing value default (and the invalid value default).

The true state indicates that the element is to have its spelling and grammar checked. The default state indicates that the element is to act according to a default behavior, possibly based on the parent element's own spellcheck state. The false state indicates that the element is not to be checked.

element . spellcheck [ = value ]

Returns "true", "false", or "default", based on the state of the spellcheck attribute.

Can be set, to change that state.

Throws a SYNTAX_ERR exception if the new value isn't one of those strings.

This specification does not define the user interface for spelling and grammar checkers. A user agent could offer on-demand checking, could perform continuous checking while the checking is enabled, or could use other interfaces.