Chinese layout progress

From Internationalization

This table shows status of sections for Chinese Hanzi Text Layout with FPWD in mind.

Meeting minutes

2015-02-23 CLReq Meeting 中文排版规范例会

Links to content can be found at

~ in progress
🗸 done
🗴 not relevant

Section zh en Source Xlation Polish HTML Notes
1 緒論 Introduction 🗴 🗴 🗴 🗴
1.1 本文件之目的 Purpose 🗸 🗸 · ·
1.2 本文件之撰寫方針 Basic principles 🗸 🗸 · ·
2 中文排版基礎 Basics 🗴 🗴 🗴 🗴
2.1 中文排版所 Chinese typesetting 🗸 · · ·
2.2 中文常用字型 Fonts 🗸 · · ·
2.3 基本版面 Basic layout ~ · · · zh ready 21 mar, may merge with 2.5
2.4 書寫方向 Writing direction 🗸 · · ·
2.5 設計基本版面 Kihon hanmen ~ · · · zh ready 21 mar, may merge with 2.3
3 行內文字排版處理 Inline layout 🗸 · · · publish what we have
3.1 內文樣式 Inline styles 🗴 🗴 🗴 🗴 add content after FPWD
3.2 標點符號於行內之位置 Prohibition rules 🗸 · ·
3.3 中文與拉丁文字混排處理 ?? 🗸 🗸 · ·
3.4 Ruby標音與註解 Ruby 🗸 ~ ·
3.5 段落對齊 Paragraph alignment 🗴 🗴 🗴 🗴 some zh but not for FPWD
3.6 Tab處理 Tabs 🗴 🗴 🗴 🗴 not for FPWD
4 標題、註解與圖片、表格的排版處理 Titles, tables, etc 🗴 🗴 🗴 🗴
4.1 標題與分頁 Titles & pagination · · · · no zh but may be use external info
4.2 註解的排列 Annotations 🗴 🗴 🗴 🗴
4.3 圖片與表格與計算公式的處理 Pictures, tables... 🗴 🗴 🗴 🗴
A 中文標點符號表 Punctuation table 🗸 · · ·
B 詞彙表 Glossary ~ · · · done by 28 mar


  1. Merge all of the content from Bobby and Ethan;
  2. Create a table of content(with index);
  3. Figures;
  4. Check for SC differences, and decide what to do about it;
  5. Translate;
  6. Get R12a to polish the english version;
  7. A checklist for the table of content;