ACTION-3: - review XML Events 2 issues comprehensively;

- review XML Events 2 issues comprehensively;

Roland Merrick
Due on:
October 8, 2008
Created on:
October 1, 2008
Associated Product:
XML Events 2
Related emails:
No related emails

Related notes:

Roland Merrick, 15 Oct 2008, 14:06:10

REQUIREMENT: listening to events in a separate document

Roland Merrick, 15 Oct 2008, 14:07:04

this detailed discussion, as well as plans on moving the document forward, was
held on day 2 of the XHTML2 WG's face2face at TPAC 2008, as recorded in the minutes


the decision to close XHTML2 WG ACTION-3 was taken at the 5 november 2008
XHTML2 WG call -- consult:


Gregory Rosmaita, 5 Nov 2008, 15:45:23

the resolution to close XHTML2 WG ACTION-3 included inserting a note in the
action item referencing the f2f minutes:


in which the following RESOLUTIONS were logged:

1. RESOLUTION: specify either a handler or a function attribute;
if specify both @function takes precedence

2. RESOLUTION: take handler out, put into Events Module, ability
to invoke script function will be added to handler

3. RESOLUTION: keep everything from XHTML 1.0 definition of script

Gregory Rosmaita, 5 Nov 2008, 15:52:39

Display change log.

Chair, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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