Annotation Use Case Simple Content Wrap With Server-Side Selection List

From W3C XForms Group Wiki (Public)

Annotation Use Case Simple Content Wrap With Parameters And Server-Side Selection

In this example the user will select an region of text on the screen and select an annotation function. When the annotation function is selected it will prompt the user for an input parameter. This parameter will use the data on the input panel to add information to the annotation. The panel will use the selected text as the input to a query and display a list of matches from a server-side service.

An example of this is the person annotation. Here is the text before the annotation event:

  When the team met Sally for the first they were impressed by her programming skills.

When the user selects the word Sally a model date selector panel will appear and prompt the user with a list of all know people with the name "Sally". After the user select one name and selects "OK" the following markup might be present.

     When the team met <person id="p12345">Sally<person> for the first they were impressed by her programming skills.

The client will need to be responsible for sending the query to the server and returning a list of possible matches. If the person is not on the list the user may add a new name and the server may then assign a new ID to the name.