"WeekinQA" is a bi-weekly summary of the main topics discussed on www-qa@w3.org, the public mailing-list of W3C QA Interest Group. See the calendar and initial requirements for this resource.
A new version of the QA glossary has been released during this period, and discussed on the list. Discussion focused on the definition of some terms (e.g "validation", "atomic test"...)
See the threads : [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Following the new publication of the QA framework,
the issue of the letter codes used for the levels of conformance to this framework was raised.
A, Q, C, the question remains open.
See the thread : [1]
Following the first publication of the Specification guidelines, part of the QA framework, an issue was raised about the use/interest/danger of using different flavors of conformance, advised by the Spec. guideline #3.
Different levels of conformance are believed to be harmful for interoperability (arg. 1), but may be unavoidable, or necessary (arg.2) for modular technologies/specifications. The issue is opened, see the thread for details.
See the thread :
See the guideline 3 of the spec guideline draft, 07 May 2002.