This appendix is normative.
<!-- ===================================================================== This is the DTD for SVG 1.0 (draft 20000629). The specification for SVG that corresponds to this DTD is available at: Copyright (c) 2000 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved. For this working draft: Namespace: Public identifier: PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20000629//EN" URI for the DTD: ============================================================================= --> <!-- ============================================================== ENTITY DEFINITIONS: Data types ============================================================== --> <!ENTITY % BaselineShiftValue "CDATA"> <!-- 'baseline-shift' property/attribute value (e.g., 'baseline', 'sub', etc.) --> <!ENTITY % Boolean "(false | true)"> <!-- feature specification --> <!ENTITY % ClassList "CDATA"> <!-- list of classes --> <!ENTITY % ClipValue "CDATA"> <!-- 'clip' property/attribute value (e.g., 'auto', rect(...)) --> <!ENTITY % ClipPathValue "CDATA"> <!-- 'clip-path' property/attribute value (e.g., 'none', %URI;) --> <!ENTITY % ClipFillRule "(evenodd | nonzero | inherit)"> <!-- 'clip-rule' or fill-rule property/attribute value --> <!ENTITY % ContentType "CDATA"> <!-- media type, as per [RFC2045] --> <!ENTITY % Coordinate "CDATA"> <!-- a <coordinate> --> <!ENTITY % Coordinates "CDATA"> <!-- a list of <coordinate>s --> <!ENTITY % Color "CDATA"> <!-- a <color> value, as per [CSS2-color] --> <!ENTITY % CursorValue "CDATA"> <!-- 'cursor' property/attribute value (e.g., 'crosshair', %URI;) --> <!ENTITY % EnableBackgroundValue "CDATA"> <!-- 'enable-background' property/attribute value (e.g., 'new', 'accumulate') --> <!ENTITY % ExtensionList "CDATA"> <!-- extension list specification --> <!ENTITY % FeatureList "CDATA"> <!-- feature list specification --> <!ENTITY % FilterValue "CDATA"> <!-- 'filter' property/attribute value (e.g., 'none', %URI;) --> <!ENTITY % FontFamilyValue "CDATA"> <!-- 'font-family' property/attribute value (i.e., list of fonts) --> <!ENTITY % FontSizeValue "CDATA"> <!-- 'font-size' property/attribute value --> <!ENTITY % FontSizeAdjustValue "CDATA"> <!-- 'font-size-adjust' property/attribute value --> <!ENTITY % GlyphOrientationHorizontalValue "CDATA"> <!-- 'glyph-orientation-horizontal' property/attribute value (e.g., <angle>) --> <!ENTITY % GlyphOrientationVerticalValue "CDATA"> <!-- 'glyph-orientation-vertical' property/attribute value (e.g., 'auto', <angle>) --> <!ENTITY % Integer "CDATA"> <!-- a <integer> --> <!ENTITY % LanguageCode "NMTOKEN"> <!-- a language code, as per [RFC1766] --> <!ENTITY % LanguageCodes "CDATA"> <!-- comma-separated list of language codes, as per [RFC1766] --> <!ENTITY % Length "CDATA"> <!-- a <length> --> <!ENTITY % Lengths "CDATA"> <!-- a list of <length>s --> <!ENTITY % LinkTarget "NMTOKEN"> <!-- link to this target --> <!ENTITY % MarkerValue "CDATA"> <!-- 'marker' property/attribute value (e.g., 'none', %URI;) --> <!ENTITY % MaskValue "CDATA"> <!-- 'mask' property/attribute value (e.g., 'none', %URI;) --> <!ENTITY % MediaDesc "CDATA"> <!-- comma-separated list of media descriptors. --> <!ENTITY % Number "CDATA"> <!-- a <number> --> <!ENTITY % OpacityValue "CDATA"> <!-- opacity value (e.g., <number>) --> <!ENTITY % Paint "CDATA"> <!-- a 'fill' or 'stroke' property/attribute value: <paint> --> <!ENTITY % PathData "CDATA"> <!-- a path data specification --> <!ENTITY % Points "CDATA"> <!-- a list of points --> <!ENTITY % PreserveAspectRatioSpec "CDATA"> <!-- 'preserveAspectRatio' attribute specification --> <!ENTITY % Script "CDATA"> <!-- script expression --> <!ENTITY % SpacingValue "CDATA"> <!-- 'letter-spacing' or 'word-spacing' property/attribute value (e.g., normal | <length>) --> <!ENTITY % StrokeDashArrayValue "CDATA"> <!-- 'stroke-dasharray' property/attribute value (e.g., 'none', list of <number>s) --> <!ENTITY % StrokeDashOffsetValue "CDATA"> <!-- 'stroke-dashoffset' property/attribute value (e.g., 'none', <legnth>) --> <!ENTITY % StrokeMiterLimitValue "CDATA"> <!-- 'stroke-miterlimit' property/attribute value (e.g., <number>) --> <!ENTITY % StrokeWidthValue "CDATA"> <!-- 'stroke-width' property/attribute value (e.g., <length>) --> <!ENTITY % StructuredText "content CDATA #FIXED 'structured text'" > <!ENTITY % StyleSheet "CDATA"> <!-- style sheet data --> <!ENTITY % SVGColor "CDATA"> <!-- An SVG color value (RGB plus optional ICC) --> <!ENTITY % Text "CDATA"> <!-- arbitrary text string --> <!ENTITY % TextDecorationValue "CDATA"> <!-- 'text-decoration' property/attribute value (e.g., 'none', 'underline') --> <!ENTITY % TransformList "CDATA"> <!-- list of transforms --> <!ENTITY % URI "CDATA"> <!-- a Uniform Resource Identifier, see [URI] --> <!ENTITY % ViewBoxSpec "CDATA"> <!-- 'viewBox' attribute specification --> <!-- ============================================================== ENTITY DEFINITIONS: Collections of common attributes ============================================================== --> <!-- All elements have an ID. --> <!ENTITY % stdAttrs "id ID #IMPLIED" > <!-- Common attributes for elements that might contain character data content. --> <!ENTITY % langSpaceAttrs "xml:lang %LanguageCode; #IMPLIED xml:space (default|preserve) #IMPLIED" > <!-- Common attributes to check for system capabilities. --> <!ENTITY % testAttrs "requiredFeatures %FeatureList; #IMPLIED requiredExtensions %ExtensionList; #IMPLIED systemLanguage %LanguageCodes; #IMPLIED" > <!