The Mobile Web Initiative ran from 2006 to 2014. Work on mobile-related standards and guidelines are integrated into the main W3C’s roadmap.
The Mobile Web Initiative in the Press
In 2010
Articles from other years: 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005
- Search Engine Land (4 May): Why Mobile Searchers Need Mobile-Optimized Sites, Bryson Meunier, W3C, MWBP
- Les Echos (15 April): Le Web du futur en quête de standards, Nicolas Rauline, W3C, HTML5 (in French)
- Blogs L'Express (14 April): Le Pdg du W3C cherche des fonds pour préparer l'avenir du Web, Emmanuel Paquette, W3C, HTML5, Web services, video, social Web (in French)
- Les (14 April): Jeffrey Jaffe (W3C) : « Veiller à ce que la technique ne soit pas un frein pour l'information », Nicolas Rauline, W3C, HTML5 (in French)
- Le Figaro (12 April): Le Web prépare sa révolution, Didier Sanz, W3C, HTML5 (in French)
- Le MagIT (8 April): Le soutien des éditeurs en poche, le W3C voit le futur du Web dans HTML 5, Cyrille Chausson, W3C, HTML5, video tag, SVG, CSS3, MathML, Dominique Hazaël-Massieux, Philippe le Hégaret (in French)
- Solutions & Logiciels (8 April): Le W3C se projette sur l’avenir du web, François Tonic, W3C, HTML5, SVG, CSS3 (in French)
- Le Monde Informatique (8 April): Le W3C dresse un rapport d'étape sur HTML 5, Jacques Cheminat, W3C, HTML5, video tag, Device APIs, Mobile Web Initiative, Dominique Hazaël-Massieux, Philippe le Hégaret (in French)
- Explore Everything (8 April): How will HTML 5 change the Web, Jonathan Keene, W3C, HTML5, Device APIs
- (8 April): HTML5: la révolution web, oui, mais pour quand?, David Feugey, W3C, CSS3, MathML, SVG, audio and video tags (in French)
- 01Net (7 April): Comment HTML 5 va changer le Web, Eric Le Bourlout, W3C, HTML5, Device APIs, Philippe Le Hégaret (in French)
- ZDNet Asia (7 April): One size still doesn't fit all for Web, Liau Yun Qing, W3C, MWI, Dominique Hazaël-Massieux
- PCWorld (5 April): The iPad Makes Demands on Web Developers, Joab Jackson, W3C, HTML5, CSS, video tag, Philippe Le Hégaret
- The H (29 March): Google adds Geolocation API to Chrome Dev channel, W3C, Geolocation API
- CMSWire (29 March): W3C Solution For Robust Web Application Caching Progresses, Dee-Ann LeBlanc, W3C, HTML 5, WebApps, HTTP Caching and Serving
- TechNewsWorld (14 March): Sniffing Out an HTML5 Conspiracy, Scott M. Fulton, W3C, HTML5, SVG, RDFa, Philippe Le Hégaret
- CNet (12 March): Consensus emerges for key Web app standard, Stephen Shankland, W3C, HTML5, Widgets
- PC World Magazine (9 March): What to expect from HTML 5, Neil McAllister, W3C, HTML5, Canvas 2D API
- BetaNews (8 March): Latest HTML5 working draft published despite claims of 'sabotage', Scott M. Fulton, W3C, HTML5, Canvas 2D API
- Poynter (8 March): Gearing Up to Build an iPad App? Consider a Mobile Web App First, David Stanton , W3C, mobile Web applications, HTML5, CSS3
- ReadWriteWeb (4 March): Google Chrome Becomes Location Aware, Frederic Lardinois, W3C's geolocation API
- BizCommunity (2 March): Where are trends in mobile taking mobile web design and mobile SEO?, W3C, Mobile Web best Practices
- SatNews Daily (1 March): Espial — TV Browser Benefactor For Connected TVs (digiGO!™ — The Digital (R)Evolution) , W3C, SVG, Web Video, HTML 5 video
- The Guardian (26 February): How Sir Tim Berners-Lee cut the Gordian Knot of HTML5, Charles Arthur, W3C, HTML 5, Sir Tim Berners-Lee
- Softpedia (25 February): IE Standards Support Beyond IE9 (Internet Explorer 9), Marius Oiaga, W3C, SVG, HTML 5, CSS 2.1
- UC Berkeley News (24 February): New Report Analyzes Online Location Privacy, W3C, Privacy Issues of the W3C Geolocation API
- The Inquirer (22 February): Google drops gears, David Neal, W3C, HTML 5
- PCWorld (22 February): FSF to Google: Free the On2 Video Codec, Joab Jackson, W3C, HTML 5, Video Web
- (22 February): Google Gears moving to HTML 5, Gareth Halfacree, W3C, HTML 5
