CSS3 module: Generated Content for Paged Media

W3C Working Draft 5 February 2007

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Håkon Wium Lie, Opera Software, howcome@opera.com


This module describes features often used in printed publications. In particular, this specification describes how CSS style sheets can express named strings, leaders, cross-references, footnotes, endnotes, running headers and footers, named flows, new counter styles, page and column floats, hyphenation, bookmarks, change bars, continuation markers, named page lists, and generated lists. Along with two other CSS3 modules – multicolumn layout and paged media – this module offers advanced functionality for presenting structured documents on paged media.

Status of this document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at http://www.w3.org/TR/.

Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.

The (archived) public mailing list www-style@w3.org (see instructions) is preferred for discussion of this specification. When sending e-mail, please put the text “css3-gcpm” in the subject, preferably like this: “[css3-gcpm] …summary of comment…

This document was produced by the CSS Working Group (part of the Style Activity).

This document was produced by a group operating under the 5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy. W3C maintains a public list of any patent disclosures made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains Essential Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance with section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.

This WD describes functionality at various levels of maturity. Some features have been part of other WDs in the past and have already been implemented. Other features are merely at the brainstorming stage. In general, features presented earlier in this draft are more mature that those presented later in the draft.

Table of contents

1. Dependencies on other modules

This CSS3 module has normative references to the following other CSS3 modules:

This CSS3 module has non-normative (informative) references to the following other CSS3 modules:

2. Introduction

(This section is not normative.)

This specification describes various functionality which is commonly used in paper-based publishing. Some of the proposed functionality (e.g., hyphenation and the new list style types) may also used with other media types. However, this specification is only concerned with the 'print' media type.

This is an early and preliminary proposal that still needs a lot of work and we would especially welcome feedback from the community that works on document specifications.

3. Named strings

To aid navigation in printed material, headers and footers are often printed in the page margins. [CSS3PAGE] describes how to place headers and footers on a page, but not how to fetch headers and footers from elements in the document. This specification offers two ways to achieve this. The first mechanism is named strings which copies the text (and not style, structure, or replaced content) from one element for later reuse. Named strings are described in this section. Later, a mechanism for moving elements (including its style and structure) into a running headers/footer is described.

Named strings can be thought of as variables that can hold one string of text. Named strings are created with the 'string-set' property which copies a string of text into the named string. Only text is copied; not style, structure, or replaced content. The only reason for creating a named string is to display the string later by using the 'content' property.

Discuss the name space of counters vs named strings

The scope of a named string is the page of the element to which the 'string-set' property is attached and subsequent pages. Is this correct?

There should be a more specific description of how to get to the text. For example, should all white space be preserved?

3.1. Setting named strings

The 'string-set' property is defined as follows:

Name: string-set
Value: [[ <identifier> <content-list>] [, <identifier> <content-list>]* ] | none
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: all
Computed value: as specified value

The 'string-set' property accepts a comma-separated list of named strings. Each named string is followed by a content list that specifies which text to copy into the named string. Whenever an element with value of 'string-set' different from 'none' is encountered, the named strings are assigned their respective value.

For the 'string-set' property, <content-list> expands to one or more of these, in any order:

dt { string-set: index first-letter, entry content }
h1 { string-set: header "Chapter " counter(chapter) content }

The two tables below show how the above style sheet can set values on named strings. First, for the 'dt' element, the content is (say) "Amphibious":

element type content value of 'index' string value of 'entry' string
dt "Amphibious" "A" "Amphibious"

Second, for the 'h1' element, the content is (say) "Introduction" and the value of the 'chapter' counter is 1:

element type content value of 'chapter' counter value of 'header' string
h1 "Introduction" 1 "Chapter 1 Introduction"

3.2. Using named strings

The content of named strings can be recalled by using the 'string()' value on the 'content' property. The 'string()' value has one required argument, namely the name of the string.

@page { @top-center { content: string(header) }}
@page { @right-middle { content: string(index) }}
@page { @top-left { content: string(entry) }}
h1 { string-set: header "Chapter " counter(chapter) content }
dt { string-set: index first-letter, entry content }

If the value of the named string is changed by an element on a certain page, the named string may have several values. In order to specify which of these values should be used, an optional argument is accepted on the 'string()' value. This argument can have one of four keywords:

In this example, the first term on the page will be shown in the top left corner and the last term on the page will be shown in the top right corner. In top center of the page, the first letter of first term will be shown.

@page { @top-left { content: string(entry, first) }}
@page { @top-right { content: string(entry, last) }}
@page { @top-center { content: string(index, first) }}
dt { string-set: index first-letter, entry content }
In this example, the header in the top center will be blank on pages where 'h1' elements appear. On other pages, the string of the previous 'h1' element will be shown.
@page { @top-center { content: string(chapter, last-except) }}
h1 { string-set: chapter content }

4. Leaders

A leader is a visual pattern that guides the eye. Typically, leaders are used to visually connect an entry in a list with a corresponding code. For example, there are often leaders between titles and page numbers in a table of contents (toc). Another example is the phone book where there are leaders between a name and a telephone number.

