XForms namespace for XPath functions
Original post from MichaelKay:
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 23:49:32 +0200 To: www-forms-editor@w3.org Subject: 7.6 From: "Michael Kay" <mike@saxonica.com> Cc: "'XQuery'" <w3c-xml-query-wg@w3.org>, "'XSL WG'" <w3c-xsl-wg@w3.org> H. Clearly there is a need to provide backwards compatibility with XForms 1.0 in the set of additional functions provided. (It's a shame that these weren't defined to be in their own namespace). However, we would also like to see some kind of migration strategy that moves users forward to the XPath 2.0 replacements for these functions where these exist. For example, xs:boolean() in XPath 2.0 is identical to boolean-from-string() in XForms. (On a point of detail, the values "true" and "false" in XML Schema are case-sensitive whereas this function is described as case-insensitive). A possible migration strategy might start by putting these functions in a separate namespace, and giving users some way to select the function namespaces they want to use in their application. We have not actually checked how many of the additional functions were already defined in XForms 1.0.