Felix Sasaki fsasaki@w3.org
These are so far personal comments, NOT on behalf of the I18N WG.
ID | Location | Comment | Additional information | Accepted |
1 | General | General. How can xml:lang be extracted from data and preserved with a query? How can this be done without littering all elements with unnecessary xml:lang attributes? The function fn:lang, defined in the specification on functions and operators, provides some solution for the extraction of xml:lang, but not for its generation in the output. Something like the namespace-alias technique proposed by xslt 2.0 might be useful for this purpose, see http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-xslt20-20050404/#namespace-aliasing | Based on Martin's review, comment [6]. See Bugzilla | resolved, but no information about resolution is available. Would be good to know it. |
2 | General | General. There should be more non-US examples. For example, it is very difficult for somebody not from the US to understand why there are no Deep Sea Fishermen in Nebraska. | Based on Martin's review, comment [9]. See Bugzilla | accepted |
3 | Sec., Content (and other places) | Serializing atomic values by inserting spaces may not be appropriate for Chinese, Japanese, Thai,..., i.e. languages that don't use spaces between words. This has to be checked very carefully. | Based on Martin's review, comment [8]. See Bugzilla | rejected |
4 | Sec. 3.7.2 | Not requiring CDATA constructs to be serialized as CDATA sections is a good idea, because it helps dispell the idea that CDATA sections are semantically significant. | Based on Martin's review, comment [10]. See Bugzilla | accepted |
5 | EBNF | For collations, namespaces, schemas, and so on, the production 141 "URILiteral (app. A. 1) is used, which refers to a "StringLiteral". "URILiteral" should be changed to "IRILiteral", and the reference section should contain an entry to the IRI specification RFC3987. There should also be a clear indication how XML Base affects collations, namespaces etc. | Based on Martin's review, comment [13]. See Bugzilla | partially accepted. The non terminal "URILiteral" reflects some of the i18n-wg comment, but there is still a reference to IRI misssing. |
6 | General | It is only implementation-defined, whether XQuery supports XML 1.0 or XML 1.1 (defintion of implementation-defined). There should be a feature in XQuery which allows to choose between these two versions of XML. | See Bugzilla | - |
7 | App. C.3 on Serialization Parameters | This table must be updated with the respective table from the serialization specification (http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt-xquery-serialization/#serparam). | See Bugzilla | - |
8 | App. I.6 | You refer to security conditions for URL (RFC 1738). Please refer to RFC 3986, section 7 instead. RFC 3986 updates 1738 and obsoletes 2732, 2396, 1808. It would be even better if you could refer to RFC 3987, section 8. | See Bugzilla | - |
Version: $Id: xquery-review.html,v 1.9 2005/05/25 03:18:24 fsasaki Exp $