-- For most uses of URI referencing: standard XLink attributes other than xlink:href. --> <!ENTITY % xlinkRefAttrs "xmlns:xlink CDATA #FIXED '' xlink:type (simple|extended|locator|arc) 'simple' xlink:role CDATA #IMPLIED xlink:title CDATA #IMPLIED xlink:show (new|embed|replace) 'embed' xlink:actuate (onRequest|onLoad) 'onLoad'" > <!ENTITY % graphicsElementEvents "onfocusin %Script; #IMPLIED onfocusout %Script; #IMPLIED onactivate %Script; #IMPLIED onmousedown %Script; #IMPLIED onmouseup %Script; #IMPLIED onclick %Script; #IMPLIED ondblclick %Script; #IMPLIED onmouseover %Script; #IMPLIED onmousemove %Script; #IMPLIED onmouseout %Script; #IMPLIED onkeydown %Script; #IMPLIED onkeypress %Script; #IMPLIED onkeyup %Script; #IMPLIED onload %Script; #IMPLIED onselect %Script; #IMPLIED" > <!ENTITY % documentEvents "onresize %Script; #IMPLIED onscroll %Script; #IMPLIED onunload %Script; #IMPLIED onzoom %Script; #IMPLIED onerror %Script; #IMPLIED onabort %Script; #IMPLIED " > <!-- This entity allows for at most one of desc, title and metadata, supplied in any order --> <!ENTITY % descTitleMetadata "(((desc,((title,metadata?)|(metadata,title?))?)| (title,((desc,metadata?)|(metadata,desc?))?)| (metadata,((desc,title?)|(title,desc?))?))?)" > <!-- ============================================================== ENTITY DEFINITIONS: Collections of presentation attributes ============================================================== --> <!-- The following presentation attributes apply to container elements. --> <!ENTITY % PresentationAttributes-Containers "enable-background %EnableBackgroundValue; #IMPLIED " > <!-- The following presentation attributes apply to 'feFlood' elements. --> <!ENTITY % PresentationAttributes-feFlood "flood-color %SVGColor; #IMPLIED flood-opacity %OpacityValue; #IMPLIED " > <!-- The following presentation attributes apply to filling and stroking operations. --> <!ENTITY % PresentationAttributes-FillStroke "fill %Paint; #IMPLIED fill-opacity %OpacityValue; #IMPLIED fill-rule %ClipFillRule; #IMPLIED stroke %Paint; #IMPLIED stroke-dasharray %StrokeDashArrayValue; #IMPLIED stroke-dashoffset %StrokeDashOffsetValue; #IMPLIED stroke-linecap (butt | round | square | inherit) #IMPLIED stroke-linejoin (miter | round | bevel | inherit) #IMPLIED stroke-miterlimit %StrokeMiterLimitValue; #IMPLIED stroke-opacity %OpacityValue; #IMPLIED stroke-width %StrokeWidthValue; #IMPLIED " > <!-- The following presentation attributes have to do with selecting a font to use. --> <!ENTITY % PresentationAttributes-FontSelection "font-family %FontFamilyValue; #IMPLIED font-size %FontSizeValue; #IMPLIED font-size-adjust %FontSizeAdjustValue; #IMPLIED font-stretch (normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit) #IMPLIED font-style (normal | italic | oblique | inherit) #IMPLIED font-variant (normal | small-caps | inherit) #IMPLIED font-weight (normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | inherit) #IMPLIED " > <!-- The following presentation attributes apply to gradient 'stop' elements. --> <!ENTITY % PresentationAttributes-Gradients "stop-color %SVGColor; #IMPLIED stop-opacity %OpacityValue; #IMPLIED " > <!-- The following presentation attributes apply to graphics elements. --> <!ENTITY % PresentationAttributes-Graphics "clip-path %ClipPathValue; #IMPLIED clip-rule %ClipFillRule; #IMPLIED color %Color; #IMPLIED color-interpolation (auto | sRGB | linearRGB | inherit) #IMPLIED color-rendering (auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeQuality | inherit) #IMPLIED cursor %CursorValue; #IMPLIED display (inline | block | list-item | run-in | compact | marker | table | inline-table | table-row-group | table-header-group | table-footer-group | table-row | table-column-group | table-column | table-cell | table-caption | none | inherit) #IMPLIED filter %FilterValue; #IMPLIED image-rendering (auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeQuality | inherit) #IMPLIED mask %MaskValue; #IMPLIED opacity %OpacityValue; #IMPLIED pointer-events (visiblePainted | visibleFill | visibleStroke | visibleFillStroke | visible | painted | fill | stroke | fillstroke | all | none | inherit) #IMPLIED shape-rendering (auto | optimizeSpeed | crispEdges | geometricPrecision | inherit) #IMPLIED text-rendering (auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeLegibility | geometricPrecision | inherit) #IMPLIED visibility (visible | hidden | inherit) #IMPLIED " > <!--The following presentation attributes apply to 'feDiffuseLighting' and 'feSpecularLighting' elements. --> <!ENTITY % PresentationAttributes-LightingEffects "lighting-color %SVGColor; #IMPLIED " > <!-- The following presentation attributes apply to marker operations. --> <!ENTITY % PresentationAttributes-Markers "marker-start %MarkerValue; #IMPLIED marker-mid %MarkerValue; #IMPLIED marker-end %MarkerValue; #IMPLIED " > <!-- The following presentation attributes apply to text content elements. --> <!ENTITY % PresentationAttributes-TextContentElements "baseline-identifier (baseline | top | before-edge | text-top | text-before-edge | middle | bottom | after-edge | text-bottom | text-after-edge | ideographic | lower | hanging | mathematical | inherit) #IMPLIED baseline-shift %BaselineShiftValue; #IMPLIED direction (ltr | rtl | inherit) #IMPLIED glyph-orientation-horizontal %GlyphOrientationHorizontalValue; #IMPLIED glyph-orientation-vertical %GlyphOrientationVerticalValue; #IMPLIED letter-spacing %SpacingValue; #IMPLIED text-decoration %TextDecorationValue; #IMPLIED unicode-bidi (normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit) #IMPLIED word-spacing %SpacingValue; #IMPLIED " > <!-- The following presentation attributes apply to 'text' elements. --> <!ENTITY % PresentationAttributes-TextElements "dominant-baseline (auto | autosense-script | no-change | reset| ideographic | lower | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) #IMPLIED text-anchor (start | middle | end | inherit) #IMPLIED writing-mode (lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit) #IMPLIED " > <!