This is a proposal for ISSUE-2283.
It is common to want to get the bounding box of an element in a different element's coordinate space. This can be computed in script, but it is tedious. For example with the following document:
<g id="A" transform="..."> <g transform="..."> <path id="P" d="..."/> </g> </g>
Say you want to click on the <path> and create a <rect> as a child of g#A that shows the bounding box of the <path>. You need to:
- do bbox = P.getBBox()
- Construct SVGPoint objects for each of the four corners of bbox
- do m = P.getTransformToElement(A)
- Transform each of the four SVGPoints with m
- Compute the bounding box of these four points (a bunch of Math.min() and Math.max() calls)
- Create the <rect> and set its x/y/width/height based on this computed bbox
A few approaches to simplify this have been discussed, and the one we seemed to settle on was to introduce a new method that can return the bounding box of another element in the current element's coordinate space.
Proposal: Extend the SVGLocatable interface with a getBBoxOf method:
interface SVGLocatable { ... SVGRect getBBoxOf(SVGLocatable element); };
which does the following:
- Let this be the SVGLocatable element on which the method was called.
- Let r1 be the result of calling element.getBBox().
- Let p1, p2, p3 and p4 be the four points of r1 (in any order).
- Let p5, p6, p7 and p8 be the four points p1, p2, p3 and p4 transformed from the coordinate space of this to the coordinate space of element.
- Let r2 be a new SVGRect object that is the tight bounding box in the coordinate space of element that contains p5, p6, p7 and p8.
- Return r2.