Compressed uploads
Need to be able to say on the upload:
mediatype="*/*; encoding=gzip"
if the bound node is base 64 or hex type, then it will base64 or hex after compressing. if bound node is anyURI, then it should just compress and then store the binary data in a file and put the file URI into the node.
Also want to be able to force base64.
mediatype="*/*; encoding=base64-gzip"
This is needed to force base64 encode because it's a pain in the neck to assign the base64 type to the target node.
Then, on an output, we need to be able to say
mediatype="*/*; encoding=gzip" mediatype="*.*; encoding=base64-gzip"
In these cases, the proper base64 decode will happen but be followed by gzip decompress.