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"MonthinQA" is a monthly summary of the main topics discussed on www-qa@w3.org, the public mailing-list of W3C's QA Interest Group and www-qa-wg@w3.org, the public mailing-list of W3C's QA Working Group.
Three QA Framework family of documents are being prepared for Last Call publication. The last published versions are at:
Comments on these documents were resolved and changes made to the documents. Editorial and minor changes were made to the Operational Guidelines. The Specification Guidelines (SpecGL) discussions were stimulated by a review of the SpecGL to see if it conformed to itself. Topics included: the conformance disclaimer, test assertions, the SpecGL's class of product (i.e., target), labeling normative and informative text, and the implementation conformance statement.
See Thread:
The Test Guidelines Working Draft was published on December 20, 2002. This document defines a set of common guidelines for conformance test materials for W3C specifications. It is the fourth document in the Framework family of Guideline documents. Comments are welcome and should be sent to this publish list: www-qa@w3.org
See :
All four Framework Documents advocate the development of test materials concurrent with the development of the Technical Report or specification. An Issue (Issue #107) was created regarding the need to differentiate between the test materials required for Candidate Recommendation and those for Recommendation. Test materials developed at the CR stage may be different than the test materials at the Rec stage, since the objectives for these test suites are often very different.
See Thread :
Kirill Gavrylyuk, as a member of the QA WG, reviewed the SOAP 1.2 Last Call document and provided comments to the XMLP WG regarding the inclusion of a conformance clause describing the subject of conformance (a binding specification) and what does it mean to conform to the SOAP 1.2 specification.
See Thread :
All meeting minutes are available at: http://www.w3.org/QA/Agenda/