The a element represents a hyperlink.
transparent (either phrasing content or flow content)
any element that can contain phrasing elements, any element that can contain flow elements
If the contents of an a element are empty, the element represents an empty hyperlink.
Although previous versions of HTML restricted the a element to only containing phrasing content, the a element is now transparent; and so is now also allowed to contain flow content if its parent element is is allowed to contain flow content.
interface HTMLAnchorElement : HTMLElement { stringifier attribute DOMString href; attribute DOMString target; attribute DOMString rel; readonly attribute DOMTokenList relList; attribute DOMString media; attribute DOMString hreflang; attribute DOMString type; attribute DOMString text; // URL decomposition IDL attributes attribute DOMString protocol; attribute DOMString host; attribute DOMString hostname; attribute DOMString port; attribute DOMString pathname; attribute DOMString search; attribute DOMString hash; };