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Dublin June 2013 f2f and showcase
From MultilingualWeb-LT EC Project Wiki
1 Attendees
- Felix Sasaki (DFKI / W3C Fellow)
- Dave Lewis (TCD)
- Pedro L. Díez Orzas (Linguaserve)
- Phil Ritchie (VistaTEC) I am on vacation but it is 90% certain that Melanie Howes will attend on my behalf.
- Ankit Srivastava (DCU)
- Karl Fritsche (Cocomore)
- Jirka Kosek (UEP)
- Yves Savourel (ENLASO)
- Leroy Finn (TCD)
- Declan Groves (DCU)
- Milan Karasek (Moravia)
- Olaf-Michael Stefanov (JIAMCATT) (Invited expert)
2 Location
Lloyd Institute 1.07,Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2.
3 Templates
- Poster template
- slide template
- Unifying symbol: see basic symbol from Dave
4 Topics
Topics already part of or to be added to the agenda:
- For monday: finalize Tuesday schedule (see e.g. mail from Jirka) and rehearse.
- Review of sec1-2. Input: Media:Its20-for-editing-sec1-sec2-sec1-2-only.docx doc version of sec1-2.
- Meeting planning: September (17-18 at Walldorf tbc), November (Madrid tbc).
- Goals by end of June and end of September - health check with internal milestone list.
- Beyond 2013 - ITS IG.
- Synergies between MQM and ITS 2.0, see related mail
5 Agenda
Dates: 17-18 June.
5.1 17 June
NOTE: we will have a gotomeeting test 4:30-5:00 p.m. local time. Remote presenters for Tuesday, feel free to dial in if you want to test your connection. Dial in details to be provided.
- 09:00 meeting start - check agenda
- 9:00 - 10:00 editing of sec-1-2 in three groups. Goal: find editorial issues to be implemented by the co-editors, and discuss bigger issues during the f2f meeting.
- 10:00 Last call issue review. See http://tinyurl.com/its20-comments-handling . Goal: close all five issues, add keywords in tracker.
- 10:45 Coffee Break
- 11.15 Test Suite Review http://tinyurl.com/its20-testsuite-dashboard . Goal: check who will finalize conformance classes within this week.
- 11:45 Action item review https://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/track/actions/open?sort=owner . Goal: check what action items are critical for finalizing ITS 2.0.
- 13:00 Lunch
- 14:00 Deliverables update. Goal: check current state of deliverables.
- 14:30 Meeting and Event Schedule. Progress on 'Virtual workshop' dissemination (report from FEISGLITT and LocWorld), discussion of Kimmo’s mail on event about content providers, page about "ITS implementation incubator" (Serge)
- 15:00 Call with Arle about MQM / ITS 2.0
- 15:30 Coffee break
- 16:00 Preparing for showcase
- 17:00 wrap-up
- 17:15 close
5.2 18 June morning: ITS 2.0 showcase
- 9:00 Meeting start and ITS 2.0 birds eye view - Christian Lieske (SAP) Felix Sasaki (W3C / DFKI) (slides)
- 9:15 Simple Machine Translation, Translation Package Creation, Quality Check - Yves Savourel (ENLASO) (slides)
- 9:45 CMS implementation of ITS2.0. CMS to TMS System: Drupal to GBC Server / PLINT - Pedro L. Díez Orzas (Linguaserve) and Karl Fritsche (Cocomore)(slides)
- 10:15 HTML-to-TMS Roundtrip using XLIFF with CMS-LION and SOLAS - Moravia / TCD / UL
- 10:45 Break
- 11:15 Online MT System Internationalization - Pedro L. Díez Orzas (Linguaserve) (slides)
- 11:40 Reviewer's Workbench: Harnessing ITS Metadata to improve the human review process – Melanie Howes (VistaTEC) (slides)
- 12:05 ITS 2.0 Metadata and Machine Translation - Ankit Srivastava (DCU) (slides)
- 12:30 ITS+HTML validation and ITS support in DocBook - Jirka Kosek (UEP) (slides)
- 12:50 Demos from implementers not present at the meeting.
- Text Analysis for Named Entity Recognition and Enrichment - demonstrating Enrycher (slides).
- ITS 2.0 Enriched Terminology Annotation - demonstrating Tilde showcase (slides)
- NIF conversion - Sebastian Hellmann et al. (slides)
- ITS in Libre Office - demonstrating ]init[ plugin (slides)
- Visualization of ITS 2.0 Categories - Logrus (slides)
- 13:50 Return on investment and wrap up
- 14:00 Get together lunch buffet
5.3 18 June afternoon: WG discussion continued
topics to cover:
- review, see https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Team/multilingualweb-lt-partners/2013Jun/0012.html (MLW-LT project internal link)
- XML Schema for ITS
- Best Practice Topics: 1) XLIFF mapping 2) PROV-O mapping 3) LQI mappings 4) CMS-interop and Readiness 5) CAT tool UI mapping
- Source code from Tilde https://github.com/tilde-nlp/taws , see also documentation at https://github.com/tilde-nlp/taws/wiki/TAWS-Technical-Documentation
- 16:30 Close