In CSS3, a leader is composed of series of glyph through the 'leader()' value on the 'content' property. The functional notation accepts one value which describe the glyph pattern that make up the leaders. These values are allowed:

Using the keyword values is similar to setting a string value. The table below shows the equivalents:

Keyword String Comment
leader(dotted) leader('. ') Note the space character inside the string
leader(solid) leader('_')
leader(space) leader(' ') The string consists of one space character

Some fonts may not have suitable glyphs for all patterns. For example, in some Eastern languages, the alignment of the shape within the glyph may not be optimal for creating leaders.

The string inside the parenthesis is called the leader string.

In its simplest form, the 'content' property only takes one 'leader()' value:

heading::after { content: leader(dotted) }

The leader string must be shown in full at least once and this establishes the minimum length of the leader. To fill the available space, the leader string is repeated as many times as possible in the writing direction. At the end of the leader, a partial string pattern may be shown. Or, partial strings be avoided? White space in leaders is collapsed according to the value of 'white-space'.

These properties influence the appearance of leaders: all font properties, text properties, 'letter-spacing', 'white-space', 'background', and 'color'.

Should other properties influence the appearance of leaders?

UAs should attempt to align leader patterns on a page. Is there a better way to say this

In a more complex example, the 'leader' value is combined with other values on the 'content' property:

ul.toc a::after {
  content: leader('. . . ') target-counter(attr(href, url), page);

If the content connected by a leader end up on different lines, the leader will be present on all lines. Each leader fragment honors the minimum length of the leader.

Consider this code:

.name::after { content: leader(dotted) }
<div class="entry">
<span class="name">John Doe</span>
<span class="number">123456789</span>

If the name and number end up on different lines (e.g., in a narrow column), it may be formatted like this:

John Doe....

To determine the length of the leaders, user agents must do the following for each line:

  1. Lay out the content with leaders of minimum lengths
  2. Determine the empty space left on the line.
  3. Distribute the empty space between the leaders on the line. Glyphs must not be shown partially. All leaders on the line should, to the extent possible, have the same length. This may not always be possible as the minimum leader length must be honored.
  4. Fill the empty space with the specified leader pattern.

Consider this code:

cite::before { content: leader('  ') }
  Bla great bla bla world bla bla
  empire bla bla color bla bla
  history bla bla forever.
    <cite>John Johnson</cite>

Depending on the width of the containing block, this may be rendered as:

  Bla great bla bla world bla bla
  empire bla bla color bla bla
  history bla bla forever.   John 

However, this rendering is preferable:

  Bla great bla bla world bla bla
  empire bla bla color bla bla
  history bla bla forever.
                     John Johnson

To indicate that John Johnson should be kept on one line, this rule can be added to the style sheet:

cite { text-wrap: suppress }

Until 'text-wrap' is widely supported, this rule can also be used:

cite { white-space: nowrap }

Here is another pleasant rendering of this example:

  Bla great bla bla world bla bla empire
  bla bla color bla bla history bla bla 
  forever.                  John Johnson

5. Cross-references

It is common to refer to other parts of a document by way of a section number (e.g,, "See section 3.4.1"), a page number (e.g,, "See discussion on page 72"), or a string (e.g., "See the chapter on Europe"). Being able to resolve these cross-references automatically saves time and errors.

Cross-reference are generated by styling the source anchor of a link in a special way. Instead of styling the source anchor by (say) showing it underlined in blue, the style sheet can (say) specify that the source anchor should be presented with a page number. For example, the string " (see page 72)" could be added to the link.

Here is the CSS code to achieve this on common HTML markup:

a::after { content: "(see page " target-counter(attr(href, url), page, decimal) ")" }

5.1. The 'target-counter' and 'target-counters' values

Numerical cross-references are generated by 'target-counter' and 'target-counters' that fetch the value of a counter at the target end of the link. These functions are similar to the 'counter()' and 'counters()' functions, except that they fetch counter values from remote elements. 'target-counter' has two required arguments: the url of the link, and the name of a counter. 'target-counters' has three required arguments: the url of the link, the name of a counter, and a separator string. An optional argument at the end indicates which list style type to use when presenting the resulting number; 'decimal' being the default.

5.2. The 'target-text' value

Textual cross-references are generated by 'target-text' which fetches the textual content from the target end of the link. Only text is copied; not style, structure, or replaced content. 'target-text' has one required argument: the url of the link. An optional second argument specifies exactly which content is generated. There are four possible values:

The default value is 'content'.

To generate this text

See Chapter 3 ("A better way") on page 31 for an in-depth evaluation.

from this markup:
<p>See <a href="#chx">this chapter</a> for an in-depth evaluation.
<h2 id="chx">A better way</h2>
this CSS code can be used:
h2 { counter-increment: chapter }
a { content: "Chapter " target-counter(attr(href, url), chapter) 
   ' ("'  target-text(attr(href), content) '") on page '
   target-counter(attr(href, url), page);

6. Footnotes

Footnotes is another device used in traditional printing. A footnote is a note placed at the bottom of a page that comments on or cites a reference for a designated part of the text. References to footnotes are marked with a note-call in the main text.

