This is a W3C Working Draft for review by W3C members and other interested parties. It is a draft document and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use W3C Working Drafts as reference material or to cite them as other than "work in progress". A list of current W3C working drafts can be found at
This work is part of the W3C XML Activity (for current status, see ). For information about the XLink language in which XPointer is expected to be used, see .
See for additional background on the design principles informing XPointer.
This document specifies constructs that support addressing into the internal structures of XML documents. In particular, it provides for specific reference to elements, character strings, and other parts of XML documents, whether or not they bear an explicit ID attribute.
This document specifies a language that supports addressing into the internal structures of XML documents. In particular, it provides for specific reference to elements, character strings, and other parts of XML documents, whether or not they bear an explicit ID attribute.
Following is a summary of the design principles governing XPointer:
Three standards have been especially influential:
Many other linking systems have also informed this design, especially Dexter, FRESS, MicroCosm, and InterMedia.
The following basic terms apply in this document.
The formal grammar for locators is given using a simple Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF) location, as described in the XML specification.
The locator for a resource is typically provided by means of a Uniform Resource Identifier, or URI. XPointers can be used as fragment identifiers in conjunction with the URI structure to specify a more precise sub-resource. Any fragment identifier that points into an XML resource must be an XPointer. However, for any locator in an XML resource that identifies a resource that is not an XML document (for example, an HTML or PDF document), XPointer does not constrain the syntax or semantics of the locator.
XPointers operate on the tree defined by the elements and other markup constructs of an XML document.
An XPointer consists
of a series of location terms, each of
which specifies a location, usually relative to the location specified by
the prior location term. Each location term has a keyword (such
as id
, child
, ancestor
, and so on)
and can have arguments such as an instance number, element type, or attribute.
For example, the location term child(2,CHAP)
refers to the second
child element whose type is CHAP
At the heart of the XPointer is the location term, the basic unit of addressing information. The combination of location terms in an XPointer has the effect of specifying a precise location.
XPointer | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Many XPointers locate individual nodes in an element tree. However, some location
terms can locate more complex sets of data. For example, a string match may
locate only a portion of a node, and an XPointer containing the span
location term (called a spanning XPointer) can reference
sub-resources that do not constitute whole elements.
Note that the implementation of traversal to a resource is not constrained by this specification. In particular, handling a resource designated by a span is probably highly application-dependent. In a display-oriented application program, such traversal might simply highlight the designated characters; but a structure-oriented viewer might have no interest in sub-resources that are not complete nodes or subtrees. Note that a span cannot be treated as a set or list of elements, because spans may locate partial elements.
Location terms are classified into absolute terms, relative terms, span terms, attribute terms, and string data terms. An absolute term selects one or more elements or locations in an XML document without reference to any other sub-resource location. A relative or string data term specifes a location in terms of another location, called the location source . The location source is the entire resource if there are no preceding location terms; otherwise it is the location specified by the preceding term (which might be relative to a location term before that).
The keywords described in this section do not depend on the existence of a location source. They can be used to establish a location source or can serve as self-contained XPointers.
Absolute location terms | ||||||||||||
The empty parentheses after root
and origin
for consistency with other keywords and to avoid ambiguous interpretation
of an XPointer containing just the string "root" or "origin".
If an XPointer begins with root()
, the location source is
the root element of the containing
resource. If an XPointer omits any leading absolute location term (that is,
it consists only of OtherTerms
), it is assumed
to have a leading root()
absolute location term.
The origin
keyword produces a meaningful location source for
any following location terms only if the XPointer is being processed by application
software in response to a request for
traversal such as defined in the XLink specification. If an XPointer
begins with origin()
, the location source is the sub-resource
from which the user initiated traversal rather than the default root element.
This allows XPointers to select abstract items such as "the next chapter".
It is an error to use origin()
in a locator where a URI is
also provided and identifies a containing resource different from the resource
from which traversal was initiated.