-- The following presentation attributes apply to elements that establish viewports. --> <!ENTITY % PresentationAttributes-Viewports "clip %ClipValue; #IMPLIED overflow (visible | hidden | scroll | auto | inherit) #IMPLIED " > <!--The following represents the complete list of presentation attributes. --> <!ENTITY % PresentationAttributes-All "%PresentationAttributes-Containers; %PresentationAttributes-feFlood; %PresentationAttributes-FillStroke; %PresentationAttributes-FontSelection; %PresentationAttributes-Gradients; %PresentationAttributes-Graphics; %PresentationAttributes-LightingEffects; %PresentationAttributes-Markers; %PresentationAttributes-TextContentElements; %PresentationAttributes-TextElements;" > <!-- ============================================================== ENTITY DEFINITIONS: DTD extensions ============================================================== --> <!-- Allow for extending the DTD with internal subset for container and graphics elements --> <!ENTITY % ceExt "" > <!ENTITY % geExt "" > <!-- ============================================================== DEFINITIONS CORRESPONDING TO: Document Structure ============================================================== --> <!ENTITY % svgExt "" > <!ELEMENT svg (desc|title|metadata|defs| path|text|rect|circle|ellipse|line|polyline|polygon| use|image|svg|g|view|switch|a|altGlyphDef| script|style|symbol|marker|clipPath|mask| linearGradient|radialGradient|pattern|filter|cursor|font| animate|set|animateMotion|animateColor|animateTransform| color-profile|font-face %ceExt;%svgExt;)* > <!ATTLIST svg xmlns CDATA #FIXED "" %stdAttrs; %testAttrs; %langSpaceAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-All; viewBox %ViewBoxSpec; #IMPLIED preserveAspectRatio %PreserveAspectRatioSpec; 'xMidYMid meet' zoomAndPan (disable | magnify | zoom) 'magnify' %graphicsElementEvents; %documentEvents; x %Coordinate; #IMPLIED y %Coordinate; #IMPLIED width %Length; #REQUIRED height %Length; #REQUIRED contentScriptType %ContentType; "text/ecmascript" contentStyleType %ContentType; "text/css" > <!ENTITY % gExt "" > <!ELEMENT g (desc|title|metadata|defs| path|text|rect|circle|ellipse|line|polyline|polygon| use|image|svg|g|view|switch|a|altGlyphDef| script|style|symbol|marker|clipPath|mask| linearGradient|radialGradient|pattern|filter|cursor|font| animate|set|animateMotion|animateColor|animateTransform| color-profile|font-face %ceExt;%gExt;)* > <!ATTLIST g %stdAttrs; %testAttrs; %langSpaceAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-All; transform %TransformList; #IMPLIED %graphicsElementEvents; > <!ENTITY % defsExt "" > <!ELEMENT defs (desc|title|metadata|defs| path|text|rect|circle|ellipse|line|polyline|polygon| use|image|svg|g|view|switch|a|altGlyphDef| script|style|symbol|marker|clipPath|mask| linearGradient|radialGradient|pattern|filter|cursor|font| animate|set|animateMotion|animateColor|animateTransform| color-profile|font-face %ceExt;%defsExt;)* > <!ATTLIST defs %stdAttrs; %testAttrs; %langSpaceAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-All; transform %TransformList; #IMPLIED %graphicsElementEvents; > <!ELEMENT desc (#PCDATA) > <!ATTLIST desc %stdAttrs; %langSpaceAttrs; class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %StructuredText; > <!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA) > <!ATTLIST title %stdAttrs; %langSpaceAttrs; class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %StructuredText; > <!ENTITY % symbolExt "" > <!ELEMENT symbol (desc|title|metadata|defs| path|text|rect|circle|ellipse|line|polyline|polygon| use|image|svg|g|view|switch|a|altGlyphDef| script|style|symbol|marker|clipPath|mask| linearGradient|radialGradient|pattern|filter|cursor|font| animate|set|animateMotion|animateColor|animateTransform| color-profile|font-face %ceExt;%symbolExt;)* > <!ATTLIST symbol %stdAttrs; %langSpaceAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-All; viewBox %ViewBoxSpec; #IMPLIED preserveAspectRatio %PreserveAspectRatioSpec; 'xMidYMid meet' %graphicsElementEvents; > <!ENTITY % useExt "" > <!ELEMENT use (%descTitleMetadata;,(animate|set|animateMotion|animateColor|animateTransform %geExt;%useExt;)*) > <!ATTLIST use %stdAttrs; %xlinkRefAttrs; xlink:href %URI; #REQUIRED %testAttrs; %langSpaceAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-All; transform %TransformList; #IMPLIED %graphicsElementEvents; x %Coordinate; #IMPLIED y %Coordinate; #IMPLIED width %Length; #IMPLIED height %Length; #IMPLIED > <!ENTITY % imageExt "" > <!ELEMENT image (%descTitleMetadata;,(animate|set|animateMotion|animateColor|animateTransform %geExt;%imageExt;)*) > <!ATTLIST image %stdAttrs; %xlinkRefAttrs; xlink:href %URI; #REQUIRED %testAttrs; %langSpaceAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-Graphics; %PresentationAttributes-Viewports; transform %TransformList; #IMPLIED %graphicsElementEvents; x %Coordinate; #IMPLIED y %Coordinate; #IMPLIED width %Length; #REQUIRED height %Length; #REQUIRED > <!ENTITY % switchExt "" > <!ELEMENT switch (%descTitleMetadata;, (path|text|rect|circle|ellipse|line|polyline|polygon| use|image|svg|g|switch|a|foreignObject| animate|set|animateMotion|animateColor|animateTransform %ceExt;%switchExt;)*) > <!ATTLIST switch %stdAttrs; %testAttrs; %langSpaceAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-All; transform %TransformList; #IMPLIED %graphicsElementEvents; > <!-- ============================================================== DEFINITIONS CORRESPONDING TO: Styling ============================================================== --> <!ELEMENT style (#PCDATA) > <!ATTLIST style %stdAttrs; xml:space (preserve) #FIXED "preserve" type %ContentType; #REQUIRED media %MediaDesc; #IMPLIED title %Text; #IMPLIED > <!