W3C Jigsaw
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This resource class provides access to Jigsaw logging properties. It allows you to change the logging properties of Jigsaw.


The LoggingProp class inherits from the following classes:

Attributes description

The HTTPResource defines the following attributes:


This property gives the name of the logger class to use. The logger class can be any class that implements the logger interface. Right now, the only implemented logger is the CommonLogger. If undefined, Jigsaw will not log any requests, and emit a warning at startup time.
This attribute is a computed ClassAttribute
default value
This attribute has no default values, which means that no logging will be performed unless you set it.


This property should give the name of the error log file. The error log file is used when some abnormal situation is encoutered inside the server. Abnormal, here, means a situation that the server can't cope with (i.e., implementation bugs), rather than just HTTP errors (which are logged in the above log file).
This file is also used by the server to trace important configuration actions.
This attribute is a computed FileAttribute
default value
If not defined, this property defaults to <w3c.jigsaw.root>/logs/errlog


This property should give the name of the log file to which the logging record will be emited. Note that this property is a property of the CommonLogger (and any of its subclasses), rather than a property of the logging system as a whole.
This attribute is a computed FileAttribute
default value
If not defined, this property defaults to <w3c.jigsaw.root>/logs/log


This property should provide the name of the trace log. The trace log is used to output debugging information when the server is turned into debug mode. To turn the server into debug mode, two properties have to be turned to true (depending on what part of the server you want to debug):
Make the core server emit traces.
Make every clients emit traces.
This attribute is a computed FileAttribute
default value
If not defined, this property defaults to <w3c.jigsaw.root>/logs/tracelog


The size of the log buffer to use. This property defines the size of the buffer used before flushing the output log. It is highly recommended to keep this value at least as high as it is. You may still, however, set it to 0 in order to prevent any buffering of log writing.
This attribute is a computed IntegerAttribute
default value
This attribute defaults to 4096.

Jigsaw Team
$Id: w3c.jigsaw.http.LoggingProp.html,v 1.1 1996/09/11 21:44:16 abaird Exp $