If an XPointer begins with id(Name)
, the location source is the
element in the containing resource with an attribute having a declared type
of ID
and a value matching the given
For example, the location term id(a27)
chooses the necessarily
unique element of the containing resource which has an attribute declared
to be of type ID
whose value is a27
Note that if an XML document does not declare all attributes whose values
are intended to serve as unique IDs, application software cannot reliably
distinguish ID attributes from others with the same string value. Application
software processing an XPointer must first attempt to locate an element with
a declared ID attribute whose value matches that
argument. If unable to do so, at user option
the application software may locate any element having an attribute with the
desired value.
If an XPointer begins with html(NAMEVALUE)
, the location source
is the first element whose type is A
and which has an attribute
called NAME
whose value is the same as the supplied NAMEVALUE
. This is exactly the function performed by the "#
" fragment
identifier in the context of an HTML document.
The keywords described in this section depend on the existence of a location source. If none is explicitly provided, the location source is the root element of the containing resource. These location terms provide facilities for navigating forward, backward, up, and down through the element tree. These location terms all accept the same list of arguments.
Relative location terms | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Each of these keywords identifies a sequence of elements or other XML node types from which the resulting location source will be chosen. The arguments passed to the keyword determine which node types from that sequence are in fact chosen. Each keyword summarized here is described in detail in the following sections.
If the keyword is omitted, it is treated as equivalent to the immediately preceding keyword; the keyword must not be omitted from the first location term of any XPointer (including embedded ones). For example, the following two XPointers are equivalent:
All relative location terms operate using the same set of potential arguments:
Relative location term arguments | ||||||||||||
Elements and other node types can be selected by occurrence number:
Instance | ||||||||
For a positive instance number n, the nth of
the candidate locations is identified.
For a negative instance number, the candidate locations are counted from last
to first (in a manner that is specific to each keyword). If the instance value
is given, then all the candidate locations are selected. Numbers
that are out of range cause the XPointer to fail.
XML sub-resources can be selected by specific node type as well as number:
Node type | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The node type may be specified by one of the following values:
child(3,DIV1).child(4,DIV2).child(29,P) |
The following XPointer selects the last EXAMPLE
element in
the document:
descendant(-1,EXAMPLE) |
is specified,
is the default. The following example identifies the fifth
child element:child(5) |
is effectively equivalent to
Among the node types, elements can contain other types, but no other types
can contain anything but strings. Thus, for example, ancestor
location terms locate only element node types, and descendant
location terms navigate downward through elements (not other node types) to
reach the desired element or non-element node type.
Selection by a named element type when possible is strongly recommended; see "3.8 Link Persistence" for more information.
Consider the following example:
The following XPointers select various sub-resources within this resource:
" element (whose content is "
To Ros.
crossing downstage
Fare you well, my lord.
(The line break between the SPEAKER
elements is the first text region.)
Candidate elements can be selected based on their attribute names and values. Note that non-element node types have no attributes, and so can never satisfy selection criteria that include attribute name or value specifications.
Attribute | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Attr
and Val
are used to provide attribute names and values to use in selecting among candidate
If specified within quotation marks, the attribute-value argument is case-sensitive; otherwise not.
Attribute names may be specified as "*
" in location terms
in the (unlikely) event that an attribute value constitutes a constraint regardless
of what attribute name it is a value for.
For example, the following location term selects the first child of the
location source for which the attribute TARGET
has a value:
The following XPointer chooses an element using the N
Beginning at the location source, the first child (whatever element type
it is) with an N
attribute having the value 2
chosen; then that element's first child element having the value 1
for the same attribute is chosen. Non-element node types cannot be
chosen because they cannot have an N
The following example selects the first child of the location source that
is an FS
element for which the RESP
attribute has
been left unspecified:
child(1,FS,RESP,#IMPLIED) |
Note that the html
keyword is a synonym for a very specific
instance of attribute-based addressing such that the following two XPointers
are equivalent:
html(Sec3.2) |
root().descendant(1,A,NAME,"Sec3.2") |
The descendant
keyword selects a node of the specified type
anywhere inside the location source, either directly or indirectly nested.