In its simplest form, a making a footnote is very simple.

.footnote { float: note }

<p>A sentence consists of words. <span class="footnote">Most often.</span>.

In this example, the text Most often. will be placed in a footnote. A note-call will be left behind in the main text and a corresponding marker will be shown next to the footnote. Here is one possible rendering:

A sentence consists of words. ¹

¹ Most often.

To support legacy browsers, it is often better to make a link to the note rather than including the text inline. This example shows how to fetch the content of a note and place it in a footnote.

@media print {
  .footnote { 
    float: footnote; 
    content: target-move(attr(href, url)) }
  .marker { display: none }
<p>A sentence consists of words<a class="footnote" href="#words"> [3]</a>.
<p id=words><span class="marker">[3]</span> Most often.

When shown in (say) screen mode or a legacy browser, the note-call will be shown as a clickable link to an end note. When printed according to this specification, there will be a footnote:

A sentence consists of words¹.

¹ Most often.

In order to support footnotes in CSS, the following functionality is added:

These items are described below.

6.1. Turning elements into footnotes

An element with 'float: footnote' (called the footnote element) is moved to the footnote area and a note-call pseudo-element is put in its original place.

span.footnote { 
  float: footnote;

For each new footnote element, the predefined 'footnote' counter is incremented due to a setting in the default style sheet.

Footnote elements are presented inside the footnote area, but they inherit through their normal place in structure of the document.

There has been a number of proposals on how to achieve this, including 'position: footnote', 'flow: footnote', and 'display: footnote'. The current thinking is that 'float' is suitable as the content still takes up space.

6.2. The footnote area

All elements with 'float: footnote' are moved to boxes with 'content: pending(footnote)'. As specified in the default style sheet, this is the case for the @footnote area.

This code is part of the suggested default style sheet:

@footnote { content: pending(footnote) }

The footnote area is found at the bottom of the page area. Page-based floats with the 'bottom' value will be placed above the footnote area. Potentially, every page has a footnote area. If there are no footnotes on the page, the footnote area will not take up any space. If there are footnotes on a page, the layout of the footnote area will be determined by the properties/values set on it, and by the footnote elements elements inside it.

These properties apply to the footnote area: 'content', 'border', 'padding', 'margin', 'background', 'column-span' and 'border-length'.

This example uses many of the applicable properties on @footnote:

@footnote {
  margin-top: 0.5em;
  border-top: thin solid black;
  border-length: 4em;
  padding-top: 0.5em;
  column-span: all;

The result of this code is that a footnote area will appear on every page with footnote elements on it. The footnote area will have some margin above the border. Unlike normal borders, only part of the border is visible due to the 'border-length' property. Underneath the border, there will be padding. Finally, 'column-span' declares that the footnote area will span all columns, not just one (which is the initial value).

6.3. The 'border-length' property

Name: border-width
Value: <length> | auto
Initial: auto
Applies to: @footnote areas
Inherited: no
Percentages: refer to normal length of horizontal border of footnote area
Media: visual
Computed value: the absolute length

The purpose of the 'border-width' property is to describe one common way of separating footnotes from other content: where a short horizontal bar is used as a separator.

A sentence consists of words¹.
¹ Most often.

The 'border-width' property affects the rendering of horizontal borders of the footnote area. Vertical borders are not affected. If the length of horizontal borders are longer than the value of this property, part of the border will be invisible and the background of the footnote area will be shown instead. Which part of the border is made invisible depends on the inline direction of the text; if the direction is left-to-right, the left pat of the border will be visible, and vice versa. If the inline direction is not horizontal, this property has no effect.

Should it be called 'max-border-length', 'border-width', or 'max-border-width'?

In published books, it is customary for the footnote area to be limited to less than half the height of the page area. Long footnotes may need more space, and the customary solution is for footnotes to span several pages. To achieve this, the 'max-height' property should be used. However, footnotes spanning several pages is an advanced feature which is not a conformance requirement for this specification.

Footnotes in tables and floats may be problematic. In some cases, the author may want the footnote to go at the end of the table or float instead of the bottom of the page.

6.4. Note calls

When an element is moved to the footnote area, a note call is left behind. The content and style of the footnote-call is set on the 'footnote-call' pseudo-element.

span.footnote::footnote-call {
  content: counter(footnote, super-decimal)
In this example, the resulting note call is a super-scripted decimal number.

Should any white space characters between the note-call and and the preceding content be removed?

6.5. Markers

A ::note-marker pseudo-element is added to each footnote element. It typically contains the same numbers/symbols as the note-call pseudo-element to link the two together.

.footnote::footnote-marker {
  content: counter(footnote, super-decimal);
  list-style-position: outside; 

Marker elements are discussed in more detail in the CSS Lists module [CSS3LIST]. One suggested change to that module is to honor the value of 'list-style-position' on the ::footnote-marker pseudo-element itself rather than the corresponding list-item element.