-- ============================================================== DEFINITIONS CORRESPONDING TO: Paths ============================================================== --> <!ENTITY % pathExt "" > <!ELEMENT path (%descTitleMetadata;,(animate|set|animateMotion|animateColor|animateTransform %geExt;%pathExt;)*) > <!ATTLIST path %stdAttrs; %testAttrs; %langSpaceAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-FillStroke; %PresentationAttributes-Graphics; %PresentationAttributes-Markers; transform %TransformList; #IMPLIED %graphicsElementEvents; d %PathData; #REQUIRED pathLength %Number; #IMPLIED > <!-- ============================================================== DEFINITIONS CORRESPONDING TO: Basic Shapes ============================================================== --> <!ENTITY % rectExt "" > <!ELEMENT rect (%descTitleMetadata;,(animate|set|animateMotion|animateColor|animateTransform %geExt;%rectExt;)*) > <!ATTLIST rect %stdAttrs; %testAttrs; %langSpaceAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-FillStroke; %PresentationAttributes-Graphics; transform %TransformList; #IMPLIED %graphicsElementEvents; x %Coordinate; #IMPLIED y %Coordinate; #IMPLIED width %Length; #REQUIRED height %Length; #REQUIRED rx %Length; #IMPLIED ry %Length; #IMPLIED > <!ENTITY % circleExt "" > <!ELEMENT circle (%descTitleMetadata;,(animate|set|animateMotion|animateColor|animateTransform %geExt;%circleExt;)*) > <!ATTLIST circle %stdAttrs; %testAttrs; %langSpaceAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-FillStroke; %PresentationAttributes-Graphics; transform %TransformList; #IMPLIED %graphicsElementEvents; cx %Coordinate; #IMPLIED cy %Coordinate; #IMPLIED r %Length; #REQUIRED > <!ENTITY % ellipseExt "" > <!ELEMENT ellipse (%descTitleMetadata;,(animate|set|animateMotion|animateColor|animateTransform %geExt;%ellipseExt;)*) > <!ATTLIST ellipse %stdAttrs; %testAttrs; %langSpaceAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-FillStroke; %PresentationAttributes-Graphics; transform %TransformList; #IMPLIED %graphicsElementEvents; cx %Coordinate; #IMPLIED cy %Coordinate; #IMPLIED rx %Length; #REQUIRED ry %Length; #REQUIRED > <!ENTITY % lineExt "" > <!ELEMENT line (%descTitleMetadata;,(animate|set|animateMotion|animateColor|animateTransform %geExt;%lineExt;)*) > <!ATTLIST line %stdAttrs; %testAttrs; %langSpaceAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-FillStroke; %PresentationAttributes-Graphics; %PresentationAttributes-Markers; transform %TransformList; #IMPLIED %graphicsElementEvents; x1 %Coordinate; #IMPLIED y1 %Coordinate; #IMPLIED x2 %Coordinate; #IMPLIED y2 %Coordinate; #IMPLIED > <!ENTITY % polylineExt "" > <!ELEMENT polyline (%descTitleMetadata;,(animate|set|animateMotion|animateColor|animateTransform %geExt;%polylineExt;)*) > <!ATTLIST polyline %stdAttrs; %testAttrs; %langSpaceAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-FillStroke; %PresentationAttributes-Graphics; %PresentationAttributes-Markers; transform %TransformList; #IMPLIED %graphicsElementEvents; points %Points; #REQUIRED > <!ENTITY % polygonExt "" > <!ELEMENT polygon (%descTitleMetadata;,(animate|set|animateMotion|animateColor|animateTransform %geExt;%polygonExt;)*) > <!ATTLIST polygon %stdAttrs; %testAttrs; %langSpaceAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-FillStroke; %PresentationAttributes-Graphics; %PresentationAttributes-Markers; transform %TransformList; #IMPLIED %graphicsElementEvents; points %Points; #REQUIRED > <!-- ============================================================== DEFINITIONS CORRESPONDING TO: Text ============================================================== --> <!ENTITY % textExt "" > <!ELEMENT text (#PCDATA|desc|title|metadata| tspan|tref|textPath|altGlyph|a|animate|set| animateMotion|animateColor|animateTransform %geExt;%textExt;)* > <!ATTLIST text %stdAttrs; %testAttrs; %langSpaceAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-FillStroke; %PresentationAttributes-FontSelection; %PresentationAttributes-Graphics; %PresentationAttributes-TextContentElements; %PresentationAttributes-TextElements; transform %TransformList; #IMPLIED %graphicsElementEvents; x %Coordinate; #IMPLIED y %Coordinate; #IMPLIED textLength %Length; #IMPLIED lengthAdjust (spacing|spacingAndGlyphs) #IMPLIED > <!ENTITY % tspanExt "" > <!ELEMENT tspan (#PCDATA|desc|title|metadata|tspan|tref|altGlyph|a|animate|set|animateColor %tspanExt;)* > <!ATTLIST tspan %stdAttrs; %testAttrs; %langSpaceAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-FillStroke; %PresentationAttributes-FontSelection; %PresentationAttributes-Graphics; %PresentationAttributes-TextContentElements; %graphicsElementEvents; x %Coordinates; #IMPLIED y %Coordinates; #IMPLIED dx %Lengths; #IMPLIED dy %Lengths; #IMPLIED rotate CDATA #IMPLIED textLength %Length; #IMPLIED lengthAdjust (spacing|spacingAndGlyphs) #IMPLIED > <!ENTITY % trefExt "" > <!ELEMENT tref (desc|title|metadata|animate|set|animateColor %trefExt;)* > <!ATTLIST tref %stdAttrs; %xlinkRefAttrs; xlink:href %URI; #REQUIRED %testAttrs; %langSpaceAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-FillStroke; %PresentationAttributes-FontSelection; %PresentationAttributes-Graphics; %PresentationAttributes-TextContentElements; %graphicsElementEvents; x %Coordinates; #IMPLIED y %Coordinates; #IMPLIED dx %Lengths; #IMPLIED dy %Lengths; #IMPLIED rotate CDATA #IMPLIED textLength %Length; #IMPLIED lengthAdjust (spacing|spacingAndGlyphs) #IMPLIED > <!ENTITY % glyphRunExt "" > <!ELEMENT glyphRun (#PCDATA|desc|title|metadata|altGlyph|a|animate|set|animateColor %glyphRunExt;)* > <!ATTLIST glyphRun %stdAttrs; %testAttrs; %langSpaceAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-FillStroke; %PresentationAttributes-FontSelection; %PresentationAttributes-Graphics; %PresentationAttributes-TextContentElements; %graphicsElementEvents; x %Coordinates; #IMPLIED y %Coordinates; #IMPLIED dx %Lengths; #IMPLIED dy %Lengths; #IMPLIED rotate CDATA #IMPLIED glyphOrder CDATA #IMPLIED textLength %Length; #IMPLIED lengthAdjust (spacing|spacingAndGlyphs) #IMPLIED > <!ENTITY % textPathExt "" > <!ELEMENT textPath (#PCDATA|desc|title|metadata|tspan|tref|altGlyph|a|animate|set|animateColor %textPathExt;)* > <!ATTLIST textPath %stdAttrs; %xlinkRefAttrs; xlink:href %URI; #REQUIRED %langSpaceAttrs; %testAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-FillStroke; %PresentationAttributes-FontSelection; %PresentationAttributes-Graphics; %PresentationAttributes-TextContentElements; %graphicsElementEvents; startOffset CDATA #IMPLIED textLength %Length; #IMPLIED lengthAdjust (spacing|spacingAndGlyphs) #IMPLIED method (align|stretch) #IMPLIED spacing (auto|exact) #IMPLIED > <!ENTITY % altGlyphExt "" > <!ELEMENT altGlyph (#PCDATA %altGlyphExt;)* > <!ATTLIST altGlyph %stdAttrs; %xlinkRefAttrs; xlink:href %URI; #REQUIRED %testAttrs; %langSpaceAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED > <!ENTITY % altGlyphDefExt "" > <!ELEMENT altGlyphDef ((atlGlyphItem+|glyphRef+) %altGlyphDefExt;) > <!ATTLIST altGlyphDef %stdAttrs; > <!ENTITY % altGlyphItemExt "" > <!ELEMENT altGlyphItem (glyphRef+ %altGlyphItemExt;) > <!ATTLIST altGlyphItem %stdAttrs; > <!ELEMENT glyphRef EMPTY > <!ATTLIST glyphRef %stdAttrs; %xlinkRefAttrs; xlink:href %URI; #REQUIRED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-FontSelection; glyphRef CDATA #REQUIRED format CDATA #REQUIRED > <!-- ============================================================== DEFINITIONS CORRESPONDING TO: Painting: Filling, Stroking and Marker Symbols ============================================================== --> <!ENTITY % markerExt "" > <!ELEMENT marker (desc|title|metadata|defs| path|text|rect|circle|ellipse|line|polyline|polygon| use|image|svg|g|view|switch|a|altGlyphDef| script|style|symbol|marker|clipPath|mask| linearGradient|radialGradient|pattern|filter|cursor|font| animate|set|animateMotion|animateColor|animateTransform| color-profile|font-face %ceExt;%markerExt;)* > <!ATTLIST marker %stdAttrs; %langSpaceAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-All; viewBox %ViewBoxSpec; #IMPLIED preserveAspectRatio %PreserveAspectRatioSpec; 'xMidYMid meet' refX %Coordinate; #IMPLIED refY %Coordinate; #IMPLIED markerUnits (strokeWidth | userSpaceOnUse | userSpace) #IMPLIED markerWidth %Length; #IMPLIED markerHeight %Length; #IMPLIED orient CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- ============================================================== DEFINITIONS CORRESPONDING TO: Color ============================================================== --> <!ELEMENT color-profile (%descTitleMetadata;,color-profile-src) > <!ATTLIST color-profile %stdAttrs; name CDATA #REQUIRED rendering-intent (auto | perceptual | relative-colorimetric | saturation | absolute-colorimetric) "auto" > <!ELEMENT color-profile-src EMPTY > <!ATTLIST color-profile-src %stdAttrs; %xlinkRefAttrs; xlink:href %URI; #REQUIRED > <!-- ============================================================== DEFINITIONS CORRESPONDING TO: Gradients and Patterns ============================================================== --> <!ENTITY % linearGradientExt "" > <!ELEMENT linearGradient (%descTitleMetadata;,(stop|animate|set|animateTransform %linearGradientExt;)*) > <!ATTLIST linearGradient %stdAttrs; %xlinkRefAttrs; xlink:href %URI; #IMPLIED externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED gradientUnits (userSpaceOnUse | userSpace | objectBoundingBox) #IMPLIED gradientTransform %TransformList; #IMPLIED x1 %Coordinate; #IMPLIED y1 %Coordinate; #IMPLIED x2 %Coordinate; #IMPLIED y2 %Coordinate; #IMPLIED spreadMethod (pad | reflect | repeat) "pad" > <!ENTITY % radialGradientExt "" > <!ELEMENT radialGradient (%descTitleMetadata;,(stop|animate|set|animateTransform %radialGradientExt;)*) > <!ATTLIST radialGradient %stdAttrs; %xlinkRefAttrs; xlink:href %URI; #IMPLIED externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED gradientUnits (userSpaceOnUse | userSpace | objectBoundingBox) #IMPLIED gradientTransform %TransformList; #IMPLIED cx %Coordinate; #IMPLIED cy %Coordinate; #IMPLIED r %Length; #IMPLIED fx %Coordinate; #IMPLIED fy %Coordinate; #IMPLIED spreadMethod (pad | reflect | repeat) "pad" > <!ENTITY % stopExt "" > <!ELEMENT stop (animate|set|animateColor %stopExt;)* > <!ATTLIST stop %stdAttrs; class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-Gradients; offset %Length; #REQUIRED > <!ENTITY % patternExt "" > <!ELEMENT pattern (desc|title|metadata|defs| path|text|rect|circle|ellipse|line|polyline|polygon| use|image|svg|g|view|switch|a|altGlyphDef| script|style|symbol|marker|clipPath|mask| linearGradient|radialGradient|pattern|filter|cursor|font| animate|set|animateMotion|animateColor|animateTransform| color-profile|font-face %ceExt;%patternExt;)* > <!ATTLIST pattern %stdAttrs; %xlinkRefAttrs; xlink:href %URI; #IMPLIED %testAttrs; %langSpaceAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-All; viewBox %ViewBoxSpec; #IMPLIED preserveAspectRatio %PreserveAspectRatioSpec; 'xMidYMid meet' patternUnits (userSpaceOnUse | userSpace | objectBoundingBox) #IMPLIED patternTransform %TransformList; #IMPLIED x %Coordinate; #IMPLIED y %Coordinate; #IMPLIED width %Length; #REQUIRED height %Length; #REQUIRED > <!