The descendant
location term looks down through trees of subelements
in order to end at the node type requested, not down through
nested levels of intermediate PIs, comments, or text regions. The search for
matching node types occurs in the same order that the start-tags of elements
occur in the XML data stream: The first child of the location source is tested
first, then (if it is an element) that element's first child, and so on. In
formal terms, this is a depth-first traversal.
For example, the following XPointer selects the second TERM
element with a LANG
attribute whose value is DE
occurring within the element with an ID
attribute whose value
is A23
id(a23).descendant(2,TERM,LANG,DE) |
If an instance number is positive, the search is depth-first and left-to-right.
If an instance number is negative, the search is depth-first but right-to-left,
in which the right-most, deepest matching element is numbered -1, etc. The
order in which elements are examined corresponds to the ordering of the first
tag encountered. Thus, the following example chooses the last NOTE
element in the document, that is, the one with the rightmost end-tag:
If the last NOTE
happens to be within another NOTE
the containing one is chosen, not the subelement, because it extends to a
later point in the document.
The ancestor
keyword selects an element from among the direct
ancestors of the location source. For positive instance numbers, it counts
upwards from the parent of the location source to the root of the containing
resource. For negative instance numbers, it counts downwards from the root
to the direct parent. Note that ancestor
can never select the
location source itself.
For example, the following XPointer first chooses the innermost element
(nearest ancestor) properly containing the location source and having attribute
with value 1
, and then the smallest DIV
element properly containing that ancestor:
ancestor(1,#element,N,1).(1,DIV) |
The node type parameter for ancestor
, if supplied, must be
either #element
or a particular element type name. If the current
location source is an attribute, the element on which that attribute occurs
is considered the first ancestor.
The preceding
keyword selects a node of the specified type
from among those which precede the location source. The set of nodes which
may be selected is the set of all those in the entire document that occur
or begin before the location source. For a positive instance number, it counts
left from the location source; for a negative instance number, it counts right
from the root element of the containing resource. The first delimiter or tag
encountered, starting or ending, counts as an occurrence of that node.
For example, the following XPointer designates the fifth element that occurs
or starts before the element that has an ID
of a23
Because all ancestors of the location source contain it and potentially other content, ancestors both "precede" and "follow" their descendants. Therefore, the following example selects the root element (probably among other nodes):
The following
keyword selects a node of the specified type
from among those which follow the location source. The set of nodes which
may be selected is the set of all those in the entire document that occur
or end after the location source. For a positive instance number, it counts
right from the location source; for a negative instance number, it counts
left from the end-tag of the root element of the containing resource. The
first delimiter or tag encountered, starting or ending, counts as an occurrence
of that node.
For example, the following XPointer designates the second PI that occurs
after the element that has an ID
of a23
id(a23).following(2,#pi) |
Because all ancestors of the location source contain it and potentially other content, ancestors both "precede" and "follow" their descendants. Therefore, the following example selects the root element (probably among other nodes):
The psibling
keyword selects a node of the specified type
from among those which precede the location source within the same parent
element. The nodes immediately contained by the same
parent element are siblings; those siblings which precede the location
source are its elder siblings, and those which follow it are its younger siblings.
For a positive instance number, psibling
counts left from
the most recent elder sibling to the eldest sibling. For a negative instance
number, it counts right from the eldest sibling. The location term fails if
the location source does not have at least as many elder siblings as the absolute
value of the instance number.
