OWL Classes
Description Resource
Type: owl:Class
ID: wdr:DR
In domain of: wdr:hasScope
(1), wdr:hasDescriptors
(1), wdr:validFrom
(≤ 1), wdr:validUntil
(≤ 1)
In range of: wdr:hasDRs
Other constraints: foaf:maker
(1), dcterms:issued
(≤ 1)
This class denotes a description, the set of resources to which it applies (the DR scope), and the author who created it. Its three components
correspond, respectively, to classes wdr:Descriptors
, wdr:ResourceSet
, and to foaf:agent
which is linked by the
property foaf:maker
. In addition, it is possible to specify the issue, valid from and expiry dates by using dcterms:issued
and wdr:validUntil
Description Resource Package
Type: owl:Class
ID: wdr:Package
In domain of: wdr:aboutHosts
(≤1), wdr:hasScope
(≤1), wdr:hasDRs
This class denotes an ordered, closed collection of Description Resources. A package describes a Resource Set that is the union of the Resource Sets of the DRs
within it. As a minimum, a Package SHOULD provide a processing hint about what resources are described by providing a white space separated list of
their hosts using aboutHosts
property. In more complex situations, it may be appropriate to provide an additional processing hint
in a Resource Set linked using hasScope
. However, processors MAY ignore this information.
This class denotes a collection of descriptors that can be specified using RDF/OWL properties defined in any vocabulary. The important difference between this class
and rdf:Description
is that the properties of the wdr:Descriptors
class describe the resources in a Resource Set, not the Description Resource.
Resource Set
Type: owl:Class
ID: wdr:ResourceSet
In domain of: wdr:setDefinition
In range of: wdr:hasScope
, wdr:propertyRestriction
See also GROUP: Outline Methodology
This class denotes a set of resources in terms of their address and/or characteristics. It is a potentially complex class and is therefore the subject of its own Recommendation [Group].
Property Lookup
Type: owl:Class
ID: wdr:PropLookUp
In domain of: wdr:httpMethod
(1), wdr:responseRestriction
(≥1), wdr:lookUpURI
In range of: wdr:usePropLookUp
This class denotes the characteristics of a set of resources and the method to be used to discover them.
HTTP Redirection
Type: owl:Class
ID: wdr:HttpRedirect
Super-class of: wdr:HttpAnyRedirect
, wdr:HttpPermRedirect
, wdr:HttpTempRedirect
In range of: wdr:includeRedirection
This class denotes HTTP redirection, corresponding to HTTP response codes 3xx. It MUST NOT be used directly in a Resource Set definition but is useful in defining cardinality constraints on its sub properties.
HTTP Permanent or Temporary Redirection
This class denotes either permanent or temporary HTTP redirection, corresponding to HTTP response codes 301, 302, 303, and 307.
HTTP Permanent Redirection
Type: owl:Class
ID: wdr:HttpPermRedirect
Sub-class of: wdr:HttpRedirect
Equivalent to: http:301
Disjoint with: wdr:HttpTempRedirect
See also GROUP: Redirection
This class denotes permanent HTTP redirection, corresponding to HTTP response code 301.
HTTP Temporary Redirection
Type: owl:Class
ID: wdr:HttpTempRedirect
Sub-class of: wdr:HttpRedirect
Disjoint with: wdr:HttpPermRedirect
See also GROUP: Redirection
This class denotes temporary HTTP redirection, corresponding to HTTP response codes 302, 303, and 307.
RDF Properties
set definition
Type: rdf:Property
ID: wdr:setDefinition
Domain: wdr:ResourceSet
Super-property of: wdr:propertyRestriction
, wdr:usePropLookUp
, wdr:addressRestriction
This property denotes a set of resources in terms of their address or characteristics. It MUST NOT be used directly in a Resource Set definition but is useful in defining cardinality constraints on its sub properties.
DR authenticate
Type: rdf:Property
ID: wdr:drAuthenticate
Domain: foaf:Agent
Range: rdfs:Resource
See also DR: Discovering the Trust Mechanism
This property links a foaf:Agent
class (used to give details of a DR's creator) to a resource
that provides information about how DRs attributed to that creator may be authenticated. The information that drAuthenticate
points to
may be either machine or human readable.