-- ============================================================== DEFINITIONS CORRESPONDING TO: Clipping, Masking and Compositing ============================================================== --> <!ENTITY % clipPathExt "" > <!ELEMENT clipPath (%descTitleMetadata;, (path|text|rect|circle|ellipse|line|polyline|polygon| use|animate|set|animateMotion|animateColor|animateTransform %ceExt;%clipPathExt;)*) > <!ATTLIST clipPath %stdAttrs; %testAttrs; %langSpaceAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-FillStroke; %PresentationAttributes-FontSelection; %PresentationAttributes-Graphics; %PresentationAttributes-TextContentElements; %PresentationAttributes-TextElements; transform %TransformList; #IMPLIED clipPathUnits (userSpaceOnUse | userSpace | objectBoundingBox) #IMPLIED > <!ENTITY % maskExt "" > <!ELEMENT mask (desc|title|metadata|defs| path|text|rect|circle|ellipse|line|polyline|polygon| use|image|svg|g|view|switch|a|altGlyphDef| script|style|symbol|marker|clipPath|mask| linearGradient|radialGradient|pattern|filter|cursor|font| animate|set|animateMotion|animateColor|animateTransform| color-profile|font-face %ceExt;%maskExt;)* > <!ATTLIST mask %stdAttrs; %testAttrs; %langSpaceAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-All; transform %TransformList; #IMPLIED maskUnits (userSpaceOnUse | userSpace | objectBoundingBox) #IMPLIED x %Coordinate; #IMPLIED y %Coordinate; #IMPLIED width %Length; #IMPLIED height %Length; #IMPLIED > <!-- ============================================================== DEFINITIONS CORRESPONDING TO: Filter Effects ============================================================== --> <!ENTITY % filterExt "" > <!ELEMENT filter (%descTitleMetadata;,(feBlend|feFlood| feColorMatrix|feComponentTransfer| feComposite|feConvolveMatrix|feDiffuseLighting|feDisplacementMap| feGaussianBlur|feImage|feMerge| feMorphology|feOffset|feSpecularLighting| feTile|feTurbulence| animate|set %filterExt;)*) > <!ATTLIST filter %stdAttrs; %xlinkRefAttrs; xlink:href %URI; #IMPLIED %langSpaceAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-All; filterUnits (userSpaceOnUse | userSpace | objectBoundingBox) #IMPLIED primitiveUnits (userSpaceOnUse | userSpace | objectBoundingBox) #IMPLIED x %Coordinate; #IMPLIED y %Coordinate; #IMPLIED width %Length; #IMPLIED height %Length; #IMPLIED filterRes CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ENTITY % filter_primitive_attributes "x %Coordinate; #IMPLIED y %Coordinate; #IMPLIED width %Length; #IMPLIED height %Length; #IMPLIED result CDATA #IMPLIED" > <!ENTITY % filter_primitive_attributes_with_in "%filter_primitive_attributes; in CDATA #IMPLIED"> <!ELEMENT feDistantLight (animate|set)* > <!ATTLIST feDistantLight %stdAttrs; azimuth %Number; #IMPLIED elevation %Number; #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT fePointLight (animate|set)* > <!ATTLIST fePointLight %stdAttrs; x %Number; #IMPLIED y %Number; #IMPLIED z %Number; #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT feSpotLight (animate|set)* > <!ATTLIST feSpotLight %stdAttrs; x %Number; #IMPLIED y %Number; #IMPLIED z %Number; #IMPLIED pointsAtX %Number; #IMPLIED pointsAtY %Number; #IMPLIED pointsAtZ %Number; #IMPLIED specularExponent %Number; #IMPLIED limitingConeAngle %Number; #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT feBlend (animate|set)* > <!ATTLIST feBlend %stdAttrs; %filter_primitive_attributes_with_in; in2 CDATA #REQUIRED mode (normal | multiply | screen | darken | lighten) "normal" > <!ELEMENT feColorMatrix (animate|set)* > <!ATTLIST feColorMatrix %stdAttrs; %filter_primitive_attributes_with_in; type (matrix | saturate | hueRotate | luminanceToAlpha) "matrix" values CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT feComponentTransfer (feFuncR?,feFuncG?,feFuncB?,feFuncA?) > <!ATTLIST feComponentTransfer %stdAttrs; %filter_primitive_attributes_with_in; > <!ENTITY % component_transfer_function_attributes "type (identity | table | discrete | linear | gamma) #REQUIRED tableValues CDATA #IMPLIED slope %Number; #IMPLIED intercept %Number; #IMPLIED amplitude %Number; #IMPLIED exponent %Number; #IMPLIED offset %Number; #IMPLIED" > <!ELEMENT feFuncR (animate|set)* > <!ATTLIST feFuncR %stdAttrs; %component_transfer_function_attributes; > <!ELEMENT feFuncG (animate|set)* > <!ATTLIST feFuncG %stdAttrs; %component_transfer_function_attributes; > <!ELEMENT feFuncB (animate|set)* > <!ATTLIST feFuncB %stdAttrs; %component_transfer_function_attributes; > <!ELEMENT feFuncA (animate|set)* > <!ATTLIST feFuncA %stdAttrs; %component_transfer_function_attributes; > <!ELEMENT feComposite (animate|set)* > <!ATTLIST feComposite %stdAttrs; %filter_primitive_attributes_with_in; in2 CDATA #REQUIRED operator (over | in | out | atop | xor | arithmetic) "over" k1 %Number; #IMPLIED k2 %Number; #IMPLIED k3 %Number; #IMPLIED k4 %Number; #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT feConvolveMatrix (animate|set)* > <!ATTLIST feConvolveMatrix %filter_primitive_attributes_with_in; order CDATA #REQUIRED kernelMatrix CDATA #REQUIRED divisor %Number; #IMPLIED bias %Number; #IMPLIED targetX %Integer; #IMPLIED targetY %Integer; #IMPLIED edgeMode (duplicate|wrap|none) "duplicate" kernelUnitLength CDATA #IMPLIED preserveAlpha %Boolean; #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT feDiffuseLighting ((feDistantLight|fePointLight|feSpotLight),(animate|set|animateColor)*) > <!ATTLIST feDiffuseLighting %stdAttrs; class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-LightingEffects; %filter_primitive_attributes_with_in; surfaceScale %Number; #IMPLIED diffuseConstant %Number; #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT feDisplacementMap (animate|set)* > <!ATTLIST feDisplacementMap %stdAttrs; %filter_primitive_attributes_with_in; in2 CDATA #REQUIRED scale %Number; #IMPLIED xChannelSelector (R | G | B | A) "A" yChannelSelector (R | G | B | A) "A" > <!ELEMENT feFlood (animate|set|animateColor)* > <!ATTLIST feFlood %stdAttrs; class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-feFlood; %filter_primitive_attributes_with_in; > <!ELEMENT feGaussianBlur (animate|set)* > <!ATTLIST feGaussianBlur %stdAttrs; %filter_primitive_attributes_with_in; stdDeviation CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT feImage (animate|set|animateTransform)* > <!ATTLIST feImage %stdAttrs; %xlinkRefAttrs; xlink:href %URI; #REQUIRED %langSpaceAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-All; transform %TransformList; #IMPLIED %filter_primitive_attributes; > <!ELEMENT feMerge (feMergeNode)* > <!ATTLIST feMerge %stdAttrs; %filter_primitive_attributes; > <!ELEMENT feMergeNode (animate|set)* > <!ATTLIST feMergeNode %stdAttrs; in CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT feMorphology (animate|set)* > <!ATTLIST feMorphology %stdAttrs; %filter_primitive_attributes_with_in; operator (erode | dilate) "erode" radius %Length; #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT feOffset (animate|set)* > <!ATTLIST feOffset %stdAttrs; %filter_primitive_attributes_with_in; dx %Length; #IMPLIED dy %Length; #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT feSpecularLighting ((feDistantLight|fePointLight|feSpotLight),(animate|set|animateColor)*) > <!ATTLIST feSpecularLighting %stdAttrs; class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-LightingEffects; %filter_primitive_attributes_with_in; surfaceScale %Number; #IMPLIED specularConstant %Number; #IMPLIED specularExponent %Number; #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT feTile (animate|set)* > <!ATTLIST feTile %stdAttrs; %filter_primitive_attributes_with_in; > <!ELEMENT feTurbulence (animate|set)* > <!ATTLIST feTurbulence %stdAttrs; %filter_primitive_attributes; baseFrequency CDATA #IMPLIED numOctaves %Integer; #IMPLIED seed %Number; #IMPLIED stitchTiles (stitch | noStitch) "noStitch" type (fractalNoise | turbulence) "turbulence" > <!-- ============================================================== DEFINITIONS CORRESPONDING TO: Interactivity ============================================================== --> <!ELEMENT cursor (%descTitleMetadata;) > <!ATTLIST cursor %stdAttrs; %xlinkRefAttrs; xlink:href %URI; #REQUIRED %testAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED x %Coordinate; #IMPLIED y %Coordinate; #IMPLIED > <!-- ============================================================== DEFINITIONS CORRESPONDING TO: Linking ============================================================== --> <!ENTITY % aExt "" > <!ELEMENT a (#PCDATA|desc|title|metadata|defs| path|text|rect|circle|ellipse|line|polyline|polygon| use|image|svg|g|view|switch|a|altGlyphDef| script|style|symbol|marker|clipPath|mask| linearGradient|radialGradient|pattern|filter|cursor|font| animate|set|animateMotion|animateColor|animateTransform| color-profile|font-face %ceExt;%aExt;)* > <!ATTLIST a %stdAttrs; xmlns:xlink CDATA #FIXED "" xlink:type (simple|extended|locator|arc) #FIXED "simple" xlink:role CDATA #IMPLIED xlink:title CDATA #IMPLIED xlink:show (new|embed|replace) 'replace' xlink:actuate (onRequest|onLoad) #FIXED 'onRequest' xlink:href %URI; #REQUIRED %testAttrs; %langSpaceAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-All; transform %TransformList; #IMPLIED %graphicsElementEvents; target %LinkTarget; #IMPLIED > <!ENTITY % viewExt "" > <!ELEMENT view (%descTitleMetadata;%viewExt;) > <!ATTLIST view %stdAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED viewBox %ViewBoxSpec; #IMPLIED preserveAspectRatio %PreserveAspectRatioSpec; 'xMidYMid meet' zoomAndPan (disable | magnify | zoom) 'magnify' viewTarget CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- ============================================================== DEFINITIONS CORRESPONDING TO: Scripting ============================================================== --> <!ELEMENT script (#PCDATA) > <!ATTLIST script %stdAttrs; %xlinkRefAttrs; xlink:href %URI; #IMPLIED externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED type %ContentType; #REQUIRED > <!-- ============================================================== DEFINITIONS CORRESPONDING TO: Animation ============================================================== --> <!ENTITY % animTargetAttrs "%xlinkRefAttrs; xlink:href %URI; #IMPLIED attributeName CDATA #REQUIRED attributeType CDATA #IMPLIED" > <!ENTITY % animTimingAttrs "begin CDATA #IMPLIED dur CDATA #IMPLIED restart (always | never | whenNotActive) 'always' repeatCount CDATA #IMPLIED repeatDur CDATA #IMPLIED end CDATA #IMPLIED fill (remove | freeze) 'remove'" > <!ENTITY % animValueAttrs "calcMode (discrete | linear | evenPace | spline) 'linear' values CDATA #IMPLIED from CDATA #IMPLIED to CDATA #IMPLIED by CDATA #IMPLIED keyTimes CDATA #IMPLIED keySplines CDATA #IMPLIED" > <!ENTITY % animAdditionAttrs "additive (replace | sum) 'replace' accumulate (none | sum) 'none'" > <!ENTITY % animateExt "" > <!ELEMENT animate (%descTitleMetadata;%animateExt;) > <!ATTLIST animate %stdAttrs; %testAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED %animTargetAttrs; %animTimingAttrs; %animValueAttrs; %animAdditionAttrs; > <!ENTITY % setExt "" > <!ELEMENT set (%descTitleMetadata;%setExt;) > <!ATTLIST set %stdAttrs; %testAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED %animTargetAttrs; %animTimingAttrs; to CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ENTITY % animateMotionExt "" > <!ELEMENT animateMotion (%descTitleMetadata;,mpath? %animateMotionExt;) > <!ATTLIST animateMotion %stdAttrs; %testAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED %xlinkRefAttrs; xlink:href %URI; #IMPLIED %animTimingAttrs; %animValueAttrs; %animAdditionAttrs; path CDATA #IMPLIED rotate CDATA #IMPLIED origin CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ENTITY % mpathExt "" > <!ELEMENT mpath (%descTitleMetadata;%mpathExt;) > <!ATTLIST mpath %stdAttrs; %xlinkRefAttrs; xlink:href %URI; #REQUIRED externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED > <!ENTITY % animateColorExt "" > <!ELEMENT animateColor (%descTitleMetadata;%animateColorExt;) > <!ATTLIST animateColor %stdAttrs; %testAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED %animTargetAttrs; %animTimingAttrs; %animValueAttrs; %animAdditionAttrs; > <!ENTITY % animateTransformExt "" > <!ELEMENT animateTransform (%descTitleMetadata;%animateTransformExt;) > <!ATTLIST animateTransform %stdAttrs; %testAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED %animTargetAttrs; %animTimingAttrs; %animValueAttrs; %animAdditionAttrs; type (translate | scale | rotate | skewX | skewY) "translate" > <!-- ============================================================== DEFINITIONS CORRESPONDING TO: Fonts ============================================================== --> <!ENTITY % fontExt "" > <!ELEMENT font (%descTitleMetadata;,font-face, missing-glyph,(glyph|hkern|vkern %fontExt;)*) > <!ATTLIST font %stdAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-All; horiz-origin-x %Number; #IMPLIED horiz-origin-y %Number; #IMPLIED horiz-adv-x %Number; #REQUIRED vert-origin-x %Number; #IMPLIED vert-origin-y %Number; #IMPLIED vert-adv-y %Number; #IMPLIED > <!ENTITY % glyphExt "" > <!ELEMENT glyph (desc|title|metadata|defs| path|text|rect|circle|ellipse|line|polyline|polygon| use|image|svg|g|view|switch|a|altGlyphDef| script|style|symbol|marker|clipPath|mask| linearGradient|radialGradient|pattern|filter|cursor|font| animate|set|animateMotion|animateColor|animateTransform| color-profile|font-face %glyphExt;)* > <!ATTLIST glyph %stdAttrs; class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-All; unicode CDATA #IMPLIED glyph-name CDATA #IMPLIED vert-text-orient CDATA #IMPLIED arabic CDATA #IMPLIED han CDATA #IMPLIED horiz-adv-x %Number; #IMPLIED vert-adv-y %Number; #IMPLIED > <!ENTITY % missing-glyphExt "" > <!ELEMENT missing-glyph (desc|title|metadata|defs| path|text|rect|circle|ellipse|line|polyline|polygon| use|image|svg|g|view|switch|a|altGlyphDef| script|style|symbol|marker|clipPath|mask| linearGradient|radialGradient|pattern|filter|cursor|font| animate|set|animateMotion|animateColor|animateTransform| color-profile|font-face %missing-glyphExt;)* > <!ATTLIST missing-glyph %stdAttrs; class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-All; horiz-adv-x %Number; #IMPLIED vert-adv-y %Number; #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT hkern EMPTY > <!ATTLIST hkern %stdAttrs; u1 CDATA #IMPLIED g1 CDATA #IMPLIED u2 CDATA #IMPLIED g2 CDATA #IMPLIED k %Number; #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT vkern EMPTY > <!ATTLIST vkern %stdAttrs; u1 CDATA #IMPLIED g1 CDATA #IMPLIED u2 CDATA #IMPLIED g2 CDATA #IMPLIED k %Number; #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT font-face (%descTitleMetadata;,font-face-src?,definition-src?) > <!ATTLIST font-face %stdAttrs; font-family CDATA #IMPLIED font-style CDATA #IMPLIED font-variant CDATA #IMPLIED font-weight CDATA #IMPLIED font-stretch CDATA #IMPLIED font-size CDATA #IMPLIED unicode-range CDATA #IMPLIED units-per-em %Number; #IMPLIED panose-1 CDATA #IMPLIED stemv %Number; #IMPLIED stemh %Number; #IMPLIED slope %Number; #IMPLIED cap-height %Number; #IMPLIED x-height %Number; #IMPLIED accent-height %Number; #IMPLIED ascent %Number; #IMPLIED descent %Number; #IMPLIED widths CDATA #IMPLIED bbox CDATA #IMPLIED ideographic %Number; #IMPLIED baseline %Number; #IMPLIED centerline %Number; #IMPLIED mathline %Number; #IMPLIED hanging %Number; #IMPLIED topline %Number; #IMPLIED underline-position %Number; #IMPLIED underline-thickness %Number; #IMPLIED strikethrough-position %Number; #IMPLIED strikethrough-thickness %Number; #IMPLIED overline-position %Number; #IMPLIED overline-thickness %Number; #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT font-face-src (font-face-uri|font-face-name)+ > <!ATTLIST font-face-src %stdAttrs; > <!ELEMENT font-face-uri (font-face-format*) > <!ATTLIST font-face-uri %stdAttrs; %xlinkRefAttrs; xlink:href %URI; #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT font-face-format EMPTY > <!ATTLIST font-face-format %stdAttrs; string CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT font-face-name EMPTY > <!ATTLIST font-face-name %stdAttrs; name CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT definition-src EMPTY > <!ATTLIST definition-src %stdAttrs; %xlinkRefAttrs; xlink:href %URI; #REQUIRED > <!-- ============================================================== DEFINITIONS CORRESPONDING TO: Metadata ============================================================== --> <!ENTITY % metadataExt "" > <!ELEMENT metadata (#PCDATA %metadataExt;)* > <!ATTLIST metadata %stdAttrs; > <!-- ============================================================== DEFINITIONS CORRESPONDING TO: Extensibility ============================================================== --> <!ENTITY % foreignObjectExt "" > <!ELEMENT foreignObject (#PCDATA %ceExt;%foreignObjectExt;)* > <!ATTLIST foreignObject %stdAttrs; %testAttrs; %langSpaceAttrs; externalResourcesRequired %Boolean; #IMPLIED class %ClassList; #IMPLIED style %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED %PresentationAttributes-All; transform %TransformList; #IMPLIED %graphicsElementEvents; x %Coordinate; #IMPLIED y %Coordinate; #IMPLIED width %Length; #REQUIRED height %Length; #REQUIRED %StructuredText; >