For example, this XPointer designates the element immediately preceding
the element with an ID
of a23
, as long as they
share the same parent:
id(a23).psibling(1,#element) |
If the location source has at least one elder sibling, then the following location term designates the very eldest sibling:
psibling(-1,#element) |
This location term is synonymous with the following XPointer:
ancestor(1,#element).child(1,#element) |
The value all
may be used to select the entire range of
elder siblings of an element. For example, the following XPointer designates
the set of elements preceding the element that has an ID
and are contained by the same parent:
id(a23).psibling(all,#element) |
The fsibling
keyword selects a node of the specified type
from among those which follow the location source within the same parent element.
The nodes immediately contained by the same
parent element are siblings; those siblings which precede the location
source are its elder siblings, and those which follow it are its younger siblings.
For a positive instance number, fsibling
counts right from
the most recent younger sibling to the youngest sibling. For a negative instance
number, it counts left from the youngest sibling. The location term fails
if the location source does not have at least as many younger siblings as
the absolute value of the instance number.
For example, this XPointer designates the element immediately following
the element with an ID
of a23
, as long as they
share the same parent:
id(a23).fsibling(1,#element) |
If the location source has at least one younger sibling, then the following location term designates the very youngest sibling:
fsibling(-1,#element) |
This location term is synonymous with the following XPointer:
ancestor(1,#element).child(-1,#element) |
The value all
may be used to select the entire range of
younger siblings of an element. For example, the following XPointer designates
the set of elements followed the element that has an ID
and are contained by the same parent:
id(a23).fsibling(all,#element) |
The span
keyword locates a sub-resource starting at the beginning
of the data selected by its first argument and continuing through to the end
of the data selected by its second argument. Both arguments are interpreted
relative to the location source for the spanning location term itself; the
second argument does not use the first argument as its location source.
Spanning term | ||||
Following is an example of a spanning XPointer that selects the first through
third children of the element with ID a23
id(a23).span(child(1),child(3)) |
The attr
keyword takes only an attribute name as a selector
and returns the attribute's value.
Attribute-match term | ||||
The string
keyword selects one or more strings or positions
between strings in the location source.
String-match term | ||||||||||||
, all occurrences of the string
are used as candidates in forming the
designated resource.
string is considered
to identify the position immediately preceding each character in the location
source. For example, assuming that the element with ID x37
the character string "Thomas", the following XPointer identifies the position
before the third character ("o"):id(x37).string(3,"") |
selects the position immediately
following the last character of the match.
When the location source is a PI or comment, string
on the content of that node. However, the content of PIs and comments is not
otherwise considered text content.
For example, the following XPointer selects the position immediately preceding
the letter "P
" (8 from the start of the string) in the third
occurrence of the string "Thomas Pynchon
root().string(3,"Thomas Pynchon",8) |
The following XPointer selects the fifth exclamation mark and the character immediately following it:
id(a27).string(5,'!',1,1) |
For purposes of string matching, the "text of the element" means all the character data in the element(s) in the current location source and descendant elements. Markup characters are ignored. The pattern matching is exact and character-for-character. No case, space, or combining-character normalization of any kind is to be performed. Thus, there would be no match to "Thomas Pynchon" in the following example. The first seeming match differs in case, and the second by omission of the word-separating space:
<example>thomas pynchon, |
Most location terms select a single element as their result: for example, the following XPointer selects one element:
id(foo).child(1,SEC) |
Such cases trivially correspond to nodes in element trees, thus admitting certain implementation simplifications. However, not all locations terms have this limitation:
location term generally returns only part
of a node, but if the matched content had markup within it, the result may
include portions of multiple elements.string
location term, when used with the
instance value, returns a list of typically discontiguous portions
of string data.
, meaning that all candidate nodes are included in the result. The
result is thus a vector of possibly non-adjacent nodes, rather than a subtree.
Each of these cases is described in more detail below.
A string
location term may return parts of several elements.
