F2F/TPAC 2013/Agenda proposals
To request an item for discussion at TPAC 2013, add it to the list below.
- F2F meeting schedule for 2014 (ed)
- SVG DOM improvement proposal (Cameron)
- Deprecate/remove the SVGAnimatedBoolean interface? (single point of use in SVG2: SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement.preserveAlpha) (ed)
- Number accuracy (stakagi)
- Resource Priorities for svg:embedded contnt (stakagi)
- Go over issues list from Filter Effects (krit)
- Load events in svg (ed)
- Publication schedule for SVG specs in 2014 (ed)
- Animation Elements (Brian)
- SVG streaming update (Cyril)
- Should SVG Fonts remain in SVG 2? (Maybe the situation has changed since Opera now uses Blink?) (Cameron)
- defiition of 'zoom' for zoom media feature [FXTF?] (stakagi)
- zooming and panning (stakagi)
- Path rotation and new circluar/elliptical arc commands (Cameron)
- "SVGElement implements GlobalEventHandlers" / should onfoo event handler properties be on Element? (ed)
Thread: http://lists.whatwg.org/pipermail/whatwg-whatwg.org/2013-October/040980.html
- Should parsed unknown elements implement SVGElement? (ed)
Scheduling constraints
- Brian leaving Friday AM (would like to be present for at least Animation Elements and DOM improvements discussion).
If you want to dial in, please indicate below what timeslots would be most suitable for you (in Shenzhen local time please), and what topics you are interested in.