- The Hindu (20 February): The mobile way to financial inclusion, T. Ramachandran, W3C, MW4D
- Clubic (19 February): Applications mobiles : une alliance de 24 opérateurs, Guillaume Belfiore, W3C (in French)
- GNT (19 February): 24 opérateurs réunis pour un portail d'applications commun, Christian D. , W3C (in French)
- Developpez (18 February): Orange s'allie à 23 opérateurs pour lancer un concurrent à l'AppStore, Gordon Fowler, W3C (in French)
- Rethink Wireless (18 February): Alcatel-Lucent beefs up carrier apps strategy, Caroline Gabriel, W3C
- BetaNews (17 February): A BlackBerry browser with a 100% Acid3 score: RIM finally picks up the Torch, Scott M. Fulton, W3C, Widgets
- ITexpresso (17 February): MWC : les opérateurs dévoilent une place de marché de gros des applications mobiles, W3C
- The Register (17 February): Life's a BONDI beach for widgets, Bill Ray, W3C, Widgets
- InformationWeek (17 February): Telecom Companies Plan Unified Mobile Platform, Thomas Claburn, W3C
- internet news (16 February): Global App Store to Challenge iPhone?, David Needle, W3C
- European Communications (16 February): 2010 - Year of the mobile widget, Tim Hayson, W3C, mobile widgets
- Usine Nouvelle (16 February): MWC 2010 : Union sacrée contre l'App Store d'Apple, W3C (in French)
- (16 February): MWC 2010 : les opérateurs en ordre de bataille contre l'App Store d'Apple, Christophe Lagane, W3C (in French)
- Direction Informatique (16 February): Des sites Web pour les appareils mobiles, François Picard, W3C Mobile Web Initiative,Mobile Web Best Practices, mobileOK, W3C mobileOK checker (in French)
- Wireless Week (16 February): GSMA Zeroes in on Apps, Backs Wholesale Model, Monica Alleven, W3C
- The Inquirer (16 February): Operators make their own app push, Ian Williams, W3C
- ABH News (16 February): WAC to revolutionize the world, Pranika Jain, W3C
- Rethink Wireless (15 February): Two dozen operators join in massive software fightback, Caroline Gabriel, W3C
- TF1 News (15 February): Des opérateurs de premier plan s’unissent pour libérer le potentiel des applications mondiales, W3C (in French)
- Freenews (15 February): Une alliance d’opérateurs pour un "App Store" ouvert, Yoann Ferret, W3C (in French)
- GoMo News (15 February): MWC: Wholesale Applications Community launches, Bena Roberts, W3C
- The Guardian (15 February): Two dozen mobile carriers unite against Apple's App Store , Tricia Duryee, W3C
- Mobile Enterprise (12 February): Widgets Could Be Next Big Thing For Mobile Apps, Evan Koblentz, W3C, Widgets
- Business Insider (7 February): Flash, HTML5, and Mobile Apps, Fred Wilson, W3C, HTML 5
- UN News Centre (5 February): Internet access for visually impaired is focus of UN workshop, W3C, Mobile Web Initiative
- TechCrunch (5 February): The Future of Web Content – HTML5, Flash & Mobile Apps, Jeremy Allaire, W3C, HTML 5, WebApps, Video
- eWeek (5 February): Application Development: 20 Essential Things to Know About the HTML5 Web Language, W3C, HTML 5
- Gizmodo (4 February): Why HTML5 Isn’t Going To Save The Internet, John Herrman, W3C, HTML 5, Web Video, Web Apps
- The Register (4 February): H.264 video codec stays royalty-free for HTML5 testers, Kelly Fiveash, HTML 5
- CNET (4 February): Web video gets H.264 royalty reprieve, Stephen Shankland, HTML 5
- The H Open (4 February): W3C proposes hardware interface, Chris von Eitzen, W3C, Device APIs
- CNET (3 February): HTML vs. Flash: Can a turf war be avoided?, Stephen Shankland, W3C, HTML 5, Web Video
- BetaNews (25 January): Firefox's latest firestorm: Should the Web be made of codecs?, Scott M. Fulton, W3C, HTML 5, Web Video
- Practical Ecomerce (14 January): Mobile Commerce: Simulators Show Your Site's Appearance on Mobile Devices, Brendan Gibbons, W3C, Mobile Web Best Practices
- Business Daily Africa (5 January): Demand for mobile phone skills surges, Victor Zuma, W3C, Mobile Web Best Practices