This page is an archive of the previous Group's wiki from
Agenda for the 2007 TP
- DOM3-Events - WebAPI WG
- Using MouseWheelEvent from Web API instead of SVG's WheelEvent - WebAPI WG
- getURL/postURL compatibility with XMLHttpRequest - WebAPI WG
- Japanese taskforce and Japanese typography report
- @role and ARIA in SVG - XHTML2 WG, HTML WG
- Canvas (in SVG, and integration with Canvas) - HTML WG
- Inline SVG in HTML - HTML WG, CDF WG
- Document object implementing multiple *Document interfaces - CDF WG
- SVG Print XSL WG
- SMIL 3 DOM compatibility with SVG DOM SYMM WG
- HTMLMediaElement and SVG/SMIL audio/video DOM and functionality - HTML WG