HTML: The Markup Language

7. Common attributes # T

This section defines attributes that are common to all elements in the HTML language.

7.01. Core attributes # T

accesskey = key-label list CHANGED
A key label or list of key labels with which to associate the element; each key label represents a keyboard shortcut which UAs can use to activate the element or give focus to the element.
class = tokens
A name of a classification, or list of names of classifications, to which the element belongs.
contenteditable = "true" or "false" or "" (empty string) or empty NEW
Specifies whether the contents of the element are editable.
contextmenu = IDREF NEW
Identifies a menu with which to associate the element as a context menu.
dir = "ltr" or "rtl"
Specifies the element’s text directionality.
draggable = "true" or "false" NEW
Specifies whether the element is draggable.
hidden = "hidden" or "" (empty string) or empty NEW
Specifies that the element represents an element that is not yet, or is no longer, relevant.
id = ID
A unique identifier for the element.
There must not be multiple elements in a document that have the same id value.
lang = language tag
Specifies the primary language for the contents of the element and for any of the element’s attributes that contain text.
spellcheck = "true" or "false" or "" (empty string) or empty NEW
Specifies whether the element represents an element whose contents are subject to spell checking and grammar checking.
style = string
Specifies zero or more CSS declarations that apply to the element [CSS].
tabindex = integer
Specifies whether the element represents an element that is is focusable (that is, an element which is part of the sequence of focusable elements in the document), and the relative order of the element in the sequence of focusable elements in the document.
title = normal character data
Advisory information associated with the element.

7.02. Event-handler attributes # T

7.03. XML attributes # T

xml:lang = language tag
As defined in the XML specification [XML].
xml:space = "preserve"
As defined in the XML specification [XML].
The xml:space attribute should only be used with documents in the XML syntax; it must not be used in documents in the HTML syntax.
xml:base = URI
As defined in the XML Base specification [XMLBase].
The xml:base attribute should only be used with documents in the XML syntax; it must not be used in documents in the HTML syntax.