For example, a string
that specified the 12 characters beginning
at the "c" below would return the entire text content of the EMPH
element, plus the text region that follows the EMPH
inside the
<P>Hello, <EMPH>cruel</EMPH> world.</P> |
The XPointers shown below specify ordered lists of elements. The elements may or may not be contiguous; in the first case they probably are; in the second, they probably are not:
id(sec2.1).child(1,list).child(all,list) |
id(div1).descendant(all,h3) |
Note that a discontiguous series of elements such as this may be usefully implemented using the same underlying abstract type that would represent the results of a query in certain processing scenarios.
The following spanning XPointer selects everything from the last
element in one section through the first P
in another:
span(id(sec2.1).child(-1,P),id(sec2.2).child(1,P)) |
Span locations are not subtrees of XML documents, nor are they mere content
data strings. Thus, the result of a spanning selection cannot generally be
expressed as a well-formed XML document, nor as a node or list of nodes from
an element tree. This is because in general, some elements are neither "in"
nor "out of" the span, but in fact are partly in it. For example, the example
above includes the end of the element with id sec2.1
, but not
its start. Because of this, implementations that support spans cannot represent
them merely as single nodes or as well-formed XML documents; instead they
must represent them as pairs of locations or by some other means that can
express their greater generality.
Some processing semantics that make sense for nodes or vectors of nodes may not make sense for spans. A browser could easily highlight just the character content of a span, but there may be no appropriate semantics to apply in an outliner or tree-oriented display.
It is impossible to guarantee that links to target resources will never break; the resources could be changed in such a way that even the most robust link will break. At worst, the author of a target resource could rewrite it to discuss another subject entirely, making all links irrelevant even if they refer to resources using IDs. However, under typical conditions, some XPointers can be reasonably robust.
The most robust locators are usually those which use only an ID, and this
is the preferred locator when available. However, not all elements have IDs,
and link creators often do not have enough control over a target resource
to have an ID added to it. In such cases the preferred locator is one that
points to the nearest containing element that does have an ID, and then walks
down the element tree using the child
location term. This form
is relatively robust for two reasons:
In addition, where relative location terms such as child
used, selection by named element type (where the second argument in a relative
location term has a Name
in it)
is preferred over selection without specifying a name, for two reasons:
A string conforms to XPointer if it adheres to the syntactic requirements imposed by this specification. Note that this does not require that the string, in association with a URI, actually point to a resource that exists at any given moment.
Application software conforms to XPointer if it interprets XPointer-conforming strings according to all required semantics prescribed by this specification and, for any optional semantics it chooses to support, supports them in the way prescribed. Application software is free to define its own requirements on where XPointer strings will be recognized. For example, an XML application program might choose to recognize XPointers only when they occur in locator attributes of XLink elements.
It is possible to specify a link's resource based on the value of an attribute. It is is difficult to decide what the correct behavior is as regards case-sensitivity in matching. Ideally, the declared type of the attribute value should be taken into account, but that presupposes fetching and reading the document's DTD, which may not be appropriate in many XML applications. The current system, while easy to explain, may not prove suitable in the long run.
Formally, the operations of the XPointer mechanism may may be specified as operating on abstract data structures, such as defined in DOM and the HyTime standard ([ISO/IEC 10744]). Every node type in such locators has a corresponding expression in SDQL, and most also have direct equivalents in the HyTime location module.
The XPointer language is based on "extended pointers," a publicly available technology in use by various SGML-based hypermedia applications, defined in the Text Encoding Initiative guidelines [TEI]. This appendix describes how XPointers differ from extended pointers. The main differences facilitate the packaging of locators easily within URIs, and omit some more advanced capabilities:
". This combines the capability of the TEI FROM
and TO
attributes into a single locator syntax for spans.
and root
take an empty argument list, to distinguish them from possible IDs.PATTERN
term is replaced by a literal string
matching term.SPACE
, HyQ
keywords have been omitted.These changes have been communicated to the TEI, which is considering them for inclusion in a subsequent revision.
Note that the proposed TEI keyword ATTR
has been included
in XPointer.
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