6.6. The footnote counter

Footnotes are counted with a predefined 'footnote' counter. When an element with 'position: footnote' is encountered, the 'footnote' counter is automatically incremented. An element with 'float: footnote' inherits from its parent, not from @footnote.

The reason for having a predefined "footnote" counter is to avoid having to set "counter-increment: footnote" every time one sets "float: footnote". However, is this a good enough reason?

The footnote counter can be reset on a page basis.

@page { reset-counter: footnote }

Suggested constraints for the placement of footnotes:

  1. Footnotes must appear as early as possible under the following constraints:
  2. A footnote marker may not appear on an earlier page than the footnote call.
  3. Footnotes may not appear out of order. (What order is that: the document order or the visual order? Probably the document order, the same order as the footnote counter values, although the visual order of the footnote calls may be different, due to their occurrence in positioned and floating elements.)
  4. The footnote area is limited in size by 'max-height', unless the page contains only footnotes. (E.g., if at the end of the document there are still footnotes unprinted, you can use the whole page to print them, no need to leave the upper half empty.)
  5. If there is a footnote call on a page, the footnote area may not be empty, unless its 'max-height' is too small.

6.7. The 'target-move' value

In order to fetch the content of another element (e.g., a linked note), the 'target-move' value is introduced. The value uses a functional notation and expects a URI value as argument. In combination with the 'content' property, target elements can be moved to the anchor element.

@media print {
  .footnote { 
    float: footnote; 
    content: target-move(attr(href, url)) }
  .marker { display: none }
<p>A sentence consists of words [3]</a>.
<p id=words><span class="marker">[3]</span> Most often.

As a result of the 'target-move' value, the last p element is moved from it normal place of presentation and into the footnote.

Describe in more detail.

7. Endnotes

Endnotes are similar to footnotes, except that they are placed at the end of a section rather than at the bottom of a page. Some documents use both footnotes and endnotes.

Do we need endnotes, given that 'target-move' supports legacy endnote-like renderings?

To support endnotes, a new value on 'float' is proposed.

span.note { 
  float: endnote;
body::after { content: pending(note) }

Elements with 'float: endnote' are moved to where 'content: pending(endnote)' is set. If 'content: pending(endnote)' is not set, elements are moved to the end of the document.

div.chapter::after { 
  content: pending(endnote);
  display: block;

Like for footnotes, a ::endnote-call pseudo element is left at the place of origin.

Like for footnotes, a predefined 'endnote' counter is incremented for every endnote element due to a setting in the default style sheet.

Like for footnotes, a ::endnote-marker pseudo-element is generated at the place of presentation.

Like for footnotes, the content of ::endnote-call and ::endnote-marker pseudo-elements can be set with the 'content' property.

Footnotes and endnotes are very similar and it may seem excessive to define different call and marker types for them. The reason for doing so is to create hooks to be used in the default style sheets. As a result, changing 'float: footnote' to 'float: endnote' will just work.

8. Running elements

Headers and footers can be achieved through named strings, as described above. However, named strings only hold textual content; any style, structure or replaced content associated with the element is ignored. To overcome this limitation, a way of producing running headers and footers by way of moving elements is introduced.

Unlike footnotes and endnotes, elements that are moved into headers and footers are repeated on several pages; they are said to be running elements. To support running elements, a new value – running() – is introduced on the 'position' property. It has one required argument: the name of the running element which it creates. Running elements are not real elements and their creation does not alter the document structure. A running element has a name. Like counters and named strings, the name of a running element is chosen by the style sheet author. A running element can hold one element and its descendants. Whenever a new element is assigned to a running element, the old value is lost. The content of the running element can be referred to by way of the 'element(<element>)' value.

title { position: running(header) }
@page { @top-center {
  content: element(header) }

Like the 'string()' value, the 'element()' value accepts an optional second argument which is one of: 'start', 'first', 'last', 'last-except'. The keywords have the same meaning as for the 'string()' value.

One notable difference between named strings and running elements is that 'string()' copies the textual content of an element while 'running()' moves the presentation of the element.

In this example, the header is hidden from view in all media types except print. On printed pages, the header is displayed top center on all pages, except where h1 elements appear.

  div.header { display: none }
  @media print {
  div.header {
    display: block;
    position: running(header);
  @page { @top-center { content: element(header, last-except) }}
<div class="header">Introduction</div>
<h1 class="chapter">An introduction</div>

This code illustrates how to change the running header on one page only.

@page { @top-center {
  content: element(header, first) }}
.header { position: running(header) }
.once { font-weight: bold }
<div class="header">Not now</div>
<p>Da di ha di da di ...
  <span class="header once">NOW!</span>
  <span class="header">Not now</span>
  ... da di ha di hum.</p>
The header is "Not now" from the outset, due to the "div" element. The first "span" element changes it to "NOW!" on the page where the "span" element would have appeared. The second "span" element, which would have appeared on the same page as the first is not used as the 'first' keyword has been specified. However, the second "span" element still sets the exit value for "header" and this value is then used on the next page.

