Details on Product Selectors Level 4

Open, Raised and Pending Review Issues

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There are 8 open and raised issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-67 (edit) OPEN ::selection 2008-10-16 Selectors Level 4 0
ISSUE-172 (edit) OPEN whitespace, punctuation, and :first-letter 2011-03-04 Selectors Level 4 0
ISSUE-289 (edit) OPEN Carify whether all elements have a directionality or just ones from languages that define a dir attribute. 2012-11-28 Selectors Level 4 0
ISSUE-317 (edit) RAISED Allow child-index pseudos to select unparented elements 2013-04-04 Selectors Level 4 0
ISSUE-318 (edit) RAISED Make specificity of :matches() / :not() depend on what was matched 2013-04-04 Selectors Level 4 0
ISSUE-319 (edit) RAISED Usable selector for empty elements 2013-04-04 Selectors Level 4 0
ISSUE-320 (edit) RAISED Profile :matches() / :not() for fast vs. complete implementation 2013-04-04 Selectors Level 4 0
ISSUE-340 (edit) RAISED Define which ::pseudo:pseudo combinations are invalid and which just never match 2013-07-02 Selectors Level 4 0

Open Actions

There are 0 open and pending review actions.

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See all issues and actions for this product.

Alan Stearns <>, Rossen Atanassov <>, Chairs, Chris Lilley <>, Fuqiao Xue <>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: index.html,v 1.1 2020/01/17 10:42:03 carcone Exp $