VFtF 2009 06 25

From W3C XForms Group Wiki (Public)

W3C Forms WG Virtual Face to Face Meeting

Agenda for June 25, 2009

Hour 1: Solutions for the Application Requirements Related to the External Model and Submodel Problems

Based on ModelEnhancementRequirements, choose a technical direction for external models/submodels down to the point where someone can reasonably take the action item to write a first draft specification that includes full markup examples for all the requirements we intend to meet.

Hour 2: Focus on Submission Improvements

There is a cluster of "low-hanging fruit" in the area of more submission improvements. The goal of this hour is to get as far through the discussion of these topics as the hour permits, and then we can pick up the discussion in the following week's vFtF day.

  • Setting submission method default to "get"
  • Ability to suppress RRRR on submission completion and/or initialization
  • JSON submissions
  • submission to a "new" window (and/or an iframe?)
  • submission progress, cancellation

Hour 3: Enriched Text Content

Enriched text entry, e.g. via mediatype="text/html" on textarea. Is this an "optional" or "recommended" feature? Can we specify and achieve interoperable results, i.e. enriched text entered by user of processor A can be viewed and edited by user of processor B, and then back to processor A?

Hour 4: Focus on Uploads

  • Instant upload submission to server
  • Easier handling of multiple uploads
  • Easier extraction of an upload back to the end-user context
  • Easier request to display an upload
  • Better control of metadata associated with upload data

Hour 5: Review of Specification Drafts

Review content of action item results from working group.


Node 'create' functions

The option of using XPath 2.0