9. Named flows

It is sometimes useful to move elements out of their normal flow and into other containers. CSS is not a transformation language, so the motivation for supporting flows is presentational rather than structural. Mechanisms to support footnotes, endnotes and running headers and footers – which are conventional ways of moving content – have been described above. In this section, a more generic mechanism called named flows is described.

Not quite described yet, but at least an example is provided

P.side { position: flow(side) }
DIV.side { 
  content: pending(side);

Elements that are moved into a new flow are removed from their current position to where 'pending(<flow>)' has been set. Like for footnotes and endnotes, elements that are moved into a named flow are only displayed once.

If 'pending(<flow>)' isn't set anywhere, the content should be place at the end?

Should a ::note-call be left in the original location?

Should it be possible to add footnotes/endnotes by way of named flows?

10. New counter styles

10.1. The 'super-decimal' list-style-type

A new list-style-type, 'super-decimal', is introduced to better support footnotes. Small, super-scripted footnote calls are common; the first three numbers have code points in Latin-1 and some font families have even more super-scripted glyphs. The 'super-decimal' keyword allow these font resources to be used and replaces the used of 'font-size' and 'vertical-align' (which prohibit the use of special-purpose glyphs).

10.2. Named counter styles

CSS defines a number of predefined list style types for the 'list-style-type' property and other places where a list-style-type value is accepted. Some styles repeat the same glyph (e.g., 'disc' and 'circle') while others have lists of glyphs (e.g., 'decimal', and 'lower-roman'). To increase the range of lists that can be achieved through CSS without adding lots of new keywords, @counter-style rules are introduced. By using @counter-style, a style sheet can name new counter styles.

An @counter-style rule consists of the keyword '@counter-style', followed by the name of the symbol counter style, followed by a space-separated list of strings.

@counter-style daggers "*" "\2020" "\2021" "\A7" "#";
ol { list-style-type: daggers }
@counter-style ordinal "1st" "2nd" "3rd" "4th";
h1:before { content: counter(chapter, ordinal) " chapter" }

The first string in the list represents number one, the second string represents number two, etc. If a counter has a value less than one, or greater than the number of strings in the list, the rendering will be as if the 'decimal' list style type had been specified.

Consider this example:

@counter-style ordinal "1st" "2nd" "3rd" "4th";
ordered-list { counter-reset: items -1 }
list-item { counter-increment: items 2 }

For a series of list-item elements inside an ordered-list element, the value of the items counter will be -1, 1, 3, 5, 7 etc. Given that the ordinal counter style only defines a counter style for 1, 2, 3, and 4, the list will be numbered "-1", "1st", "3rd", "5", "7" etc.

Should we allow images in addition to strings?
  @counter-style graphic url("1.gif") url("2.gif") url("3.gif")

10.3. The 'symbol(...)' list-style-type

A new list-style-type with a functional notation is introduced to avoid the indirection of having to name counter styles. The ''symbol(...)'' value takes a comma-separated list of strings, just like named counter styles described above.

  ol { list-style: "*" "\2020" "\2021" "\A7" "#" }
::footnote-call {
    content: counter(footnote, symbols('*', '+', '!'))

Should there be a way to indicate the behavior if there are more items than strings? Proposals include: "alphabetic", "enumerate", "numeric", "cycle", "ideographic".

11. New values on 'float'

In CSS2, the 'float' property is used to shift content to the left or right on the current line. This specification extends the property with several new values to allow content to be shifted to places commonly used in printed documents. Several of the new keywords can or must be combined with each other. The order of the keywords is insignificant.

This code serves as the base document for the examples of this section:

div {
  column-width: 15em;
  column-gap: 2em;               /* shown in red below */
  column-rule: thin solid black; /* shown in black below */
  padding: 1em;                  /* shown in blue below */
img {
  display: block;                /* shown in dark gray below */
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Nam at jus.
<img src="foo"/>
Sed imp er di et ris. Cur abi tur et sapen.

This code can be rendered as:

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.

Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Vivamus a metus.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Vivamus a metus.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

If this code is added to the base document:

img { float: right }

it may be rendered as:

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
er di
et ris.
tur et sapen. Fusce
sed ligula a turpis.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Vivamus a metus.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Vivamus a metus.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

Turns the element into a footnote element (as discussed above). This keyword cannot be combined with other keywords.
Turns the element into an endnote element (as discussed above). This keyword cannot be combined with other keywords.
This keyword is synonymous with 'left' on recto pages and 'right' on verso pages.
This keyword is synonymous with 'left' on verso pages and 'right' on recto pages.
This keyword modifies the meaning of 'top', 'bottom', and 'next' and can only be used in combination with one of them.