OWL Object Properties
has scope
This property links a Description Resource to the set of resources to which it applies. It MUST be included in Description Resources.
has Description Resources
This property denotes an ordered collection of Description Resources in a Package in which it MUST be present.
has descriptors
This property links a Description Resource to a Descriptors class. It MUST be included in Description Resources.
property restriction
Type: owl:ObjectProperty
ID: wdr:propertyRestriction
Sub-property of: wdr:setDefinition
Range: rdfs:Resource
Super-property of: wdr:includeConditional
, wdr:excludeConditional
This property denotes a set of resources in terms of their characteristics. It MUST NOT be used directly in a Resource Set definition but is useful in defining cardinality constraints on its sub properties.
include conditional
Type: owl:ObjectProperty
ID: wdr:includeConditional
Sub-property of: wdr:propertyRestriction
Range: rdfs:Resource
See also GROUP: Basic Resource Set Definition by Resource Property
This property links to an RDF resource that in some way conveys the essential characteristics of resources that are elements of a set. Such a set may then be included when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
exclude conditional
Type: owl:ObjectProperty
ID: wdr:excludeConditional
Sub-property of: wdr:propertyRestriction
Range: rdfs:Resource
See also GROUP: Basic Resource Set Definition by Resource Property
This property links to an RDF resource that in some way conveys the essential characteristics of resources that are elements of a set. Such a set may then be excluded when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
use property lookup
Type: owl:ObjectProperty
ID: wdr:usePropLookUp
Sub-property of: wdr:setDefinition
Range: wdr:PropLookUp
This property links a Description Resource to a Property Lookup Class.
HTTP method
This property specifies the HTTP method to be used in order to send a request to the lookup service.
include redirection
Type: owl:ObjectProperty
ID: wdr:includeRedirection
Range: wdr:HttpRedirect
See also GROUP: Redirection
This property determines whether HTTP-redirected resource are to be included in the Resource Set. Its value can indicate that temporary, permanent or any redirection is allowable.
OWL Datatype Properties
valid from
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:validFrom
Domain: wdr:DR
Range: xsd:dateTime
Sub Property Of: dc:date
This property denotes the date from which a Description Resource is valid. It may post-date the DR's issue date.
valid until
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:validUntil
Domain: wdr:DR
Range: xsd:dateTime
Sub Property Of: dc:date
This property denotes the expiry date of a Description Resource.
certified by
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:certifiedBy
Domain: wdr:DR
Range: rdfs:Resource
See also DR: Certification
This property links a DR to a certificate that refers back to the DR. The certificate may in any format.
supported by
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:supportedBy
Domain: wdr:DR
Range: rdfs:Resource
See also DR: Supporting Evidence
This property links a DR to another data source that supports, i.e. agrees with, the claims and assertions made in the DR. The supporting evidence may in any format.
address restriction
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:addressRestriction
Sub-property of: wdr:setDefinition
Range: xsd:string
Super-property of: wdr:includeResources
, wdr:excludeResources
, wdr:includeSchemes
, wdr:excludeSchemes
, wdr:includeUsers
, wdr:excludeUsers
, wdr:includeHosts
, wdr:excludeHosts
, wdr:portRestriction
, wdr:includeExactPaths
, wdr:excludeExactPaths
, wdr:includePathContains
, wdr:excludePathContains
, wdr:includePathStartsWith
, wdr:excludePathStartsWith
, wdr:includePathEndsWith
, wdr:excludePathEndsWith
, wdr:includeExactQueries
, wdr:excludeExactQueries
, wdr:includeQueryContains
, wdr:excludeQueryContains
, wdr:includeFragments
, wdr:excludeFragments
, wdr:includeUriRegEx
, wdr:excludeUriRegEx
, wdr:ipRestriction
This property denotes a set of resources in terms of their addresses. It MUST NOT be used directly in a Resource Set definition but is useful in defining cardinality constraints on its sub properties.
include resources
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:includeResources
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Range: wdrd:uriList
This property defines a set of one or more resources, identified by a white space separated list of their URIs, that are to be included in a Resource Set.
