XML-Signature Requirements
W3C Working Draft 1999-June-23
- This version:
- http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/xmldsig-requirements-990623
- Latest version:
- http://www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-requirements
- Previous version:
- http://www.w3.org/Signature/Drafts/xml-dsig-requirements-990601
- Editor(s):
- Joseph Reagle Jr. <reagle@w3.org>
Copyright © 1999
The Internet Society & W3C
(MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved. W3C liability, trademark, document use and software licensing
rules apply.
W3C Status of this Document
This is the first Public Working Draft of the IETF/W3C XML-Digital Signature Working Group
Requirements document. Its content is based on the Charter [Charter], XML-Signature
Workshop [WS], Brown's IETF draft [Brown] and
mailing list discussion. This draft will be published prior to the June 25 IETF deadline
for consideration at the IETF in Oslo
as an IETF-draft and W3C Working Draft. The first draft of a Working Group consensus
version should be produced by July.
This document does not necessarily represent the working group's consensus on a
finished document; it also includes contrary positions (or alternative wordings) in order
to elicit review and discussion. Positions which are potentially in conflict are specified
as a list of lettered points. For example:
- Extensibility
- Position
- Alternative/Contrary Position
Please send comments to the editor <reagle@w3.org>
and cc: the list <w3c-ietf-xmldsig@w3.org>.
Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C membership. This is a
draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time.
It is inappropriate to cite W3C Drafts as other than "work in progress".A list
of current W3C working drafts can be found at http://www.w3.org/TR.
The following documents are not necessarily related to XML Signature, but are
interesting examples of other WG requirements documents.
This document lists the design principles, scope, and requirements for the XML Digital
Signature specification. It includes requirements as they relate to the signature
syntax, data model, format, cryptographic porcessing, and external requirements and
The XML 1.0 Recommendation [XML] describes the syntax of a class of
data objects called XML documents. The mission of this working group is to develop an XML
compliant syntax used for representing signatures on Web resources and portions of
protocol messages (anything that can be referenced by a URI) and procedures for computing
and verifying such signatures. Signatures will provide data integrity, authentication,
and/or non-repudiatability
- The XML-Signature specification will describe how to a digitally sign a Web resource in
general, and an XML document in particular. [Charter] The specification will not specify
methods of providing confidentiality though the Working Group may report on the
feasibility of such work in a future or rechartered activity. [List(Bugbee)]
- The meaning of the signature is very simple: The XML signature syntax associates
the cryptographic signature value with Web resources using XML markup.
- The WG is not chartered to specify trust semantics, but syntax and processing rules
necessary for communicating signature validity (authenticity, integrity and
non-repudiation). [Charter(Requirement1)]
- The XML signature syntax must be highly extensible such that it can support arbitrary
application/trust semantics and assertion capabilities -- that can also be signed. For
example, potential trust applications include sophisticated timestamps, endorsement, and
threshold signature schemes. At the Chairs' discretion and in order to test the
extensibility the syntax, the WG may produce non-standard-track proposals defining common
semantics relevant to signed assertions about Web resources and their relationships in a
schema definition (XML/RDF) or link
type definition (XLink). [Charter(Requirement1&4),
- Validity and Identity
- Only enough information necessary to check the validity of the cryptographic signature need
be provided. [Reagle]
- Each signature shall be associated with information to identify the signer
and/or the cryptographic information required to validate the signature. [List(Solo)]
- An XML-Signature can apply to a part or totality of an XML document.
[Charter, Brown]
- More than one signature may exist over any resource.[Charter, Brown]
- A key use of XML Signatures will be detached Web signatures. In conjunction with XML
facilities (including packaging) signatures may be embedded within or encapsulate XML or
encoded content. [Charter]
- The Signature syntax specification will not specify methods of serialization or
canonicalization. XML content is normalized by specifying an appropriate content C14N
(canonicalization) algorithm [DOMHASH, C14N]; applications are expected to normalize
application specific semantics prior to handing data to a XML-Signature application.
- An XML-Signature application must be able to use and understand
- XML-namespaces [XML-namespaces] within its own signature syntax. Applications may
optionally choose C14N algorithms which do or do not process namespaces within XML
- XLink [Xlink]. Applications will use XLink locators within the signature manifest to
reference signed resources. Signature applications will not embed or expand XLink
references in the signed content, though applications may optionally choose C14N
algorithms which provide this feature.
- XML-Pointers [XPointer]. Applications will reference/select parts of XML documents using
XML-Pointer within an XLink locator. [Reagle, WS-list(1)]
- Implementation/Design Philosophy
- XML Signatures will be developed as part of the broader Web design philosophy of
decentralization, URIs, Web data [WebData], modularity/layering/extensibility, and
assertions as statements about statements. [Reagle]
- The ability to leverage existing cryptographic provider (and infrastructure) primitives
is desirable. [List(Solo)]
Signature Data Model and Syntax
- The XML-Signature data structures will be predicated on an RDF data model [RDF] but need
not use the RDF serialization syntax. [Charter]
- XML-Signatures can be applied to any Web resource -- including non-XML content.
XML-Signature referents are identified with XML locators (URIs or fragments) within the
manifest that refer to external or internal resources (i.e., network accessible or within
the same XML document/package). [Berners-Lee, Reagle, Brown, List(Vincent)]
- Entries may include explicit content type information. [List(Solo)]
- XML-Signatures are first class objects themselves and consequently can be referenced and
signed. [Berners-Lee, Reagle]
- Algorithm Identification
- Whenever possible, any resource or algorithm identifier is a first class object, and
addressable by a URI. [Beners-Lee, Reagle]
- Ability to specify algorithms independently and to reference the algorithms linked to
standard algorithm specifications (e.g. OIDs) [List(Solo)]
- XML-Signatures must be able to apply to the original version of an included/encoded
resource. [WS-list (Brown/Himes)]
- An XML-Signature is XML. [Charter]
- An XML document of a certain type must still be recognizable as its original type when
signed. [WS-summary]
- XML-Signature will provide a mechanism that facilitates the production of composite
documents -- by addition or deletion -- while preserving the signature
characteristics (integrity, authentication, and non-repudiatability) of the consituent
parts. [Charter, Brown, List(Bugbee)]
- ?Packaging?
- The solution shall provide indifferently for digital signature and message
authentication codes, considering symmetric and asymmetric authentication schemes as well
as dynamic negotiation of keying material. [Brown]
- In the event of redundant attributes within the XML Signature syntax and relevant
cryptographic blobs, XML Signature applications prefer the XML Signature semantics.
The XML Signature specification should meet the requirements of the following
- Internet Open Trading Protocol v2.0 [Charter]
- Financial Services Mark Up Language v2.0 [Charter]
To ensure the above requirements are adequately addressed, the XML Signature
specification must be reviewed by a designated member of the following communities:
- XML Syntax Working Group [Charter]
- XML Linking Working Group [Charter]
- XML Schema Working Group [Charter]
- Metadata Coordination Group [Charter]
- ?W3C Internationalization Interest Group?