These examples float the image to the bottom of the page.

img { float: page bottom }
Modifies the meaning of 'top', 'bottom', 'next' and 'gap' and can only be used in combination with one of them.
img { float: top right column }
Specifies that the element is floated into the gap between the column where the element is found and the next column, pushing aside content in both columns. This keyword only has effect in combination with the 'column' keyword. If the element is not inside a multi-column layout, this keyword has no effect. If the element is found in the last column a the multi-column layout, the
img { 
  float: column gap;
  width: 120%;

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
er di
et ris.
tur et sapen. Fusce
sed ligula a turpis.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.

er di
et ris.
tur et sapen. Fusce
sed ligula a turpis.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Vivamus a metus.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

Floats the element to the top of the containing block. If combined with 'page', the element is floated to the top of the page. If combind with 'column', the element is floated to the top of the column generator instead. If combined with 'column' and the element is not inside a column generator, this keyword has no effect. If combined with 'page' and the element is not in a paged media, this keyword has no effect.

This example floats the image to the top right of the column generator

img {
  float: top right column;
  column-span: 2;
  width: 100%;

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Vivamus a metus.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.

If combined with 'left', 'right', 'inside' or 'outside', the element will float to the respective side, while allowing other content around it. In other cases, the element will be cover the width of the page or column.

Floats the element to the bottom of the containing block. If combined with 'page', the element is floated to the bottom of the page. If combind with 'column', the element is floated to the bottom of the column generator instead. If combined with 'column' and the element is not inside a column generator, this keyword has no effect. If combined with 'page' and the element is not in a paged media, this keyword has no effect.
img { 
  float: bottom;
  width: 100%;

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Vivamus a metus.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet. Nam at jus.
Sed imp er di et ris.
Cur abi tur et sapen.
Vivamus a metus.
Aenean at risus
pharetra ante luctu
feugiat quis enim.
Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magni.

If combined with 'left', 'right', 'inside' or 'outside', the element will float to the respective side, possibly with other content on its side. In other cases, the element will be cover the width of the page or column.

Floats the element to the next page (in combindation with 'page') or next column (in combination with 'column'). If neither 'page' nor 'column' is specified, this keyword has no effect. Unless 'bottom' is specified, the float is placed as if 'top' is specified.

These two declarations result in identical presentations:

img { float: next page }
img { float: top next page }
Adds a conditional to the floating of the element to the next page or column; the element is only floated if there is not enough room to display the element in the current page/column. This keyword only has effect in combination with the 'next' keyword or the 'dev-null' keyword.
img { float: next page unless-room }
This value indicates, in combination with 'unless-room', that the element should only be shown if there is room in the current column or page.

The image is only shown if there is room on the current page or column.

img { float: dev-null unless-room }

Some alternative names for this value are: 'six-foot-under', 'mariana-trench', 'great-beyond', 'valhalla'.

12. Crop marks

The 'marks' property from [CSS2] is part of this specification.

13. Hyphenation

The CSS3 Text Module [CSS3TEXT] defines the 'hyphenate' property which adds support for hyphenation through style sheets. This specification defines more properties to further refine hyphenation. The description of the 'hyphenate' property is included for reference purposes.

Name: hyphenate
Value: none | auto
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: specified value
Name: hyphenate-dictionary
Value: auto | <uri>
Initial: auto
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: specified value

This property specifies which hyphenate-dictionary to use. The 'auto' value indicates that the built-in dictionaries, if any, should be used.

Name: hyphenate-before
Value: <integer>
Initial: 2
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: specified value

This property specifies the minimum number of characters in a hyphenated word before the hyphenation character.

Name: hyphenate-after
Value: <integer>
Initial: 2
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: specified value

This property specifies the minimum number of characters in a hyphenated word after the hyphenation character.

Name: hyphenate-lines
Value: none | <integer>
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: specified value

This property specifies the maximum number of successive hyphenated lines in an element. The 'none' value means that there is no limit.

Name: hyphenate-character
Value: <string>
Initial: A string consisting of the Unicode hyphen character U+2010
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: specified value

This property specifies a string that is shown when a hyphenate-break occurs. Typically, the string consists of only one character.


Some document formats have the capability of holding bookmarks. To generate these bookmarks, three properties are defined.

Name: bookmark-level
Value: none | <integer>
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: all
Computed value: specified value
h1 { bookmark-level: 1 }
h2 { bookmark-level: 2 }
h3 { bookmark-level: 3 }
Name: bookmark-label
Value: content | <attr> | <string>
Initial: content
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: all
Computed value: specified value

This property specifies the label of the bookmark.

a { bookmark-label: attr(title, string) }
h1 { bookmark-label: self }
#frog { bookmark-label: "The green frog";
Name: bookmark-target
Value: self | <uri> | <attr>
Initial: self
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: N/A
Media: all
Computed value: For URI values, the absolute URI; for attr() values, the resulting URI or string; for other keywords, as specified.

This property specifies the target of the bookmark link.

.bookmark {
  bookmark-label: attr(title, string);
  bookmark-target: attr(href, url);
<a class="bookmark" title="The green pear" href="#pears"/>

XSL uses a different list of properties. Reuse of these properties has been considered.

15. Change bars

Change bars are used to indicate that a change has occurred in a section of a document. The changed section does not necessarily correspond to an element and (given the tree structure of common markup languages) it is not always possible to create any such element.