exclude resources
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:excludeResources
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Range: wdrd:uriList
This property defines a set of one or more resources, identified by a white space separated list of their URIs, that are to be excluded from a Resource Set.
include schemes
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:includeSchemes
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Range: wdrd:uriSchemeList
See also GROUP: Grouping by IRI/URI component
This property defines a set of resources, that have a URI scheme
component matching at least one of the values given in a white space separated list, that is to be included when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
exclude schemes
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:excludeSchemes
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Range: wdrd:uriSchemeList
See also GROUP: Grouping by IRI/URI component
This property defines a set of resources, that have a URI scheme
component matching at least one of the values given in a white space separated list, that is to be excluded when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
include user infos
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:includeUsers
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Range: wdrd:uriUserInfoList
See also GROUP: Grouping by IRI/URI component
This property defines a set of resources, that have a URI userinfo
component matching at least one of the values given in a white space separated list, that is to be included when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
exclude user infos
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:excludeUsers
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Range: wdrd:uriUserInfoList
See also GROUP: Grouping by IRI/URI component
This property defines a set of resources, that have a URI userinfo
component matching at least one of the values given in a white space separated list, that is to be excluded when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
include hosts
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:includeHosts
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Range: wdrd:uriHostList
See also GROUP: Grouping by IRI/URI component
This property defines a set of resources, that have a URI host
component matching at least one of the values given in a white space separated list, that is to be included when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
exclude hosts
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:excludeHosts
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Range: wdrd:uriHostList
See also GROUP: Grouping by IRI/URI component
This property defines a set of resources, that have a URI host
component matching at least one of the values given in a white space separated list, that is to be excluded when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
about hosts
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:aboutHosts
Domain: wdr:Package
Range: wdrd:uriHostList
See also DR: Package Scope
This property provides a processing hint about the resources described by the DRs in a Package
As with includeHosts
and excludeHosts
, the datatype of its range is a white space separated list of URI hosts.
port restriction
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:portRestriction
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Super-property of: wdr:includePorts
, wdr:includePortRanges
This property denotes a set of resources in terms of a list of URI ports or port ranges. It MUST NOT be used directly in a Resource Set definition but is useful in defining cardinality constraints on its sub properties.
include ports
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:includePorts
Sub-property of: wdr:portRestriction
Range: wdrd:uriPortList
See also GROUP: Grouping by IRI/URI component
This property defines a set of resources, that have a URI port
component matching at least one of the values given in a white space separated list, that is to be included when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
exclude ports
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:excludePorts
Range: wdrd:uriPortList
See also GROUP: Grouping by IRI/URI component
This property defines a set of resources, that have a URI port
component matching at least one of the values given in a white space separated list, that is to be excluded when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
include port ranges
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:includePortRanges
Sub-property of: wdr:portRestriction
Range: wdrd:uriPortRangeList
See also GROUP: Grouping by IRI/URI component
This property defines a set of resources, that have a URI port
component within at least one of the ranges given in a white space separated list, that is to be included when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
exclude port ranges
This property defines a set of resources, that have a URI port
component within at least one of the ranges given in a white space separated list, that is to be excluded when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
include exact paths
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:includeExactPaths
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Range: wdrd:uriPathList
See also GROUP: Grouping by IRI/URI component
See also GROUP: Resource Set Definitions Referring to Paths and/or Query Strings
This property defines a set of resources, that have a URI path
component exactly matching at least one of the values given in a white space separated list, that is to be included when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
exclude exact paths
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:excludeExactPaths
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Range: wdrd:uriPathList
See also GROUP: Grouping by IRI/URI component
See also GROUP: Resource Set Definitions Referring to Paths and/or Query Strings
This property defines a set of resources, that have a URI path
component exactly matching at least one of the values given in a white space separated list, that is to be excluded when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
include path contains
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:includePathContains
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Range: wdrd:uriPathList
See also GROUP: Grouping by IRI/URI component
See also GROUP: Resource Set Definitions Referring to Paths and/or Query Strings
This property defines a set of resources, that have a URI path
component containing at least one of the values given in a white space separated list, that is to be included when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
