
From W3C XForms Group Wiki (Public)

XForms resolutions

(Updated to 2012-09-05)

  • 2012-06-20

We will adopt @override, from XSLT 2.0, for function declarations.

  • 2012-06-13

Functions go into XForms (2003) namespace

Remove restriction on model from header and var, leave restriction to current model on bind element

Publish FPWD of XForms 2.0 and XPath Expression module

  • 2012-06-06

Promote model attribute to common attribute group

  • 2012-05-23

In header elem, list binding attrs in common attributes, then remove ref and nodeset from special attributes, then add spec wording to produce binding exceptions if model or bind refer to another model

in bind elem, list binding attrs in common attributes, then remove ref and nodeset from special attributes, then add spec wording to produce binding exceptions if model or bind refer to another model

Add context attribute to the common attributes.

Any XForms element must carry the common attributes.

  • 2012-04-11

Allow repeat/itemset and other uses of nodeset to bind to literals (some details still to be worked out, e.g. insert/delete)

When atomic form controls (e.g. input) bind to literals, they behave as readonly

When using bind to bind to a literal, MIPs attached to literal generate a binding exception

  • 2012-03-28

We publish as first public working draft for XForms 2.0 these documents:

We move further development of XHTML+XForms Rec-track document ot the community group.

  • 2012-03-14

Custom-defined functions get no context item, position, or size, they have access to lexically scoped variables.

  • 2012-03-07

In We add script/@type as an optional peer to sequence, which is also optional. The first recognized one in document order is used.

We accept and rename xf:context to either xf:property or xf:param and @select to @ref and possibly @value.

  • 2012-02-01

HTTPS is required for XForms 2.0

Even with instance populated from JSON submission response, submission back from that instance still obeys regular submission rules, e.g. post implies application/xml, unless an explicity mediatype attribute is used on submission.

  • 2012-01-11

We move forward to publish XForms 2.0 with expression and dialog modules and schemas as FPWD, with a link to Category:XForms20 in the status section.

  • 2011-12-21

We add AVT to XForms 2.0 defined in a separate module as equivalent in evaluation to xf:output/@value for host languages. For XForms attributes, we change the column heading for the content model to say that value types are post-AVT evaluation, and we specifically mark attributes that do not participate at their point of definition.

  • 2011-12-14

We clarify that immediately after deletion of a node, .. in XPath 2 is () and in XPath 1.0 an empty nodeset.

We clarify a deleted node continues to provide context for the duration of an action that obtained that context prior to deletion, before deferred update.

  • 2011-11-16

In test 10.8.f, when you activate the Fire Custom Event trigger you must see a custom-event message. If an implementation has a default action for the custom event you must not see the effect of the default action.

We drop the model/@src proposal in favor of load embedding and await a second implementation to compare.

  • 2011-11-02

We change test case XForms Test Suite 1.1 - Test case 2.4.a to add elementFormDefault="qualified"

  • 2011-10-12

We add eval-in-context to our eval proposal, but the second parameter is the context node.

  • 2011-09-07

valid() of empty nodeset or empty sequence is true.

  • 2011-08-31

dialog is a toplevel container form control. It contains an implicit group. Dialog does not have SNB and consequently does not receive MIP bindings.

  • 2011-08-30

We deprecate xf:id() function and recommend using the XPath 2.0 id() function when using XPath 2, and that type annotations from xs:id from schemas and type MIP is made available to the XPath 2 id() function.

  • 2011-08-29

We change binding for case on switch to @caseref.

In XForms 2.0 xpath-version=1.0 mode the no-namespace XForms functions are also in the xforms: namespace.

We add xf:repeat-ref and xf:repeat-indexref and deprecate xf:repeat-nodeset

We add eval() to XPath function library.

  • 2011-07-27

We allow a sequence of foreign elements anywhere we currently allow xforms:extension.

  • 2011-07-06

The function extension mechanism will work for XPath 1.0 and 2.0.

