W3C Member Access to Email Archive | WAP Forum Member Access to Email Archive
Group Participants |
Charter |
Background |
The group will:
Our long-term goal, shared by both the WAP Forum and the W3C, is to work towards universal access to a unified information space, i.e. enabling users to view services and resources from many different devices and access modalities.
Please see the Charter for further information on the constitution of this WG.
Coordination group mailing list archive:
This list is intended for discussions in the working group. As a matter of policy, the archive is open to members of the organizations it coordinates.
W3C Member-only link
| WAP Forum member
only link
Comments concerning this coordination can be adressed to the public comment list of the W3C Mobile Access Interest Group, www-mobile@w3.org | Archive
To be added to this list, please send a subscription request to: www-mobile-request@w3.org
The following persons are members of this working group:
This group was formed as a result of the discussions between the WAP Forum and the W3C. Ad-hoc coordination has been ongoing since the first meeting in June 1998, with regular teleconferences with representatives from the WAP Forum and the W3C.
This group does not formally belong to any domain or activity in the W3C or WAP Forum, but is administred under the W3C User Interface Domain Mobile Activity.
See also the previous version of the Joint White Paper describing the relationship in October 1998.