exclude path contains
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:excludePathContains
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Range: wdrd:uriPathList
See also GROUP: Grouping by IRI/URI component
See also GROUP: Resource Set Definitions Referring to Paths and/or Query Strings
This property defines a set of resources, that have a URI path
component containing at least one of the values given in a white space separated list, that is to be excluded when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
include path starts with
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:includePathStartsWith
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Range: wdrd:uriPathList
See also GROUP: Grouping by IRI/URI component
See also GROUP: Resource Set Definitions Referring to Paths and/or Query Strings
This property defines a set of resources, that have a URI path
component starting with at least one of the values given in a white space separated list, that is to be included when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
exclude path starts with
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:excludePathStartsWith
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Range: wdrd:uriPathList
See also GROUP: Grouping by IRI/URI component
See also GROUP: Resource Set Definitions Referring to Paths and/or Query Strings
This property defines a set of resources, that have a URI path
component starting with at least one of the values given in a white space separated list, that is to be excluded when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
include path ends with
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:includePathEndsWith
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Range: wdrd:uriPathList
See also GROUP: Grouping by IRI/URI component
See also GROUP: Resource Set Definitions Referring to Paths and/or Query Strings
This property defines a set of resources, that have a URI path
component ending with at least one of the values given in a white space separated list, that is to be included when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
exclude path ends with
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:excludePathEndsWith
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Range: wdrd:uriPathList
See also GROUP: Grouping by IRI/URI component
See also GROUP: Resource Set Definitions Referring to Paths and/or Query Strings
This property defines a set of resources, that have a URI path
component ending with at least one of the values given in a white space separated list, that is to be excluded when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
include exact queries
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:includeExactQueries
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Range: wdrd:uriQueryList
See also GROUP: Grouping by IRI/URI component
See also GROUP: Resource Set Definitions Referring to Paths and/or Query Strings
This property defines a set of resources, that have a URI query
component exactly matching at least one of the values given in a white space separated list, that is to be included when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
exclude exact queries
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:excludeExactQueries
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Range: wdrd:uriQueryList
See also GROUP: Grouping by IRI/URI component
See also GROUP: Resource Set Definitions Referring to Paths and/or Query Strings
This property defines a set of resources, that have a URI query
component exactly matching at least one of the values given in a white space separated list, that is to be excluded when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
include query contains
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:includeQueryContains
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Range: wdrd:uriQueryList
See also GROUP: Grouping by IRI/URI component
See also GROUP: Resource Set Definitions Referring to Paths and/or Query Strings
This property defines a set of resources, that have a URI query
component containing at least one of the values given in a white space separated list, that is to be included when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
exclude query contains
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:excludeQueryContains
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Range: wdrd:uriQueryList
See also GROUP: Grouping by IRI/URI component
See also GROUP: Resource Set Definitions Referring to Paths and/or Query Strings
This property defines a set of resources, that have a URI query
component containing at least one of the values given in a white space separated list, that is to be excluded when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
include fragments
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:includeFragments
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Range: wdrd:uriFragmentList
See also GROUP: Grouping by IRI/URI component
This property defines a set of resources, that have a URI fragment
component matching at least one of the values given in a white space separated list, that is to be included when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
exclude fragments
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:excludeFragments
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Range: wdrd:uriFragmentList
See also GROUP: Grouping by IRI/URI component
This property defines a set of resources, that have a URI fragment
component matching at least one of the values given in a white space separated list, that is to be excluded when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
include URI Regular Expression
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:includeUriRegEx
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Range: ?
See also XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators, Section 7.6.1 Regular Expression Syntax
This property defines a set of resources, by means of a single Regular Expression matched against their URIs, that is to be included when interpreting a Resource Set definition. The XQuery 1.0/XPath 2.0 Regular Expression syntax is used, which is based on the established conventions of languages such as Perl. It avoids some of the more advanced RE patterns that can require excessive processing which is not appropriate or needed when establishing whether a candidate resource is or it not an element of a Resource Set.
exclude URI Regular Expression
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:excludeUriRegEx
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Range: ?
