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The CvsDirectoryResource allows you to control the CVS status of the files under some directory (which itself, should be under CVS control). This resource allows you to add, remove, update and commit files. It also provides you with the log and the diff with the latest version of any file.

The best way to use it, is through a directory template, that maps any CVS directory to this resource (see the resource factory documentation for more informations).


The CvsDirectoryResource class inherits from the following classes:


The CvsDirectoryResource uses the following properties (when defined):


This property should provide the absolute path of the cvs program.
default value
This property defaults to /usr/local/bin/cvs


This property should give the absolute path of the CVS repository.
default value
This property defaults to /usr/w3.org/pub/WWW


This property should provide the absolute path of the cvs wrapper program. In order to run cvs in the appropriate directory, the CvsDirectoryResource runs cvs through a shell script. This shell script is provided with Jigsaw distribution (in the w3c.cvs package).
default value
This property defaults to /afs/w3.org/usr/abaird/Jigsaw/bin/cvs_wrapper

Attributes description

The CvsDirectoryResource defines no attributes.

Jigsaw Team
$Id: w3c.jigsaw.cvs.CvsDirectoryResource.html,v 1.1 1996/04/16 22:58:37 abaird Exp $