To avoid these limitations, the beginning of a change mark is associated with one document and the end of a change mark is associated with another document.

p.change-start { 
  change-bar: thin solid red;
  change-bar-class: change1;
  change-bar-offset: 0.3em;
  change-bar-side: left; /* or right, inside, outside */

p.change-end { 
  change-bar-class: change1;

This model is borrowed from XSL.

16. Continuation markers

Continuation markers are used to indicate that an element continues from one page to the next. The ::before-break pseudo-element is shown after the last line before the page break. The ::after-break pseudo-element is shown before the first line after the page break. Continuation markers otherwise act as ::marker pseudo-elements.

::before-break { 
   content: image(to-arrow.png);
::after-break { 
   content: image(from-arrow.png);

17. Named page lists

In CSS 2.0, the 'page' property takes one value. The value can be 'auto' or a named page. In the case where a named page is specified, a page break is inserted and the element is put on the named page.

In this specification, a list of values is allowed in the 'page' property. As content is laid out and new pages are generated, the list is traversed linearly starting at the first list item. One page is created per item in the list. If more pages are required than there are items in the list, the last item is repeated as many times as necessary.

  h2 { page: no-header auto }

This means: the content of an h2 element should be laid out on a 'no-header' page, thereafter the auto page (which is the initial value). The last value (auto) is repeated if there is need for more pages.

The last value in the list becomes the leaving value which is compared with the first item the 'page' property of the next element. If those two values are different, a page break is generated.

Consider this example:

  h2 { page: no-header auto }
  p { page: auto }


There would be no page break between H2 and P elements as the last named page on H2 is the same as the first (and only) named page on the P element.

18. Generated lists

Books typically have sections that are extracted from the main content, for example, a the table of contents (toc) in the front and an index at the back. Also, there are glossaries and lists of figures (lof) and lists of tables (lot). These sections can all be referred to as generated lists; they are generated from the main content, and have the nature of lists. Some lists are sorted alphabetically (e.g., an index and a glossary), and others reflect the order of the content (toc, lof, lot).

To generate lists in CSS, a prototype container must be established. Other elements will be flowed into the prototype container, but it can also contain content of its own. Elements with a 'make-element' value other than 'none' will generate an element inside a prototype container. The value of 'make-element' is the ID of a prototype entry element which is replicated inside the prototype container, and a specification of the content which is to be inserted into the generated list.

18.1. TOC

Here is an example of how to generate a toc with leaders and page numbers.

  #toc { prototype: container }
  #toc-entry { 
    prototype-insert-position: current;
    font-size: 14pt }
  #toc-entry::after { content: leader('. ') source-counter(page) }
  h1.chapter { make-element: toc-entry content }
<div id="toc">
  <h1>Table of contents</h1>
  <div id="toc-entry"></div>
<h1 class="chapter">Introduction</h1>

There are three new properties and one new value on the 'content' property in the above example. This rule:

  #toc { prototype: container }

declares that the #toc element is a prototype container that accepts generated lists. Prototype containers cannot be nested. Each container keeps a position of where the last generated list item was added. This rule:

    prototype-insert-position: current;

specifies that entities in the #toc are to be added at the current position, i.e., after the previous generated list item. This code:

  #toc-entry::after { content: leader('. ') source-counter(page) }

has one new value (''source-counter(page)'') which fetches the value of the 'page' counter from the source element, i.e., the element which has a 'make-element' declaration:

  h1.chapter { make-element: toc-entry content }

The above rule creates one new element. The new element is isomorphic to the #toc-entry element and is inserted according to the 'prototype-insert-position' of #toc-entry.

18.2. Glossary

Glossaries provide a new kind of challenge: entries are sorted alphabetically.

Here is an example of how to generate a glossary:

#glossary { prototype: container }
#glossary-term { insert-position: sorted }
#glossary-definition { insert-position: current }
<div id="glossary">
<h2>Glossary of terms</h2>
  <dt id="glossary-term">...</dt>
  <dd id="glossary-definition">...</dd>
<h1 class="chapter">Introduction</h1>

By inserting the term 'sorted' and the definition in the 'current' position, terms will be sorted alphabetically with their respective definition following.

18.3. Index

An index is a generated list that is sorted alphabetically, just like glossaries. In addition, indexes often have single letters in large font sizes to help humans navigate. For example, all index entries starting with "s" is placed under a large capital "S". There should only be one large capital "S", and if there are no index entries starting with "s" the large "S" isn't shown.

To achieve this kind of presentation, the following strategy is suggested: for every index entry that is encountered, two elements are generated. One is the large capital letter, and the other is the index entry itself. To avoid having one large capital letter before each index entry, the 'insert-policy' property declares that identical generated list elements are to be deleted.

#index {
  prototype: container }
#index-marker {
  insert-position: sorted 
  insert-policy: unique; 
  text-transform: uppercase }
#index-entry {
  insert-position: sorted }
#index-entry::after {
  content: leader(. . ) source-counter(page) }
dfn.entry { 
  make-element: index-marker first-letter, index-entry content }
<p>An <dfn>emphasized element</dfn> stands out.</p>

18.4. A more complex example

Here is a more complex example with several types of generated lists. Note how multilevel tocs require a prototype container without any additional content. Also, notice how the "acronym" element generates an entry both in the index and in the list of acronyms.

