Details on Product CSS3 Paged Media

All Issues

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There are 34 issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-39 (edit)
CLOSED 'size' property conflicts with Media Queries 2008-04-23 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-51 (edit) CLOSED more properties should apply to page and margin boxes 2008-05-21 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-95 (edit) CLOSED Grouping @page selectors 2009-02-24 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-178 (edit) CLOSED Define which page is :first when page-break-before is set on the root 2011-04-01 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-226 (edit) CLOSED Fix definition of canvas painting area in css3-page 2012-03-07 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-227 (edit) CLOSED Canvas obfuscates margin box content 2012-03-07 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-255 (edit) CLOSED Variable Size Margin Box rules are too complex 2012-06-11 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-256 (edit) CLOSED Switch css3-page over to new intrinsic sizing terminology 2012-06-12 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-257 (edit) CLOSED Define what happens with @page { counter-increment: none; } 2012-06-12 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-258 (edit) CLOSED Rename margin boxes to page-margin boxes 2012-06-12 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-260 (edit) CLOSED CSSOM for @page 2012-06-12 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-262 (edit) CLOSED Add :blank page pseudo 2012-06-12 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-263 (edit) CLOSED @page grammar is not LL(k) 2012-06-12 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-302 (edit) CLOSED Multiple pseudo-classes in page selectors 2013-02-12 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-303 (edit) CLOSED Default z order of page-margin boxes 2013-02-12 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-305 (edit) CLOSED Add examples of comma-separated selectors and multiple pseudo-classes per selector 2013-02-20 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-306 (edit) CLOSED Page selector specificity with multiple pseudo-classes 2013-02-20 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-310 (edit) CLOSED Can the first page be "named"? 2013-02-20 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-311 (edit) CLOSED Merge Section 7 and Appendix A 2013-02-20 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-312 (edit) CLOSED "spilling onto other page sheets" is not defined. 2013-02-20 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-313 (edit) CLOSED "position the page box in the upper left corner" even in ltr? 2013-02-20 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-314 (edit) CLOSED Make z-index support not optional on page-margin boxes 2013-02-24 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-283 (edit) RAISED Define relation of pages in space, and how this interrelates with bleed 2012-10-28 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-304 (edit) RAISED marks and bleed 2013-02-12 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-307 (edit) RAISED Conflicting requirements for the initial containing block 2013-02-20 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-308 (edit) RAISED @page size declarations qualified by Media Queries 2013-02-20 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-309 (edit) RAISED Media Queries based on the page size 2013-02-20 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-315 (edit) RAISED Viewport-percentages units in the page context 2013-02-24 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-325 (edit) RAISED Fixed positioning on content-empty pages? 2013-04-23 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-334 (edit) RAISED counter-reset: page 2013-06-04 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-335 (edit) RAISED Rewrite stacking in terms of Appendix E 2013-06-06 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-336 (edit) RAISED Page box: rectangle vs. CSS box 2013-06-06 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-337 (edit) RAISED Simplify page-margin box layout 2013-06-06 CSS3 Paged Media 0
ISSUE-338 (edit) RAISED Interactions with user settings in printing UI 2013-06-06 CSS3 Paged Media 0

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Alan Stearns <>, Rossen Atanassov <>, Chairs, Chris Lilley <>, Fuqiao Xue <>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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