HTML: The Markup Language

optionoption # T

The option element represents an option in a select control, or an option in a labelled set of options grouped together in an optgroup, or an option among the list of suggestions in a datalist.

Permitted content #

Permitted attributes #

Descriptions for attributes specific to this element #

selected = "selected" or "" (empty string) or empty
Specifies that this option is pre-selected.
label = string
Specifies a label for the option.
value = string
Specifies a value for the option.

Additional constraints and admonitions #

Tag omission #

An option element must have a start tag.

An option element’s end tag may be omitted if the option element is immediately followed by another option element, or if it is immediately followed by an optgroup element, or if there is no more content in the parent element.

Permitted parent elements #

optgroup, select, datalist

DOM interface #

 NamedConstructor=Option(in DOMString text),
 NamedConstructor=Option(in DOMString text, in DOMString value),
 NamedConstructor=Option(in DOMString text, in DOMString value, in boolean defaultSelected),
 NamedConstructor=Option(in DOMString text, in DOMString value, in boolean defaultSelected, in boolean selected)]
interface HTMLOptionElement : HTMLElement {
           attribute boolean disabled;
  readonly attribute HTMLFormElement form;
           attribute DOMString label;
           attribute boolean defaultSelected;
           attribute boolean selected;
           attribute DOMString value;

           attribute DOMString text;
  readonly attribute long index;