See also XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators, Section 7.6.1 Regular Expression Syntax
This property defines a set of resources, by means of a single Regular Expression matched against their URIs, that is to be excluded when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
Like includeUriRegEx
, is uses the XQuery 1.0/XPath 2.0 Regular Expression syntax.
include URI pattern
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:excludeUriPattern
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Range: wdrd:stringList
See also GROUP: Grouping by URI Pattern
-->This property defines a set of resources, by means of white space separated list of URI-like strings that include wildcards, that is to be included when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
The special characters in a URI (:/@.?#
) retain their function and meaning. However, the asterisk wildcard character (*
can be substituted by any other character that is legal within a URI/IRI.
exclude URI pattern
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:excludeUriPattern
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Range: wdrd:stringList
This property defines a set of resources, by means of white space separated list of URI-like strings that include wildcards, that is to be excluded when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
IP restriction
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:ipRestriction
Sub-property of: wdr:addressRestriction
Super-property of: wdr:includeIPs
, wdr:includeIpRanges
This property denotes a set of resources in terms of a set of IP addresses or IP ranges. It MUST NOT be used directly in a Resource Set definition but is useful in defining cardinality constraints on its sub properties.
include IPs
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:includeIPs
Sub-property of: wdr:ipRestriction
Range: wdrd:ipList
See also GROUP: Grouping by IP Address
This property defines a set of resources, that have an IP address matching at least one of the values given in a white space separated list, that is to be included when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
exclude IPs
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:excludeIPs
Range: wdrd:ipList
See also GROUP: Grouping by IP Address
This property defines a set of resources, that have an IP address matching at least one of the values given in a white space separated list, that is to be excluded when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
include IP ranges
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:includeIpRanges
Sub-property of: wdr:ipRestriction
Range: wdrd:cidrList
See also GROUP: Grouping by IP Address
This property defines a set of resources, that have an IP address within at least one of the ranges given in a white space separated list of CIDR blocks, that is to be included when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
exclude IP ranges
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:excludeIpRanges
Range: wdrd:cidrList
See also GROUP: Grouping by IP Address
This property defines a set of resources, that have an IP address within at least one of the ranges given in a white space separated list of CIDR blocks, that is to be excluded when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
response restriction
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:responseRestriction
Domain: wdr:PropLookUp
Range: xsd:string
Super-property of: wdr:includeExactResponses
, wdr:excludeExactResponses
, wdr:includeResponseContains
, wdr:excludeResponseContains
This property denotes the response provided by a lookup service about the characteristics of a resource. It MUST NOT be used directly in a Resource Set definition but is useful in defining cardinality constraints on its sub properties.
include exact responses
This property defines a set of resources, for which the response from the given look up URI
exactly matches the value given, that is to be included when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
exclude exact responses
This property defines a set of resources, for which the response from the given look up URI
exactly matches the value given, that is to be excluded when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
include response contains
This property defines a set of resources, for which the response from the given look up URI
contains the value given, that is to be included when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
exclude response contains
This property defines a set of resources, for which the response from the given look up URI
contains the value given, that is to be excluded when interpreting a Resource Set definition.
lookup URI
This property specifies the URI to be resolved in order to discover the characteristics of a candidate resource. It takes a single
'template URI' that will include, or may comprise, the specific string {cURI}
. This is to be substituted by the candidate resource's
URI before resolution.
described by
Type: owl:DatatypeProperty
ID: wdr:describedBy
Range: Description Resource
Range: Package
See also DR: Semantic Linkage
This property can point from any resource to a DR or a DR Package which should include the resource that pointed to it in its scope.
maps to
This property links from any kind of descriptive resource to a wdr:Descriptors class that is semantically equivalent.
The editors duly acknowledge the contributions made by all members of the POWDER Working Group.
- Protocol for Web Description Resources (POWDER): Grouping of Resources, A Perego, P Archer. This document is at http://www.w3.org/TR/powder-grouping/
- [DR]
- Protocol for Web Description Resources (POWDER): Description Resources, K Smith, P Archer. This document is at http://www.w3.org/TR/powder-dr/
- [WDRD]
- Protocol for Web Description Resources (POWDER): Web Description Resources Datatypes, A Perego. This document is at http://www.w3.org/2007/05/powder
- RFC2119
- Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels, S. Bradner. IETF, March 1997. This document is at http://ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.