#toc-container {
  prototype: container }

#toc-entry-section {
  font-size: large;
  insert-position: current }

#toc-entry-subsection {
  font-size: medium;
  insert-position: current }

#toc-entry-section::after, #toc-entry-subsection::after {
  content: leader('. ') source-counter(page) }

#acronym-list {
  prototype: container }

#acronym-term {
  insert-position: sorted }

#acronym-definition {
  insert-position: current }

#index {
  prototype: container }

#index-marker {
  insert-position: sorted 
  insert-policy: unique;

#index-entry {
  insert-position: sorted }

#index-entry::after {
  content: leader(. . ) source-counter(page) }

h2 {
  make-element: toc-entry content }

h3 {
  make-element: toc-entry content }

acronym { 
          index-marker first-letter, 
          index-entry content, 
          acronym content, 
          acronym-definition attr(title);

dfn { make-element: 
          index-marker first-letter(), 
          index-entry content

<div id="toc">
<h2>Table of contents</h2>
  <div id="toc-container">
    <div id="toc-entry-section"></div>
    <div id="toc-entry-subsection"></div>

<div id="acronym-list">
<h2>List of acronyms</h2>
  <dt id="acronym"></dt>
  <dd id="acronym-definition"></dd>

<div id="index">
<div id="index-marker"></div>
<div id="index-entry"></div>



<p>This part defines the a acronym: <acronym title="HyperText
Markup Language">HTML</acronym>.

<h3>More to learn</h3>

<p>An <dfn>emphasized element</dfn> element stands out.


19. Conformance

20. Appendix A: Default style sheet

::footnote-call {
  counter-increment: footnote;
  content: counter(footnote, super-decimal); 
::footnote-marker {
  content: counter(footnote, super-decimal); 

@footnote {
  counter-reset: footnote;

::endnote-call {
  content: " [" counter(endnote, decimal) "]"; 
  counter-increment: endnote;
::endnote-marker {
  content: "[" counter(endnote, decimal) "]"; 

h1 { bookmark-level: 1 }
h2 { bookmark-level: 2 }
h3 { bookmark-level: 3 }
h4 { bookmark-level: 4 }
h5 { bookmark-level: 5 }
h6 { bookmark-level: 6 }

There is an issue wrt footnotes vs. endnotes. Currently, ::note-call and ::note-marker are used in both cases, but the default style sheet favors footnotes (as the footnote counter is used). There are two ways to resolve this: (a) only have one counter ("note") in the default style sheet or (b) require changes to the default style sheet in order to use end notes: .endnote ::note-marker { content: counter(endnote) }


This document has been improved by Bert Bos, Michael Day, Melinda Grant, David Baron, Markus Mielke, Steve Zilles and Ian Hickson. [more to be added] Laurens Holst, Mike Bremford, Allan Sandfeld Jensen, Kelly Miller, Werner Donné, Tarquin (Mark) Wilton-Jones, Michel Fortin.


Normative references

Håkon Wium Lie. Multi-column layout in CSS. 18 January 2001. W3C Working Draft. (Work in progress.) URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/WD-css3-multicol-20010118
Ian Hickson; Tantek Çelik. CSS3 module: Lists. 7 November 2002. W3C Working Draft. (Work in progress.) URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-css3-lists-20021107
Håkon Wium Lie; Melinda Grant. CSS3 Paged Media Module. 25 February 2004. W3C Candidate Recommendation. (Work in progress.) URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/CR-css3-page-20040225
Elika J. Etemad. CSS3 Text Module. 27 June 2005. W3C Working Draft. (Work in progress.) URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-css3-text-20050627
Håkon Wium Lie; Chris Lilley. CSS3 module: Values and Units. 13 July 2001. W3C Working Draft. (Work in progress.) URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/WD-css3-values-20010713

Other references

Bert Bos; et al. Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 (CSS2) Specification. 12 May 1998. W3C Recommendation. URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-CSS2-19980512


Property index

Property Values Initial Applies to Inh. Percentages Media
bookmark-label content | <attr> | <string> content all elements no N/A all
bookmark-level none | <integer> none all elements no N/A all
bookmark-target self | <uri> | <attr> self all elements no N/A all
border-width <length> | auto auto @footnote areas no refer to normal length of horizontal border of footnote area visual
hyphenate-after <integer> 2 all elements yes N/A visual
hyphenate-before <integer> 2 all elements yes N/A visual
hyphenate-character <string> A string consisting of the Unicode hyphen character U+2010 all elements yes N/A visual
hyphenate-dictionary auto | <uri> auto all elements yes N/A visual
hyphenate-lines none | <integer> none all elements yes N/A visual
hyphenate none | auto none all elements yes N/A visual
string-set [[ <identifier> <content-list>] [, <identifier> <content-list>]* ] | none none all elements no N/A all