  • 2011-07-06

We're merging XForms 1.2 and XForms 2.0 so that XForms 1.2 is a profile of XForms 2.0.

  • 2011-4-13

RESOLUTION: Add delay attribute to all form controls that support incremental, optional to implement, defining minimal delay in milliseconds with implementation-specific default

  • 2011-2-23

RESOLUTION: We drop seconds-from-dateTime which returns epoch in favor of XPath 2.0 function, and use of XPath 2.0 date comparison for the motivating use case

  • 2011-1-12

RESOLUTION 2011-01-12.1: We accept the select1 and empty items erratum in

  • 2011-1-5

RESOLUTION: We accept the erratum that empty string as matching an empty item in select1 in XForms 1.1.

  • 2010-1-1

RESOLUTION: Use the function version of transform

  • 2010-9-22

RESOLUTION: For we allow that the lists remain together and you can have stuff before, after, and both.

RESOLUTION: We unresolve to add a pattern MIP to XForms 1.2

  • 2010-9-1

RESOLVED: We agree with on XPath 2.0 function signatures.

  • 2010-7-14

RESOLUTION: All new XForms functions will only be available in the XForms namespace, all functions that are available in XForms 1.1 will be available in both the default and the XForms namespace

  • 2010-6-9

RESOLUTION: For we use @replace='all' with @target on submission rather than making up a new @replace value.

  • 2010-4-7

RESOLUTION 2010-04-7.1: Forms WG encourages XForms 1.1 implementers to provide early experimental adoption of "multiple MIP" resolution appearing in

  • 2010-3-31

RESOLUTION 2010-03-31.1: In XForms 1.2, the ref attribute always returns a nodeset; we allow the ref attribute everywhere that nodeset is currently used; we deprecate nodeset; if both are present, the ref attribute takes precedence. The consuming element decides what to do with the nodeset.

RESOLUTION 2010-03-31.2: We encourage implementors to experiment with @ref-everywhere now; we encourage authors who wish to experiment to use @ref or @ref plus @nodeset.

RESOLUTION 2010-03-31.3: @xforms:bind and @xforms:ref are allowed as global attributes. They return a nodeset, and the consuming host language decides which additional services of XForms to associate with that nodeset (e.g. UI bindings)

  • 2010-3-24

RESOLUTION: For XForms 1.2, we will specify UI events designed for form author use, and will test for coverage and ease of use against use cases, and will separately consider the question of events for custom controls or model-only processors, and will make good-faith efforts not to impede that direction in the future.

  • 2010-3-25

RESOLUTION: The current "XForms for HTML" document is renamed to "XForms attributes for HTML".

RESOLUTION: For XForms 1.2, we relax the constraint that only one MIP can apply to a given node. Depending on MIP: type: logical AND; constraint: logical AND; required: logical OR; readonly: logical OR; relevant: logical AND; calculate: "disallow"; p3ptype: "disallow".

RESOLUTION: We deprecate p3ptype in XForms 1.2.

  • 2010-3-26

RESOLUTION: The primary use case for JSON with XForms 1.2 is to support interaction with existing data-centric JSON services, not for full-fidelity document-centric XML import/export.

  • 2010-3-3

RESOLUTION 2010-03-3.1: For validation and schemas, we keep label first in controls as it's so specified in the XForms 1.1 Recommendation.

RESOLUTION 2010-03-3.2: We plan to investigate relaxing ordering constraints for labels and other elements in XForms 1.2.

  • 2010-2-24

RESOLUTION 2010-02-24.1: Dispatching xforms-submit-done and xforms-submit-error after submission/@replace='all' is optional and is not as important as other considerations, such as conforming to non-XForms user agent requirements of showing the page's URI and back button. While some non-native (JavaScript and server-side) XForms+XHTML implementations have been able to use techniques to retain most of these advantages in the complex cases of POST with application/xml serialization, we still see it as more important to conform to greater user-agent expectations in easier cases, such as <submission method='get' replace='all'>.